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Time & date 

Thursday, January 18th  8 pm Pacific time;  Friday, January 19th, 2018  9:00 am Pakistan time; Friday, January 19th, 2018 12:00 noon Malaysian and Guangzhou time; and 11 am Thailand time.


New items and updates are in bold face.

Coordinates of team members:


Requested Johari  to add Dr. Charnsak Srisawatsakul <>, Skype ID charnsaksrisawatsakul



Wajahat Hussain+,, Muhammad Anas Abrar (SEECS); Saqib+, Aqsa (UAF); Johari?+, Adnan Khan (UNIMAS);  Badrul,  Ridzuan, Ibrahim (UM); (UTM); Adib?, Fatima (UUM); Fizi Jalil (MYREN);  Dr. Charnsak Srisawatsakul?, Les+, Bebo+

+ Confirmed attendance

- Responded but  Unable to attend: 

? Individual emails sent

Actual Attendees
  • Wajahat, Charnsak, Bebo and Les
  • Les was confused on the time of the meeting, and so was about 50 mins late in initiating the meeting. As a result, it is possible Saqib, Johari and Adib were not able to join.



  • Manuscript titled - Clustering Analysis of PingER Network Data for Vardha Cyclone has been PEER REVIEWED and ACCEPTED for publication in the Confluence-2018:8th International Conference: on the theme “Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering”  to be held on 11th - 12th January 2018 at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India. 

  • Amity provided progress/code/screen shots of the pinger android implementation attached. We have also attached the executable file.
  • Their PingER MA system has crashed and they are reinstalling the project.
    • They have understood the procedure and will be implementing the steps as soon as their major exams get over (18th of December).   Sent reminder 1/8/2018/


Looking into moving PingER to a "block chain" database good for distribution of data. Hot topic. Monitoring sites would then be able to write to a distributed ledger. This would change the architecture to a more peer to peer architecture. Help with continuity of PingER. Might be compelling.  See Block Chain in Future PingER Projects. Saqib is interestedUpdate?  


  • Bebo responded: "The discussion dealt with the possible use of block chain technology with PingER independent of bitcoin. However, an understanding of bitcoin applications and how they interact with a blockchain would probably be useful." 

  • Bebo would be interested in the syllabus for the Block Chain course. Wjahat provided Taha's email address ( and will put Taha in contact with Bebo.


We now have two MAs in Thailand: (in NE Thailand) and (in Bangkok). The former has just been added. Both are working, SLAC is gathering data and the analysis is now available.    Dr. Charnsak fixed the inbound firewall rule to enable pings.


UUM (No input from Adib 12/7/2017)

  • The paper on Internet Performance and its Reflection on Socioeconomic Development in the ASEAN Countries to IEEE Access.


They are focusing on the hosts they can ping. In many cases the researcher has left and others do not see the purpose. Wajahat will keep trying pointing out the value for international research and papers.

UNIMAS (Johari unable to attend 9/21/2017, 10/2617 12/07/2017 so no update)

  • Johari attended a workshop organized by UNESCO about experience in China and Malaysia on analysis and visualization. He talked to several researchers from China. He will send a paper to a journal to see if there is interest.
  • Johari is teaching this semester, he will enter the Raspberry Pi image into Dropbox or Github in the next few days.  Bebo will follow up with Github information.
  • He is looking at updating the PingER Malaysia web site.
  • He has been unable to contact Hafiz to get MyREN monitor at UNIMAS working again. 
  • Writing a paper. Les will review and then Johari will submit. No progress 3/14/2017. Looking for a good journal 5/18/2017.

UAF/GHZU (Saqib) MA is down due to a possible security issue. Update 12/4/2017.


Currently, no data is available on PingER on Android due to unavailability of the live IP address. No update 4/19/2017, 7/6/2017. Email sent to Sara Masood. No update 9/24/2017. Any update 10/24/2017. Update 12/4/2017?

PingER at SLAC

Working with Saqib to test to make it work with IPv6 servers and targets.


HostStatelast seenStatus to gather data missing XML/, email sent 6/28/2017, no response.May 22nd to gather data since July 17 2017, also does not ping by IP address, by name gives Name does not resolve. Sent Email 8/9/2017. Name does not resolve, address resolves to 2017Does not ping Pings but nothing else. Emails sent June 6, 2017, June 28, 2017, August 9, 2017.Mar 9thDown

Due to a major issue with the cluster's electrical infrastructure we will have to shut down all machines, in order to preserve our hardware. The cause of the outage is still being investigated. Emails 11/21/2016, 8/9/2017. Given up. Disabled.

Sept 31, 2016Does not ping

Next Meeting

Next meeting:  Thursday, February 22nd  9pm Pacific time; Friday, February 23rd, 2018  9:00am Pakistan time; Friday, February 23rd 2018 12:00noon Malaysian and Guangzhou .time; and 11am Thailand time.


Old information

UUM (moved here 10/24/2017)

"BIND: An Indexing Strategy for Big Data Processing" that uses PingER data. Submitted and accepted by the 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) that takes place in November. In Penang Malaysia


The paper title: "Detecting Anomalies from End-to-end Internet Performance Measurements (PingER) using Cluster Based Local Outlier Factor" is submitted in ISPA 2017 ( It has been accepted as of 9/17/2017.

The thesis of Aqsa Hameed title “Applying Data Mining and Visualization Techniques on Pinger Data” is published in and is accessible through

SEECS (moved here 9/19/2017.)

  • Aqsa who was working with Saqib submitted  "Applying Big Data Warehousing and Visualization Techniques on pingER Data",  Aqsa Hameed, Dr. Saqib Ali, Dr. Les Cottrell and Bebo White, to BDSEA 2016.
  • I see it is available from ACM online on the following link: for $15.
  • This might be useful to Wajahat's student.

Amity (moved here 9/16/2017)

Preparing a paper on the impact of the cyclone Verdha that hit the Indian coast along with many countries like Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Maldives on December 6th. They use K-Means clustering (see to identify anomalies in packets received (inverse of loss) and maximum RTT. Note that for December 7th the reduction in packets received.

Amity (moved here 5/18/2017)

From: Aayush Jain <>


Subject: PingER Android Team

Abstract for PingER on Android

Progress Made So Far

So far Shivnarayan Rajappa and Rohan Sampson’s team have succeeded in making a bare-bones Android Application that can ping beacons, parse data, and generate a text file in a format specified by SLAC ready for uploading. The proposed model involved the application pulling the beacon list from SLAC’s servers for pinging. However, the present application has a small percentage of the beacon list hard-coded into the application. As of now, the link between the application and proxy server has not been established.


By the end of the project, the server will be able to handle multiple hosts which would all forward it data, and it would in turn reorganise it again for SLAC’s servers to pull.

Amity (moved here 4/13/2017)

  • The paper on Implementation of PingER on Android has been accepted by IEEE Section. The paper to be online will take  5 months. 
  • Students are very interested in working with different projects. They have divided the students into three batches (each batch has min of 4 students).  The  projects currently  they are working are:
    • android, 
    • data analysis(vardha cyclone) 
    • and bigdata

Amity (moved here 3/12/2017)

The students successfully presented the paper on the PingER implementation on the confluence 2017 conference.. The paper is submitted to IEEE section. 


  • During the next 6 months their research will  study the impact Vardha cyclone that hit the Indian coast(South India/Chennai) and a few other neighboring countries in December 2016 as seen bu PingER. 

    • The idea is to study and  analyze the PingER data during the corresponding time frame  and deduce significant trends and patterns from the data using

    •  1. Clustering techniques
       2. Time series 
       3. Correlation and Regression concepts

Amity - Java approach (A. Sai Sabitha and Shivnarayan Rajappa)
  1. They are using the native java tools, they are not running the <>  script on android since the native java tools have the following advantages
    1. easier for user, 
    2. no need for prior installation of any software, e.g. load perl interpreter which may require missing skills, especially for a non technical user
    3. doesn't need a rooted phone
    4. only the apk needs to be installed to run
  2.  They have fixed the final sequence number change by using regex, and  pushed these changes to github repository.

  3. They have installed apache tomcat in the server and plan to use a java file on the server which would connect to the phones that send the request. This java file will then take the input stream received from the phone and write the output stream to a file that would be stored on the server. We are facing some problems regarding a blocked port that is not allowing the phone to connect to the server we are currently working on resolving the issue.

  4.  SLAC can then regularly pull these files which would be stored based on the month they are received. 

  5. The Android students have started writing a paper on " implementation  of pinger  on android " .

  6. Next steps:

    1. Extend the target list by getting the Beacon list from SLAC. It is at on a regular basis and updating the <BeaconList> section at their site. This was part of

    2. Also they will need a utility to clean out old recorded data (say older than 3 months), since it will be gathered from SLAC (via the proxy) and eventually they may run out memory on the Android.

To a large extent it depends on how we plan to use this.
