Versions Compared


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Note - psana has not been ported to python 3. The python 3 environments do not include software to work with LCLS experiment data files recorded by the data acquisition system.


Notes on Provided Conda Environments

  • source conda_setup -h for full help on the script
  • after sourcing conda_setup, you can execute the undo_conda command to restore your environment
  • see conda ana release notes for release notes on these environments
  • to switch to an older environment called name, you can use conda_setup with the --env name arguments, or use the standard conda source activate name command.


Moreover it is possible that we install a package that is limited to rhel7. Today - the only such package is tensorflow.

Test Release

Adding a Package




User Conda Environments

A great way to experiment with a new package is to create your own conda environment and install it there (this is similar to using virtualenv). This will work fine for environments with a small number of pure python packages. However if you want to create your own environment that looks like a clone of a LCLS environment like ana-1.0.7, that you then extend, there are some issues

  • If you will use these environments across rhel5, rhel6, and rhel7 - All user conda envs live in one place, so you will have to name your environments based on the os and manage it (ie, myenv-rhel6, myenv-rhel7, if you will be putting psana in your myenv)
  • There are issues with the conda create --clone command, for instance, mpirun does not seem to be installed properly in the cloned environment
  • The biggest issue, is that all 3GB of software in the LCLS environment will get copied into your home directory.

Supporting softlinks from user home directories to a central package repository is a feature under development at continuum, and the LCLS Data Analysis group could add better support for user conda environments if this is an important feature.



Old Notes - to be removed - revised


 Conda based Psana in LCLS central install
