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ThursdayNov/1Dismantling previous experiment. We might be able to get into ESA to prepare sometime in the afternoonESA setup preparation starts 10am.
FridayNov/2Day: preparation  /  Night: first beam ~9pm
SaturdayNov/3Day: beam run  / Night:  MD, no beam to ESTB
SundayNov/4Full day Day: ESTB beam / Night: no ESTB beam
MondayNov/5Full day Day: ESTB beam / Night: no ESTB beam
TuesdayNov/6Full day Day ESTB beam  / Night: no ESTB beam
WednesdayNov/7Day: ESTB beam until ~11pm end of period


Schedule discussion with Carsten:  Thursday 9am beam off to dismantle previous expt. SD will meet Carsten 10am at ESA to start process of moving Caladium back on beam line and decide how long a section of the beam pipe should be taken out (next experiment will need them reinstalled). Will also look for the support platform for LBNL cosmic telescope. Also confirmed we need the Wednesday day shift beam at the end.  


Our plan declared at 4:15pm weekly planning meeting. Learnt that the Sunday-Tuesday night shift MEC experiment LU57 is out of the usual ESTB friendly mode for this period with special ultra-stable beam requirement which will take the full 120Hz and not be able to split off 5Hz for ESTB. Friday night shift with XPP is still OK for ESTB, while Saturday-Wednesday Day shifts will have the regular 5Hz 11 GeV beam for ESTB. Friday-Saturday will run with whatever ESTB setup known previously, while Sunday onwards can get dedicated beam tuning from Toni Smith.


Preparation started at ESA:

  • A remote controllable XY stage lifted into ESTB tunnel behind Caladium. This is intended to support the LBNL cosmic telescope in horizontal position (1x1 foot cross section 4 feet long) and followed by another siclicon sensor Carsten wanted to mount right behind it. This needs a total of ~56 inch length between the two objects. Carl found a metal plate to stack on the top deck to extend the platform longitudinally. The top surface is ~20cm below the beamline. The LBNL telescope can probably lie on the deck with the feet retracted fully up.
  • Doug checked the XY drives of the back stage (Beckoffs BKH21: B061 Big Bertha) and they seem to be functional. Y move very slow. Not sure where we are on range. 
  • Juan installed wireless router in the tunnel at middle entrance - visitor network strength full bar.
  • Placed 7 web cams around Caladium. The AXIS types are back to life again (we missed the power supplies previously).
  • One HSIO2 already in place for DUT readout when needed. 


Plan of the day: 


  • Move Caladium into beamline and try dummy runs. 
  • Drill holes on top plate of the back stage and prepare L anchor on Bosch frame to get ready for mounting the LBNL telescope
  • Mount Carsten's silicon sensor on mini stage onto the back stage   
  • Fix focus of two AXIS web cams (13,14). 
  • Check EPICS remote control of PSUs and possibly add some channels.
  • Exercise backstage XY drive to map out the adjustable range
  • Locate all 3 unused DUT DAQ Ethernet lines and test+tag them 


  • LBNL party arrives ~1pm after fueled with dim sim
  • 2-3pm: half of LBNL party in 116PRA. Others+SLAC continue installation
  • 3:45pm ESTB orientation (AD106 training) for all new comers
  • Dry runs without beam


First beam ~9pm