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  • LBNL party arrives ~1pm after fueled with dim sim
  • 2-3pm: half of LBNL party in 116PRA. Others+SLAC continue installation
  • 3:45pm ESTB orientation (AD106 training) for all new comers
  • Dry runs without beam


First beam ~9pm


Caladium beamline move postponed until first beam run through. Debated whether that needs to be primary beam or not. Eventually MCC will just try secondary to avoid the need of RP survey. 

Dummy runs with Caladium only worked out smoothly ex expected.

Carsten's (actually Chris Kenney's sensor) silicon sensor will be mounted near the dump area instead and not interfering with our setup.

LBNL party arrived 10min before the controlled access search so just moved some equipment into ESA and then exit to allow the search.

ESTB orientation AD106 done by Keith for 6 new people.

RD53A test setup moved along but not completely done yet until tomorrow. The beam trigger is Teed to fanout several copy of it for the L1 timing tests so that TLU entrance signal is slightly delayed than usual. Cosmic telescope modules are mounted but powering/readout not yet connected. One LV banana plug looks like is missing the tightening screw. 

The backstage X motor exercised and looked like we can move all the way between the two stoppers with at least 50cm worth of travel range. We moved the stage to be ~6-7cm from the wall side stopper so that the vertical post on the stage is also on the wall side with 5cm clearance from beam. The stage drive can move +x to bring the cosmic telescope back to beam line when the telescope feet are placed o nthe marked positions.   

~10pm: exited ESA to let MCC try secondary beam.

10:30pm MCC thought they are close to be done with tuning so we started to move Caladium coarse X in reduced x direction and running the Caladium only readout. Before reaching the beam spot, the secondary scatter was ~50 particles/shot but once beam spot came into the frame, that turned to be more like 2000/crossing. Beam spot was also very wide in X ( more than the 2cm MIMOSA aperture). Asked MCC to reduce rate and spot size. a few tries didn't make much impression until a move to close down SO10 to -0.5. That brought the rate down to ~100 particles/crossing. Beam spot is filling good fraction of aperture ans looks like a good tuning setup to start with tomorrow. Run 336 tuning beam spot picture below. 

Done for tonight      


  Plan of the day: 

  9am-9pm Day shift will continue with 5Hz beam running with XPP as primary expt. We expect to start ~9am for access to continue towards full setup for RD53A and cosmic telescope then run until 9pm.