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A set of lcsim Drivers are used to process the raw data and produce collections of TracksClusters, and ReconstructedParticles.

Drivers are defined in an lcsim xml steering file read in by the lcsim job manager.  The manager's driver chain 

Quick Steps

  1. EVIO data files are converted to LCIO events using the EvioToLcio command line utility.
  2. The HPS Java reconstruction is run to produce physics object collections.
  3. The recon LCIO is converted to ROOT DST Data Format so that the events can be easily analyzed in ROOT.
  4. DQM files containing plots in ROOT or AIDA format may also be produced from analyzing the reconstruction output.


The HPS Java Documentation can be used to browse the packages and classes used for physics reconstruction.

 The following packages are related to physics reconstruction in HPS Java.

HPS Java Reconstruction Packages

Java PackageDescriptionNotesModule
org.hps.evioconverts EVIO raw data to LCIO evio
org.hps.recon.ecalECal reconstruction utilitiesprimarily for converting from raw data to CalorimeterHits ecal-recon
org.hps.recon.ecal.clusterECal hit clustering frameworkincludes recon clustering and GTP/CTP hardware emulation clusterersecal-recon
org.hps.recon.trackingtrack reconstruction from SVT hits tracking
org.hps.recon.tracking.gblGBLtrack refitported from C++ to Javatracking
org.hps.recon.particlebuilds ReconstructedParticles from tracks and clusters recon 
org.hps.recon.vertexingvertex reconstruction recon
org.hps.recon.filteringevent skimming utilities recon
org.hps.record.*utilities for various data types (DAQ config, SVT, etc.) record-util
org.hps.analysis.dataqualityData Quality Monitoring plotsrun on reconstruction outputanalysis

LCSim Packages

These lcsim packages are used extensively in the HPS Java reconstruction code.

Java PackageDescriptionNotesModule
org.lcsim.eventdefines physics event interfaces implemented by LCIOinterfaces used extensively in HPS Java Drivers 

EVIO Data Conversion

The EvioToLcio utility converts EVIO to LCIO using an LCSimEventBuilder implementation such as LCSimEngRunEventBuilder.  The generated LCIO events can then be optionally written to disk using an LCIODriver.  The physics reconstruction may also be run in the same process.
