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Code Block
import psana
ds = psana.DataSource('exp=xppdaq12xpptut15:run=54:smd')
det = psana.Detector('cspad', ds.env())

# peak-finder initialization
from ImgAlgos.PyAlgos import PyAlgos
import numpy as np

winds = [(s, 0, 185, 0, 388) for s in (0,1,7,8,9,15,16,17,23,24,25,31)]
mask = np.ones((32,185,388))

alg = PyAlgos(windows=winds, mask=mask, pbits=0)
alg.set_peak_selection_pars(npix_min=2, npix_max=50, amax_thr=10, atot_thr=20, son_min=5)

hdr = 'Seg  Row  Col  Npix      Amax      Atot   rcent   ccent rsigma  csigma '+\
      'rmin rmax cmin cmax    bkgd     rms     son'
fmt = '%3d %4d %4d  %4d  %8.1f  %8.1f  %6.1f  %6.1f %6.2f  %6.2f %4d %4d %4d %4d  %6.2f  %6.2f  %6.2f'

for nevent,evt in enumerate(
    if nevent>5 : break
    print '%s\nEvent %d' % (80*'_', nevent)

    nda = det.calib(evt)
    print 'Calibrated data shape:%s dtype:%s' % (nda.shape, nda.dtype)

    # hit-finders
    thr = 20
    numpix = alg.number_of_pix_above_thr(nda, thr)
    totint = alg.intensity_of_pix_above_thr(nda, thr)
    print '%d pixels have intensity above threshold =%5.1f' % (numpix, thr)
    print '%.1f is a total intensity in pixels above threshold =%5.1f' % (totint, thr)

    # get 2-d array of peak parameters
    peaks = alg.peak_finder_v1(nda, thr_low=5, thr_high=30, radius=5, dr=0.05)
    #peaks = alg.peak_finder_v2(nda, thr=12, r0=5.0, dr=0.05)
    #peaks = alg.peak_finder_v3(nda, rank=3, r0=5.0, dr=0.05)
    print 'Array of peak parameters shape:%s dtype:%s' % (peaks.shape, nda.dtype)
    print hdr
    for peak in peaks :
        rmin,rmax,cmin,cmax,bkgd,rms,son = peak[0:17]
        print fmt % (seg, row, col, npix, amax, atot, rcent, ccent, rsigma, csigma,\
                     rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax, bkgd, rms, son)
