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This wiki page describes how to create a new unix hosted AIDA Data Provider.

An AIDA "Data Provider" is a CORBA server that implements the aidaObject IDL API and registers itself with the AIDA Directory Service on an AIDA network. AIDA Data Providers typically provide high performance, robust, access to scientific data of a particular kind, like beam synchronous orbit data.

To create a new data provider on unix, we begin on an AFS unix node and use facilities in the Aida makefile system for creating the CORBA stubs and skeletons of a new Aida server.


Code Block
alias aidaproclocal
java -server ${AIDABCSTRING} -Dooc.config=${AIDADEVROOT}/common/script/!:1.conf -
Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=!:2,server=y,suspend=n -Xms256m -Xmx256m edu.stanford.slac.aida.!:3* 


This section guides you through releasing the new data provider and its associated infrastructure.

CVS The new data provider source code

Add the new dp directory, from your area:


Code Block
cvs commit -m "Initial version"

CVS the makefile additions to make the new server, and its server config file.

Add dpRdb to MakefileAida.sun4, commit it.
cvs add DpRdbServer.conf, commit it.
Add DpRdbServer.conf to common/script/Makefile.sun4 and commit it.
gmaketst, dev,common/script, to release conf file.

Build the reference copy

Do initial checkout

Code Block
cd $CD_SOFT/ref
cvs co package/aida/edu/stanford/slac/aida/dp/dpRdb


Code Block
source $AIDASCRIPT/aidaSetEnvDev.csh dev
aidamake dpRdb (we'll "aidamake all" later, first test the examples test suite)

Create and cvs the type II startup file:

cvs add to st.DpRdbServer to package/aida/common/script
add st.DpRdbServer to Makefile.Host of package/aida/common/script
add AIDA_RDB_NAME to aidamanager
cvs commit st file and Makefile.Host, aidamanager
gmaketst, dev (can't do gmakenew of a type II startup file - only systems team can do that)

Teach procmanager and warmst about the new server

In common/setup/
setEnv.csh - release additions creating AIDA_RDB_*
gmaketst, gmakedev setEnv.csh

In common/tool
To procmanager, add AIDA_RDB_NAME
To warmst, add line for new server
commit procmanager and warmst
gmaketst, dev,
test aidamanager for AIDA_RDB_NAME,
Run the test suite you created for the server (as yet unreleaed) on the released server.
aidatest dpRdbTest 1 2 3 etc
if successful:
gmakenew common/tool
gmakenew package/aida/common/script

Release the test suite and clean up

cvs add
cvs commit
test the array extraction in matlab.
cvs add
cvs commit
