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Actual Attendees

Wajahat and Les. Bebo came down with a bad cold and could not attend.



Use of Zoom


  • Bebo contacted Amity to discuss futures, also see the recent history at the bottom under Old Information. Also the MA is very unreliable.
  • Amity responded 7/31/2019: with:
    • A document containing brief information about work completed  (for both android and data analysis team).

    • Confluence papers are online and the details are in PingerAmityStatus_pdf

    • The Resume of our current team members is also submitted .

    • We will fix a date around the first week of August. We will confirm the same soon. No confirmation by 8/26/2019. Bebo what do you propose next?




  • Following discussions with Bebo after the meeting, we agreed to let Amity take the leading role and will wait to hear from them.

  • Les also contacted Amity to see if they can provide any input for target sites in Jammu Kashmir so we can monitor them and look for any correlations in Internet performance following the revocation of JK's special status by India. See Jammu Kashmir 2019.

Adib  (Updated 7/22/2019)

  •  Adib submitted to "Socio-economic Development Indices and Their Reflection on  Adib submitted to "Socio-economic Development Indices and Their Reflection on Internet Performance in ASEAN Countries" to Journal: Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal. They have requested a re-submission since it is over the limit of 10 pages. Adib re-submitted 7/22/2019.
    • 8/26/2019 status of this submission has changed to Revision Requested.

NUST (Updated 7/24/2019)

Wajahat mentioned a possibility of proposing a project for,where it says "These grants will support research focused on the availability, reliability, and security of the Internet, with a particular focus on operational stability and security. The research outcomes should aim to expand access to knowledge, expand coverage for research applications and maximize the benefit to the community. Three small grants of USD 20,000 USD will be allocated, for a total of USD 60,000 in funding." 
  • Les put together a possible project based on providing a better understanding of routes between Internet hosts.  The early draft document is at:  This might be the basis for a proposal that Wajahat would lead. 
  • Wajahat reported at the meeting (7/23/2019) that he had submitted a proposal.
  • However, there was a section on a Business Plan, and Wajahat did not know how to respond to this and left it empty.
  • Didn’t go through due to lack of details.

There appears to be no response from NUST concerning the letter about PingER that Les sent them.

IPv6 host at NUST:

Wajahat has requested Hasan to install PingER on an IPv6 host at NUST, Saqib has contacted Hasan to tell him where to find and upload the code. There is not a host name for the MA yet. Hopefully, this will be available by next month's meeting.

  •  7/24/2019 Les emailed Wajahat with a request for an update.
  • At the meeting Wajahat had asked the student to contact Saqib and get the information on energizing IPv6. Saqib provided the information, but the student could not access the URL (apparently the URlLwas down). Wajahat was on leave and when he returned the internship had expired, so Wajahat is unsure what happened. Wajahat will start a new student next week and will set him on the IPv6 project. 

Wajahat has 2 students, he will propose some PingER related projects to them. He says students do not appear to have much interest in Internet monitoring and getting funding is a major issue.have much interest in Internet monitoring and getting funding is a major issue.

The recent move to revoke the special status of Jammu Kashmir may result  in impacts on the Internet performance, so we are looking for PingER target in JK. 

UAF (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad)/GHZU (Updated 8/24/2019)


Trying to find some Kashmir hosts.  Have 2 potentials.

Al hosts in Djibouti stopped responding, found another host via Wikipedia.

Les is trying to find some Jammu Kashmir hosts.  He has 2 potentials. He will Will share the information with Wajahat and Amity. See Jammu Kashmir 2019.

Al hosts in Djibouti stopped responding, found another host via Wikipedia.
