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Note the /Display/ADU threshold is set to 20 by default, so any pixels with less than 20 ADUs will be displayed as 0.

Image control:

Clicking on the "Prev evt" and "Next evt" changes the event you are looking at.

"Save evt" allows you to save a Numpy array of the event that is on display.

"Generate Powder" launches an MPI job that saves a virtual powder pattern (mean,std,max) in a Numpy array.

"Load evt" allows you to load one of these Numpy arrays.

Hit finding parameters:

By clicking on /Hit finder/Classify, you can optimize the hit finding parameters for your experiment.


Tip: Clicking on a parameter value and hovering the mouse displays a short description of the parameter.

Diffraction geometry:

By filling in the detector geometry information in this panel, psocake will draw resolution rings.

You can override the resolution ring by specifying /Resolution rings/Resolution (pixels).

Image scroll:

Clicking on the "Load image stack" button in the Image Scroll panel will load 60 images in memory starting from specified Event Number.
