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Wajahat Hussain (SEECS) (may not be able to join); Saqib; Johari?, Saqib (GZHU)?; Johari (UNIMAS)?;  Adib (UUM)?; Fizi Jalil (MYREN);  Dr. Charnsak Srisawatsakul (Ubru), Les+, Bebo, Umar-+

+ Confirmed attendance

- Responded but  Unable to attend: 


  • Their PingER MA is up and running and we are successfully gathering some data.  
    • However, there is a problem with not being able to find data in the requested time window.
    • There is also a problem with a missing beacons.txt.
    • Les is working with Amity, emails sent May 28th and June 3rd, 2018.
      • Need to load most recent version of gathering application ( to assist in diagnosing problem.
      • Check if Amity can upload beacons.txt table from SLAC.
  • The Android version of the PingER MA is now looking at how to store the data and set up a proxy.
    • We are looking at how to store the data and set up a proxy 


Looking into moving PingER to a "blockchain" database good for decentralizing distribution of data. Monitoring sites would then be able to write to a distributed ledger. This would change the architecture to a more peer to peer architecture. It helps with continuity of PingER since reduces dependence on a single site (SLAC). See Block Chain in Future PingER Projects. Bebo sent several references to Saqib who has looked at them. We could start with real-time data without including the whole archive, i.e. in parallel to the continued centrally managed archive. It would be a private Blockchain and hence not be as compute intensive as a public blockchain.  Johari is also interested and will follow up with Bebo and Saqib. Saqib gave an outstanding presentation at Guangzhou. There were a lot of discussions. Saqib has submitted to IEEE transactions and should hear mid May if it has been accepted. The conference is in September. Saqib and Bebo will discuss the next steps. Saqib will try and find a graduate student to work on it.

Thailand (Updated 6/3/2018)


Adib, Bebo, Les met with Southampton Web observatory person. There seemed to be enthusiasm. Adib was going to send some materials to Southampton. The person at Southampton gave us some links. Adib is in the early stages of exploring what web observatory data to link with such as business context indicators, social media and  and government sites. There was no update 3/29/2018, or 5/3/2018. Any update?
