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NUST: (Updated 3/3/2019)

  • Wajahat raised the topic: We also need to formulate some research problems that have the potential of appearing in some well-known places. This might help in attracting NUST students which is getting harder these days. I need your help in this regard.

    Discussion . (Wajahat was this useful? Is there something else? Email sent 3/15/2019):

    • There is a web page at Future PingER Projects which was last updated July 2018. Topics that currently stand out include:
      • Applying Blockchain to PingER data, see the paper by Saqib, here.
      • Graphical traceroute maps.  Note currently when one looks up the location of a router, it usually gives the location of the home site that is managing the routers, e.g. ESnet routers in the US and Europe are all identified as being at LBL. Using ping minimum RTTs to a router from multiple sites (e.g. the perfSONAR traceroute servers in the US, Canada, and Europe, see one can use trilateration to identify the location of the router. Earlier work on this can be found at
      • Deploying Android/Pinger devices, understand how their low cost (cheap enough to be disposable), low power (e.g. use of solar power) and potential mobility may be used, i.e. the risks, mitigations, and benefits.
      • Linked Open  Data applied to PingER data.
      • Using PingER data as a source of big data to search anomalies, trends etc.
      • Case studies, e.g. can one identify the impact on networking of social unrest such as the current Venezuala difficulties, or of other events such as earthquakes or Tsunamis.
        • I have increased the number of working  Venezuelan target hosts monitored from SLAC from 3 to 8, to possibly assist in this.
        • Another interesting case study would be to look at the impact of hurricanes on Internet connectivity in say the Caribbean, see for example Hurricanes Irma and Maria 2017
      • Compare and contrast IPv6 with IPv4 behavior, identify outliers and understand - Umar, Les, and Saqib are looking at this.
    • Also, see PingER Papers and Presentations for some topics that have recently resulted in papers.
    • Are any of these of interest?
  • Wajahat also suggested a letter to the higher-ups at NUST about PingER would assist.  Les worked with Wajahat to craft such a letter.

Saqib sent email to Wajahat:

  • As discussed in the last meeting, kindly check if it is possible to get an IPv6 address in NUST for installing an IPv6 MA in PK. I will also contact PERN regarding the possibility of getting an IPv6 address. 
  • Wajahat is moving from one office to another in NUST. There are IPs but he has not been able to get to the right person. He will update if the situation changes. Email sent 3/15/2019 requesting an update.

 UAF/GHZU (Updated 3/3/2019)


Sent reminder emails 8/6/2018. 9/3/2018.


PingER at SLAC  At Bebo's suggestion, Les put together on the Impact of last year's hurricanes Irma and Maria on the Carribean Internet connectivity, see Hurricanes Irma and Maria 2017


HostStatelast seenStatus
pingeramity.inUnable to gather data since March 29, 2019, unable to ping it, sent email 4/3/2019, got response (4/3/2019) they will look into it.March 29, 2019 
rainbow.inp.nsk.suUnable to gather data starting March 19, 2019. The host is pingable and web is responding. Email sent 4/3/2019. Recommend update ping_table.plMarch 19, 2019

Stopped being pingable 2/25/2019. Thus by default the gathering failed. Gathering also fails to . Emailed Charnsak 3/4/2019, 3/15/2019.


Down, it came up Sep 2-4, 2018. It is pinging, however, all the targets are not responding after 31 tries, email sent to Wajahat 9/18/2018. As of 10/14/2018 it is not pingable. Working again as of 1/5/2019.

It started again1/26/2019. It does not respond to pings from SLAC but does respond to which is used to get the data.  However, the data indicate that none of the pings respond, e.g. 100 1548633600 31 0

i.e. all 31 pings fail and  0 give any response.

When one tries to ping from using the web page responds but all pings from isra fail. Email sent to Wajahat 1/28/2019. Started working again 1/30/2019. Stopped being pingable and unable to gather data 2/11/2019. 3/2/2019 can gather data but all the pings are failing. This is not a normal failure mode. Emailed Wajahat 3/3/2019, 3/15/2019.

March 6, 2018

Fixed 1/5/2019

Failed again starting 1/26/2019.

Working again 1/30/2019 to gather data since March 26, 2019March 26, 2019 the request of Wajahat re-enabled but unable to gather data  
