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#6 - Epix neighbor exclusion

The mask created by this algorithm includes, along with the pixels above the thresholdThis algorithm ignores pixels above histoRange and, unlike algorithm #4, their neighbors. The statistics will be poorer because there will be less fewer pixels used in the common mode, but possible energy leakage from the pixels containing photons will not be included. The parameters are:


Below is an example block of code showing how to call this algorithm and pass it arguments for some dataset and detector.

Code Block
for nevent, evt in enumerate(
	if nevent == 10:
	# cmpars = [6] because this is the 6th common mode algorithm and it must be in a list format
	# Add arguments on as seen fit
    nda = det.calib(evt, cmpars = [6], rms = det.rms(evt), maxCorr = 25)
