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datadata fileshas run_params.json with beam parameters
generatorsevent generators 
generators/egs5egs5 event generator 
generators/madgraph4MadGraph4 generator 
generators/madgraph5MadGraph5 generator 
pythonPython scripts 
python/hpsmcPython framework scripts 
python/jobsPython job scripts 
python/testPython test scripts 
scriptsscripts (bash, csh, XML, etc.)Miscellaneous helper scripts and other scripts processed by CMake
scripts/mc_scriptsAuger based scriptsBackup of JLab Auger MC production scripts (not used by hps-mc)
scripts/run_paramsscripts for printing run paramsBackup of JLab scripts (not used by hps-mc)
scripts/MadGraphscripts for printing information from LHE filesBackup of JLab scripts (not used by hps-mc)

Additionally, the following directory structure is installed to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

binexecutables and scripts 
libprogram libraries 
lib/pythonpython framework and scripts 
shareproject data 
share/detectorsdetector description files (LCDD)used when running SLIC
share/fieldmapsfull B-field mapsused when running SLIC

The bin dir contains a large number of scripts and binaries that are created during the build process.

egs5_*egs5 event generation executables 
stdhep_*StdHep tools 
hps-mc-env.shBash setup script 
hps-mc-env.cshCSH setup script 
lcio_dumpeventutility for dumping LCIO event data 
hps-mc-bsubwrapper for submitting LSF jobs 
hps-mc-jsubwrapper for submitting Auger jobs 
hps-mc-workflowwrapper for creating job workflows