Versions Compared


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LBNL: Katie Dunne, Timon Heim, Peilian Liu, Ben Nachman, Maurice Garcia Sciveres
SLAC: Nicole Hartman, Peter Kim, Martin Kocian, Rob Mina, Francesco Rubbo, Su Dong
ANL: Sergei Chekanov
KEK: Koji Nakamura 

Shift Schedule


Thursday Sep/299am – 9pmSergei, Su Dong, Timon, Ben, Katie
Thursday – Friday9pm – 9amPeilian, Ben (->1am), Timon (->5am), Sergei (4am->)
Friday Sep/309am – 9pmSu Dong, Nicole, Sergei (->11am)
Friday – Saturday9pm – 9amTimon (->5am,10am->), Peilian, Rob (5am->)
Saturday Oct/19am – 9pmSu Dong, Rob(->10am), Ben (10am->), Timon(10am-2pm)
Saturday – Sunday9pm – 9amNo shift, LCLS at low energy. Ben and Su Dong switching cold->warm setup
Sunday Oct/2

9am – 9pm

Ben, Peter, Katie
Sunday – Monday9pm – 9amSu Dong, Nicole
Monday Oct/39am – 9pmFrancesco, Peter
Monday – Tuesday9pm – 9amBen, Rob
Tuesday9am – 9pmSu Dong, Peter, Rob

Event Log

Sep/19-26 prep      


  • Started Run 751, -36C, Ileak=340uA. Moved Yfine up by 4mm but moved more like 8mm. This run covers X=(42 - 62). 12K events. The histogram save for this didn't work. I rushed starting next run before this was complete ?         
  • Started Run 752, -34C, Ileak=380uA. Move Yfine back -4mm to recover the last strip X=(30 - 50). 12K events.
  • 17:20 MCC called asking to taking beam to full 120Hz to primary expt briefly. Ended run 752 with ~5K events. Missing saving histogram.
  • 17:26 They returned faster than I thought. Run 753 continue with same setup as last run. End with 7.5K events.
  • 17:52 Run 754: Yfine +4mm back to X=42-62 strip again. Ended wtih 9K events.
  • 18:26 Run 755: Yfine +4mm to the final strip X>60. Ileak=480uA. Tgas=-31C.   
  • Access to swap in LUB2 since it looks like the LUB2 runs missed beam spot. Took out the wood chip to get block in contact to dry ice partition and sprayed some dry ice from chamber to DUT chamber. Moved HV control back to Bertan remote control. DUT box Xfine shifted x+28mm to compensate for the removed wood chip. Whole Caladium dropped 2mm to allow beam seeing full DUT height. 
  • Operator told me no more beam after 9pm. LCLS going to low E. There might be chance for intermitant beam tomorrow afternoon.
  • 20:50 Gas temperature is dropping very slowly and only reached -26C. Can get HV to 600V but ran out of time to locate beam spot and they are changing beam energy already at 8:55pm. Looks like this is it for the cold run. Out of beam and out of dry ice.