Versions Compared


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common_mode: number identifying the common mode method

OnOff parameter in makeCubeData

makeCubeData takes an optional parameter onoff=[0/1/2]. It is two by default which makes that the filter will be applied as given. onoff=1 means select laser-on events. The requirement that the optical laser is on is added, nothing else is changed. The outputfile will end on <…>_on.h5  onoff=0 selected laser-off events. If present, the laser-on requirement is flipped and criteria involving the timetool will be dropped. All other criteria remain. The outputfiles will not end in <…>_on.h5

 Production script

 Analog to and smallDataRun, there is a script called in the examples folder with a partnering cubeRun script. cubeRun has  -h option to list all other options. Most options are an analog to smallDataRun, minor differences are:


The hdf5 file also stores the pedestal and rms values. If the data is stored is "raw" format, then the big CsPad will have the shape of 32x185x388 instead of 1692x1691. The same is true for the pedestal and the rms. We also store the x/y values for each pixel. 

Cube data format

By default, the data gets saved in an hdf5 file in /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<expname>/hdf5/smalldata

and the files have names like Cube_<expname>_Run<runnumber>_<cubename><optional _on/off>.h5

Advanced options (in progress)
