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Draft, in work.

Table of Contents

Include Page
Xtc Topic Map
Xtc Topic Map

Generating Xtc

For tutorial purposes, the following streamlined example shows XXX. For an example involving more detectors, formats and algorithms, see xtcdata/xtcdata/app/

A Notional DAQ Harness

Let's motivate the example. Assume we're developing a an Xtc writer class to output CSPAD data. This class will get plugged in to a (notional) DAQ framework.

Code Block
# Assume some totally made-up data acquisition callback framework named DAQFramework
# Developers of the psdaq package are welcome to come in and change this toy example
# to match the real DAQ API.

CSPADXtcWriter padwriter()

DAQFramework.registerHandler("configure", padwriter.setup)
DAQFramework.registerHandler("runstart", padwriter.setup)
DAQFramework.registerHandler("readout", padwriter.writeImage)
DAQFramework.registerHandler("runend", padwriter.writeFile)

"setup" Method: Set Up The Names Structure

Deck of Cards
labelCoding Steps

Register the algorithms and "shape" of the data associated with detector elements to tell the processing pipeline how to process the data.

  1. First some plumbing...
    1. Create an XtcData:Dgram as the root container.
  2. Next code sample description.



At some initialization step, for example in response to a DAQ configure signal:

  • Subclass XtcData::VarDef to build a data structure specific to the detector in question.



"writeImage" Method: Add Readout Data



Parsing Whole Xtc Files and XtcIterator.hh


Use of Xtc Small Data Files

this might be duplicate of what's on top page

Notes for Real-World Code

Realistic Xtc Writers

  • (You'll likely need to sub-class from XYZ in order to ABC)

Realistic Xtc Readers

  • (You'll likely need to sub-class from XYZ in order to ABC)

Full "Hello Xtc" Code Listings

CSPADXtcWriter Example

Code Block
#include "xtcdata/xtc/ShapesData.hh"
#include "xtcdata/xtc/DescData.hh"
#include "xtcdata/xtc/Dgram.hh"
#include "xtcdata/xtc/TypeId.hh"
#include "xtcdata/xtc/XtcIterator.hh"
#include "xtcdata/xtc/VarDef.hh"

using namespace XtcData;

#define BUFSIZE 0x4000000

	// Squirrel away algorithm definitions in a VarDef
	class PadDef:public VarDef
		enum index

				Alg segmentAlg("caspadseg",2,3,42); // alg name, major, minor, patch)	
				// We get a NameVec by subclassing from VarDef
				NameVec.push_back({"arrayRaw", segmentAlg});

	// Define some instance variables.
	this->xtcoutfile = null;
	this->PadDef = new PadDef();
	this->configDgram = _initializeConfigDgram();
	this->namesVec = std::vector<NameIndex>


Dgram& CSPADXtcWriter::_initializeConfigDgram()

	void* configbuf = malloc(BUFSIZE);
    Dgram& config = *(Dgram*)configbuf;
	config.xtc.contains = tid;
    config.xtc.damage = 0;
    config.xtc.extent = sizeof(Xtc);

	return config;


void CSPADWriter::_addNames()


void CSPADXtcWriter::setup()


void CSPADXtcWriter::writeImageopenFile(xtcoutfilename)

	FILE* this->xtcoutfile = fopen(xtcoutfilename, "w");

void CSPADXtcWriter::openFilewriteImage()


void CSPADXtcWriter::closeFile()
