Versions Compared


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No Format
java -jar ~/.m2/repository/org/hps/hps-distribution/3.0.3-SNAPSHOT/hps-distribution-3.0.3-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar

The output of these commands will be something like this.

No Format
java -jar lcsim-bin.jar [options] steeringFile.xml
 -D    Define a variable with form [name]=[value]
 -b    Run in headless mode in which plots will not be shown.
 -i    Add an LCIO input file to process
 -n    Set the max number of events to process
 -p    Load a properties file containing variable definitions
 -q    Turn on quiet mode
 -r    Use a steering resource rather than a file
 -s    Set the number of events to skip
 -v    Turn on verbose mode
 -w    Rewrite the XML file with variables resolved
 -x    Perform a dry run which does not process events

Actually running steering files using this tool is covered elsewhere.

Congratulations!  You now have a working local installation of HPS Java.

Running HPS Java describes in much greater detail how to run command line tools in HPS Java using the distribution jar.

Using Distributions Jars from Nexus

As an alternative to the above instructions for building the software locally, you may also download and run the distribution jars from a Nexus repository.

This search URL will show all the available versions most recent release of the distribution jar that can be downloaded.

You can also get the latest version from Nexus at;quick~hps-distribution

Now you  You can simply click on the "bin jar" link for the distribution version you want to download, save it to your machine, and run it using the previous instructions.

You can directly download a jar using URLs like this which should work in tools like wget.

Subversion Credentials

HPS Java is publicly accessible as a in read only download from the server.  But valid mode.  Valid credentials must be supplied in order to commit your local source code changes to the repository.

titleRequesting a Subversion Account

In order to To request a username and password for the Subversion repository, please email <hps-software AT> indicating with your full name, desired username, and institutional affiliation.

To commit changes, the The username and password must be supplied to commit changes, or the command will fail:.

Committing with Username and Password

No Format
svn commit --username [username] --password [password] -m "commit message goes here" the/file/to/commit


In order to do this, the following XML can be put into the file ~/.m2/settings.xml which you should create if it does not exist already:

Example Settings for Dependency Resolution

No Format
<?xml version="1.0"?>
                    <name>org.lcsim Maven Repository</name>
