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No intern has joined Wajahat's Lab. So there is not much progress.


Wajahat proposes to get a list of the new Universities in Pakistan and contact them encouraging them to participate in PingER and set up MA. They have made a list of new university sites, communications networks, Labs in different regions of Pakistan (especially the remote regions) and will make contact.


  • The list of new universities is ready. Just need resource to engage them. 
  • Unsure how this is affected by lack of interns.

Wajahat is hoping to get few students to work on Master thesis related to pinger data. If possible kindly share ideas related to data analytics which he can share with students

  • Suggestions anyone?

 Wajahat also asked:

  •  “Has any work gone into to predicting the cause of failures(black out, flood, coup (turkey)) using pinger data?”
  • Les> there have been several case studies looking at the impacts of failures, however nothing on predicting failures. I am not sure how one might  use PinGER to predict the cause of a failure. For some cases (e.g. earthquakes, tsunamis, flood, coup), it is unclear to me how Network performance monitoring could add to other means of predicting the cause.
  • Wajahat's thinking is along the lines of "Regarding other sources, I was thinking, internet is the pulse of digital world. Other sources require additional setup that might not be a possibility in developing countries. Internet being a necessity and having other uses is still prevalent in these developing countries. Can it be used as a real time sensor."
  • Again I am  forwarding the question in case others in the team may have some suggestions?

There is an upcoming grant call for projects between Pakistan and the US. Topics may be focused on cybersecurity, health, and education. It has not been announced yet. Wajahat will get the details and share them with the team as soon as they are available. It is interesting since getting a US partner appears to be a roadblock for many potential Pakistani responders. However, the topics may not be very related to PingER. NUST is looking at applying to set up a cyber lab. Getting the funding will be in competition with other Pakistani Universities. For cyber the main things we could think of from PingER were: quantifying what fraction of hosts block pings, punching holes in firewalls to allow pings, how to misuse ping (e.g. ping-of-death, or using anomalous ping packets to deduce the OS etc. flood pings for DOS), the host can respond to ping but applications do not work.  Fear of misuse of pings can result in the system administrator, network administrator or cybersecurity blocking pings. A possibility might be a study of what fraction of say working www/dns etc. apps (i.e. checking if a host responds to the relevant port) do not respond to pings.  This could be by application, by country or by region etc.  Also how to protect a remote pinger traceroute or server from being used in DOS attacks. As of 3/27/2018 there is no call so far. There was one last year, so Wajahat is expecting one. Emailed Wajahar 6/3/2018 asking for update. He responded "There is no call yet. There was one last year. May be change in the US-Pak policy. Just a guess."

SLAC was unable to gather data from:

There is an upcoming grant call for projects between Pakistan and the US. Topics may be focused on cybersecurity, health, and education. It has not been announced yet. Wajahat will get the details and share them with the team as soon as they are available. It is interesting since getting a US partner appears to be a roadblock for many potential Pakistani responders. However, the topics may not be very related to PingER. NUST is looking at applying to set up a cyber lab. Getting the funding will be in competition with other Pakistani Universities. For cyber the main things we could think of from PingER were: quantifying what fraction of hosts block pings, punching holes in firewalls to allow pings, how to misuse ping (e.g. ping-of-death, or using anomalous ping packets to deduce the OS etc. flood pings for DOS), the host can respond to ping but applications do not work.  Fear of misuse of pings can result in the system administrator, network administrator or cybersecurity blocking pings. A possibility might be a study of what fraction of say working www/dns etc. apps (i.e. checking if a host responds to the relevant port) do not respond to pings.  This could be by application, by country or by region etc.  Also how to protect a remote pinger traceroute or server from being used in DOS attacks. As of 3/27/2018 there is no call so far. There was one last year, so Wajahat is expecting one. Emailed Wajahar 6/3/2018 asking for update. He responded "There is no call yet. There was one last year. May be change in the US-Pak policy. Just a guess."

Discussion items

Wajahat is hoping to get few students to work on Master thesis related to pinger data. If possible kindly share ideas related to data analytics which he can share with students

  • Suggestions anyone?

 Wajahat also asked:

  •  “Has any work gone into to predicting the cause of failures(black out, flood, coup (turkey)) using pinger data?”
  • Les> there have been several case studies looking at the impacts of failures, however nothing on predicting failures. I am not sure how one might  use PinGER to predict the cause of a failure. For some cases (e.g. earthquakes, tsunamis, flood, coup), it is unclear to me how Network performance monitoring could add to other means of predicting the cause.
  • Wajahat's thinking is along the lines of "Regarding other sources, I was thinking, internet is the pulse of digital world. Other sources require additional setup that might not be a possibility in developing countries. Internet being a necessity and having other uses is still prevalent in these developing countries. Can it be used as a real time sensor."
  • Again I am forwarding the question in case others in the team may have some suggestions?


SLAC was unable to gather data from:
  • ( down since Nov 22/2017. Wajahat recommends continuing at least until the new student is up to speed (3/8/2018). No data available 3/24/2018.
  • last time we were able to gather any data was February 27th.
  • pings but can't gather data 8/11/2017 and 9/16/
  • ( down since Nov 22/2017. Wajahat recommends continuing at least until the new student is up to speed (3/8/2018). No data available 3/24/2018.
  • last time we were able to gather any data was February 27th.
  • pings but can't gather data 8/11/2017 and 9/16/2017. Contacted. Pings but can't gather data 10/24/2017. They are in the process of restoring 1/17/2018. Still down February 28, 2018, await new student. (3/8/2018). No data 3/24/2018.
  • unable to gather data since 3/6/2018, also does not ping.
  • Wajahat says they will get these nodes up. These have been good nodes. They just need the weekly push. NUST will push them soon.


IPv6 node in Beijing is up and running for the last 3 weeks but not available from outside China. Does this host have a name or what is its Iv6 Address (is the latter  2001:da8:270:2018:f816:3eff:fef3:bdf3)? Is it possible to make it accessible from say SLAC ( Is there an update?

Saqib has run Umar's scripts to compare ping vs TCP. It took about 4 days and Umar has the results.

Saqib has noted that the RTTs from SLAC to China tend to be greater than those from SLAC to S. E. and South Asia.  Looking at the monthly avg RTTs from SLAC to: Japan, China, S. E. Asia and South Asia. Les does not see this, it needs further investigation. Below are the RTTs from The Directivity is described in It is a metric to identify the directness of the connection between 2 nodes at known locations. Directness values close to one mean the path between the hosts follows a roughly great circle route. Values much smaller than 1 mean the path is very indirect. 


Region/Country25% RTT(ms)Avg RTT(ms)Median Rtt (ms)PairsMedian Directivity
S. E. Asia217235236830.58
South Asia269287286460.44

sent email to the team:

in early years of PingER, the framework was designed to check the latency and other Internet performance metrics between CERN and SLAC to facilitate the data transfer between the two sites.

Discussion item

Saqib sent an email:

I am thinking, is there any possibility to use PingER to monitor the health of the Bitcoin blockchain network? Since the latency is critical in Bitcoin blockchain network as all the incentives depend on the propagation of transactions and mined blocks. Thus, I am only interested in measuring the latency to check its effect on the propagation of the transactions and mined block among different mining pools. I think if we can do such thing on a historical basis as PingER already does for the Internet, it will increase the worth of the framework and its usability.

Maybe a few test experiments can guide us to a good research paper. I am not sure about the feasibility idea, therefore, need your kind feedback

Umar responded:

This is an interesting idea. I would like to think about it a bit more thought before I respond at length.
From what I gather, nodes in the network may appear and disappear without notice. Therefore, it is safe to assume that the network state is changing at all times. I wonder, what is it that we would be measuring, for it to be meaningful. Would it be the latency between full nodes? Would it be the latency from a PingER monitoring node to the full nodes? Would the monitoring nodes be representative of typical clients? Is latency the metric to measure? What are all the projects  that measure latency or other metrics? (The bitcoin nodes project is interesting, which shows the size of the network. Similarly, the project that measures average-transaction-completion time is relevant. As you pointed out, the bitcoin stats about data exchange are relevant too.)
Thank you for sharing the URLs. I will think about it a bit more and get back to you.


PingER at SLAC (Updated 5/5/2018)

Umar looking at extending the comparison IPv6 vs IPv4 ping RTTs and TCP vs ICMP/ping RTTs. See Towards Analysis of ICMP vs TCP Ping Latencies
