Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titlecollection property and methods
               aggregate                    find_one                     next                         
               bulk_write                   find_one_and_delete          options                      
               codec_options                find_one_and_replace         parallel_scan                
               count                        find_one_and_update          read_concern                 
               create_index                 full_name                    read_preference              
               create_indexes               group                        reindex                      
               database                     index_information            remove                       
               delete_many                  initialize_ordered_bulk_op   rename                       
               delete_one                   initialize_unordered_bulk_op replace_one                  
               distinct                     inline_map_reduce            save                         
               drop                         insert                       update                       
               drop_index                   insert_many                  update_many                  
               drop_indexes                 insert_one                   update_one                   
               ensure_index                 list_indexes                 with_options                 
               find                         map_reduce                   write_concern                
               find_and_modify              name                                                      
Code Block
titledocuments = col.find(...) methods
              add_option()        count()             max_time_ms()        
              address             cursor_id           min()                
              alive               distinct()          next()               
              batch_size()        explain()           remove_option()      
              clone()             hint()              retrieved           
              close()             limit()             rewind()            
              collation()         max()               skip()              
              collection          max_await_time_ms() sort()              
              comment()           max_scan()          where()             
Code Block
titledocument properties
             clear()      get()        pop()        update()               
             copy()       items()      popitem()    values()               
             fromkeys()   keys()       setdefault()                        


Tentative model of the calibration store
