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The server VM has been optimized for peak operating speed rather than responsiveness.

Command Line Tools

Job Manager

The JobManager runs a series of Drivers defined in an lcsim xml file on input events from one or more LCIO files.  The job manager's is listed in the distribution jar's manifest file, making it the default program which will run when using the -jar switch.


If a detector name and run number are both supplied as arguments from the command line, the conditions system will be initialized and frozen, meaning that subsequent event numbers from data will be ignored.


Run Scripts


The EvioToLcio tool converts EVIO files to LCIO and optionally can run a steering file job on the converted events.  This allows the conversion and reconstruction to run in the same job/process for efficiency.

This tool has the following options.

No Format
[1037 $] java -cp ./distribution/target/hps-distribution-3.6-SNAPSHOT-bin.jar org.hps.evio.EvioToLcio
EvioToLcio [options] [evioFiles]
 -b         enable headless mode in which plots will not show
 -d <arg>   detector name (required)
 -D <arg>   define a steering file variable with format -Dname=value
 -f <arg>   text file containing a list of EVIO files
 -h         print help and exit
 -L <arg>   log level (INFO, FINE, etc.)
 -l <arg>   path of output LCIO file
 -m <arg>   set the max event buffer size
 -M         use memory mapping instead of sequential reading
 -n <arg>   maximum number of events to process in the job
 -r         interpret steering from -x argument as a resource instead of a
 -R <arg>   fixed run number which will override run numbers of input
 -t <arg>   specify a conditions tag to use
 -v         print EVIO XML for each event
 -x <arg>   LCSim steeering file for processing the LCIO events

The options are described here.

-bActivates batch mode plotting so plots will not be shown when running job. 
-dSet the name of the detector model. 
-DAdd a variable definition that applies to the input steering file. 
-fText file containing list of input EVIO files. 
-LSet log level.


Use logging config file or class instead.

-lPath of output LCIO file. 
-mSet the max event buffer size.Experts only.
-MUse memory mapping in EVIO reader instead of sequential access.Experts only.
-nMaximum number of events to process in the job. 
-RSet the run number to be used when initializing the conditions system. 
-tSpecify a conditions tag for filtering conditions records. 
-vPrint out EVIO converted to XML for every event.For verbose debugging of events.
-rInterpret steering file from -x as a classpath resource rather than a file. 
-xSteering fileCould be resource or file depending on if -r switch is used.

Here is an example showing how to use most of these command line options.

Code Block
java -jar ./hps-java-trunk/distribution/target/hps-distribution-bin.jar -b -DoutputFile=output -f evio_files.txt -l lcio_file_output -m 50 \
-v -M -n 1000 -d HPS-EngRun2015-Nominal-v3 -R 5772 -t pass1 -r -x /org/hps/steering/dummy.lcsim

Some of these arguments are similar to the job manager, but the steering file is supplied in a different way.  Evio2Lcio uses a command switch to specifiy the steering whereas the job manager expects this as an extra argument without a command switch.

Run Scripts

Logging and Debugging

Logging Config
