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  • Some description and tutorials how to take the calibration scans is All figures correspond to the previous scan on Sep 29 ( RTISC2B/config/RTISC2B__cern__93.cfg)
  • 5.00AM: New ANALOG and THRESHOLD scans. It was found that, without calibration, we see large number of low-efficient analog channels. About 70% of channels have 40 counts (50 expected). This drastic difference compared to Sep 29, right after installation of this module, when about 1% of channels showed 40 counts (mostly for first 2 rows). The noise level from the threshold scan increased by a factor 2. Low voltage increased to 2.32A (from 2.08A)
  • 5.15AM: New calibration for the RTI module is RTISC2B/config/RTISC2B__cern__158.cfg.  After the calibration,  it was noticed a large number of bad modules, large noise 400e, and the  analog scan has more loses on the left edge.
  • Preliminary conclusion: Similar to the red module installed on Sep 28, the green module shown signs of the degraded performance for the analog part: lower efficiency and a larger noise after 6h inside the test beam setup. This cannot be related to the beam, since there was no beam for the red module on Sep 28. This also not related to the light, since the sensor of the green module was covered.
  • New calibration RTISC2B/config/RTISC2B__cern__225.cfg
  • 08:36: Doug and Juan sent by Carsten are helping us with the Trigger. We found where it is patched from crate B060-14 signal J10 (as it is #10 in the tirgger panel). The issues of the small signal seems to be caused by a loose cable.
  • 8:58: beam on and we get triggers. Now looking into the actual data. Initial beam ~2 particles per pulse. 
  • 09:02: beam off for energy change, roughly 20 min
  • 09:29: beam back with higher intensity (~10 per pulse) using it to align the telescope. Needed to move whole telescope by a few mm in X and Y to center MIMOSAs to beam. Initial beam size (dX,dY) ~ (6mm,4mm). Asked Tonee to enlarge it but it appeared to be not simple. First attempt enlarged vertical size only at high X side and made it trapezoidal. Decided to pursue basic DUT test first and come back to this later. 
  • 80lb dry ice for the 2nd period is delivered to ESA. 
  • FE65_P2 took first data with Run 497 (not yet timed-in hits) by enlarging DUTMASK to 5 to include the first device, but without DUT device details so that online mon cannot yet process data. 
  • RTI with EUDET run used the configuration SLAC_1dut_FEI4B_RTISC4A.conf. Synched beam hits appeared right way but sparser than expected. Tried again later  got higher rate. 
  • 2:00: Brought the cooler for the dry ice from lab C and brought it into ESTB.  Matt is sick at the moment, so see Marco for help with lab things (for example, the blue gloves can go back to the table in the lab when we are done with them and he can put them back where they belong).  During the access, we setup the monitoring of the voltage and current from the HV power supply that is now remotely controlled.  The voltage seems roughly correct, but the current is too small to measure at the moment (below the pedestal).  These values are called Caladium HV-Imon or HV-Vmon in KL3404 in the Caladium Beckhoff epics panel. Imon seems to have a pedestal of 5mV while AVO measured 1.5mV.  
  • Finally managed to fully integrate YARR into EUDAQ with the converter so we can see the DUT in the online monitoring.  Now, working on timing in the FE65P2.
  • 5:00: Carsten stopped by to check on us.  There are only two operators this weekend, so we should be patient with them.  Some things we learned from this conversation:
    • If we need to show monitoring plots to MCC, might be easiest to just walk over there.
    • We can see the accelerator optics in the BSY (=Beam switchyard) on the ESTB epics panel.
      • SL10 (slit 10) is at 2mm and if closed, we can reduce the rate.
      • C24 (collimator) this can make the spot smaller (cuts into the edges)
  • Requested to MCC to enlarge beam spot and up the particle rate to get ready for FE65_P2 time-in. Made only little impression and ended up with a fan shaped spot. First did RTI+EUDET runs to try to center beam spot on the RTI sensor using the DUT stage fine adjustments. Looks like DUT Y is really Y, but DUT X was -x. The runs typically got stuck after 1500 - 2500 events due to RCE DUT readout hang and run would end there. The list of runs with EUDET+RTI:

    534Start position
    535fineX +5mm, fineY -2mm, then in the middle if the run fineY +2mm
    536fineX -2mm, fineY +7mm
    537fineY +2mm (bi-modal Y distribution. Sharper peak is the real spot)
    538fineY +2mm
  • While having shift change, dropped the IBL irradiated sensors LUB1,LUB2 to the freezer inside ESA.
  • 21:50: ACR called and said that apower supply of the A-band tripped, they are trying to send us as much as possible, but we basically only see noise. They called someone in who should arive in around ~20min.
  • 23:05: Tech is on site, ACR is guessing 1h to fix if fixable.
  • 23:30: Fixed! Beam back! ACR played around and cranked up the rate, we are now getting around 200 per pulse.
  • 00:22: Have tested every possible latency setting assuming the trigger arrives after the particle without success. Now seeing if it might be possible that the trigger comes from the future.
  • 00:56: Finally seeing particles in FE65-P2!! Confirmed trigger is from the future, to be precise particles come ~245 bc after (warning) trigger. Now taking some data.
  • Putting trigger signal on Scope ESA:SC03 channel 4, orange seems to be particles as they fit the timing described above
  • Run 596 probably first Okish run with FE65p2, TLU tag might be off.
  • Getting 800e per pulse, rate in FE65p2 seems low, moving 2mm up to 23mm for 597
  • 2mm more so 25mm for 599
  • Run 600 at 30mm
  • 603 22mm
  • Now module is constantly noisy ....
  • Sometimes noisy, sometimes not, no clue if i'm moving it in the right direction
  • Asking ACR to reduce number of electrons, slowly working our way to ~10
  • Run 615 adjusted to ~10e per pulse, letting it run for a while.
  • At this point we are flying blind again, I would need to know if this data can actually be decoded and if we are in the beam.
  • Starting 616, to take a closer look at 615.
  • We are calling it a night, I need to reconstruct this data to understand what is going on. More importantly I have serios concerns that the data format might not work with reconstruction and I need to know that in time. Will go to sleep and take a look with Ben tomorrow. The module will stick around and YARR data taking (except the noise issue) is very stable, so should be able to run in parallel to the irrad studies.
  • 02:26 : stopping and letting ACR know.