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This document is for developing a new schema for LCLS Hdf5 files - most important of which is to provide a src/type vs type/src hierarchy. Here is some text from the motivating JIRA issue (PSAS-101):

* Our hierarchy requires users to go through a potentially long list of Type names before they get to the data.
**    These typenames come from the C++ code and can be complicated.
**    Users are generally more familiar with sources, and in particular the DAQ aliases for the sources, these are currently not in our hierarchy.
* CalibCycle is not intuitive, and misleading for XPP due to when calibration data is created. They would like to call them CalibCycles stepsSteps in the Hdf5 file.

Initially, this schema could sit alongside the current schema and use softlinks to the actual data. This would not brake anybodies code. However I am interested in developing something robust enough that people are happy with for which we could replace the previous schema. Hence the below schema should be readable by frameworks as well as users browsing hdf5 files.
