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  • A remote controllable XY stage lifted into ESTB tunnel behind Caladium. This is intended to support the LBNL cosmic telescope in horizontal position (1x1 foot cross section 4 feet long) and followed by another siclicon silicon sensor Carsten wanted to mount right behind it. This needs a total of ~56 inch length between the two objects. Carl found a metal plate to stack on the top deck to extend the platform longitudinally. The top surface is ~20cm below the beamline. The LBNL telescope can probably lie on the deck with the feet retracted fully up.
  • Doug checked the XY drives of the back stage (Beckoffs BKH21: B061 Big Bertha) and they seem to be functional. Y move very slow. Not sure where we are on range. 
  • Juan installed wireless router in the tunnel at middle entrance - visitor network strength full bar.
  • Placed 7 web cams around Caladium. The AXIS types are back to life again (we missed the power supplies previously).
  • One HSIO2 already in place for DUT readout when needed. 


  • LBNL party arrives ~1pm after fueled with dim simsum
  • 2-3pm: half of LBNL party in 116PRA. Others+SLAC continue installation
  • 3:45pm ESTB orientation (AD106 training) for all new comers
  • Dry runs without beam


The backstage X motor exercised and looked like we can move all the way between the two stoppers with at least 50cm worth of travel range. We moved the stage to be ~6-7cm from the wall side stopper so that the vertical post on the stage is also on the wall side with 5cm clearance from beam. The stage drive can move +x to bring the cosmic telescope back to beam line when the telescope feet are placed o nthe on the marked positions.   

~10pm: exited ESA to let MCC try secondary beam.


13:00  Carsten called. Lead Glass counters (Scope ESA brown trace) was left at 900V and 10mV/div scope display last night in anticipation of primary beam. He raised the HV (to 2K?) and scope back 50mv/div.  Signal size 50-100 mV for the ~50 particles per shot. He moved the counter slightly to verify signal went away so it looked like crudely beam doesn't have duffused diffused tail.    

14:00 Full set of 3000e threshold tunes obtained for the LBNL cosmic telescope modules and they are temporarily stored at /home/beam/daq/rce/moduleconfigs/fei4bexample/ directory on esadutdaq1 for the RCE DAQ calibrations with the 6 modules give a temp  name 94-22-0x (x=0-5) until their real IDs are known.   


10:25 AM  Discussion with Ben decided that we should aim for 1 particle in RD53A per shot. We are 2-3 times high wrt that. The beam spot is nicely spread over almost the full MiMOSA area quite uniformly so that we should try to preserve. Called MCC to request reducing rate which they offered to try inserting the screens which didn't seem to make that much difference until the last screen. Carsten called to complain the strategy as he believes inserting screen after SL-10 might distort the exit particle moment spectrum to let in some potentially unwanted low momentum particles. Carsten talked to MCC for a revised configuration to work on the SL-10 slit to narrow the momentum phase space but hopefully not disturbing the large uniform spot. This appeared to have returned us to the previous state with 8-9 partcles particles on MIMOSA. Called MCC to try narrow SL-10 from -0.6mm to 0.7mm. This lowered the MIMOSA rate to 2 or 3 particles while RD53a was ~0.6. So we tried to go back some to 0.65mm which brought the rate back up to (cluster multiplicity) of ~6 and RD53a having ~1.5. Decided to keep running with this. Carsten noted that the SL10 readback was still front/back 0.69,0.7 which implies that the SL10 drive to 0.65 is beyond the actual drive precision (SL10 is a very heavy object) not nudged it enough to make the difference. For further tweaking of the rate up, Carsten recommended only driving only the back edge of SL10.               


16:26: Started Run 441 with both RD53a with two FE-ID set distinctively. Offline checks confirmed hits possition position correlation between RD53a and MIMOSA.

16:50  Tried to run Cosmic Telescope with cosmicGui withe with "scintillator trigger" being the beam trigger over LEMO, but no triggers seen. Upon checking Event Log from Sep/2016 session, it was noted there that the beam trigger came over with BNC cable was NIM. HSIO2 LEMO trigger is expecting TTL. 


18:20  Upon restart, the beam trigger no longer was no longer firing. Had to access again to back out the beam trigger T to NIM-TTL for the cosmic telescope. The 2016/Sep Even log did say the NIM signal on the BNC cable for the TLU was already rather marginal in amplitude and the was the last feather broke the camel. Wie We probably should undo the T spaghetti on the beam trigger to use the NIM fanout to distribute replicated NIM signals cleanly.    


RunStartEnd time#eventsRD53a DUTParticle rateComments
408 10:02 D25 / 10Rate slightly high at MIMOSA ~25 particles/xing
409 10:20 D25 / 10 
418 11:3410KD 6 / 1.5After requesting MCC to reduce rate
420 12:0910KD 6 / 1.5 
423 12:4810KD 6 / 1.5 
425 13:2810KD 6 / 1.5 




 6 / 1.5 
428 14:2610KD 6 / 1.5 
430 15:309KD 5 / 1.2Just after access
434 15:372KC,D 5 / 1.5 RD53a_1 (C) has ~10 clus/evt
435 15:59 C,D  
441 16:35 C,D RD53a module ID more distinctive
445 17:07 C,D  
446 17:4110K


447 17:585KC,D5 / 1.53? RD53a DUT mon folders RD53a_200 always empty
456 19:242KD Missed YArrproducer0 Yarrproducer0 at restart
457 19:5910KC,D  
458 20:3310KC,D6 / 1.9 
459 21.04


C,D6.6 / 2.1 
