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Time & date 

Next meeting:  Wednesday Wednesday Feb 4th 2015 8:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday Feb 5th  2015  9:00am Pakistan time, Thursday Feb 5th 2015 noon Malaysian time, Thursday  Feb 5th, 2015 02:00am Rio Standard Time.  


  • Following the workshop Johari contacted a  MYREN technical guy who seemed very interested and there has been an exchange of emails. PingER monitors have been installed and are working at MYREN hosts in Cyberjaya and at UNIMAS. The traceroute servers also work. They plan to add an extra 10 monitors. 
  • Anjum and Raja have been working on a paper on Geolocation as developed for TULIP. Using an exponential relation between the Directivity (Alpha) and RTT for Pakistan the accuracy is ~ 18Km. Now Raja needs to run for Europe and the US. Meanwhile Raja has got a job and has less time to work on this so it was stalled. Les contacted Raja and Raja agrees it is important to finish the measurements and the paper, and will endeavor to do so.
  • Anjum's contract has been extended for 1 year
  • Saqib's contract expired last month, he will be returning to Pakistan
  • The 2015 ICFA/SCIC reprt is completed. It is available at
  • Bebo will be in Kuching for the CITA 2015 (see an International Conference 4th - 6th August 2015, on transforming Big Data into Knowledge, Sponsored by UNIMAS and including workshops) that precedes the RAIN FOREST MUSIC FESTIVAL. Is there interest in co-locating a PingER workshop?  Also Ridzuan or Ibrahim or Renan have interest in submitting a full paper by March 2nd 2015. Johari will suggest to the conference committee on having a workshop/tutorial session about PingER project. We need a specific topic for the workshop, and it should be inline with the conference theme which is about big data, 

UUM is down Jan 31st, Feb 1st. Adib is trying to get more reliable power (UPS).  Adib will fix the latest outage.


No update 1/7/2015.

Maria Luiza Campos of UFRJ reports that there are people at UFRJ taking care of the PingER data analytics project at this moment. Maria is now in LOA Trento Italy for 1 year post doc. Adriana Vivacqua, is now in charge of this subproject at CRDB at UFRJ.  There are 11 people on the team: 4 professors1 post doc, 1 doctoral student, 2 masters students and 3 undergraduates.There is a document in which they describe the project proposal with more details. 

Renan should continue their work as soon as Cristiane Ceia begins her BSc dissertation thesis, in which Renan will be her co-advisor (together with Luiza).


Ibrahim has setup distributed hadoop clusters. He has 2TB of disk space. Les has provided information on getting a subset of PingER data by anonymous ftp via  It was put there last September. Information on how the data was put together is at is information on formatting etc at and some on the dataflows at at UFRJ has successfully used this data, he has also characterized the data in terms of bytes/metric per year etc.

Les has requested Renan to provide an estimate of how DF bloats the data. Renan/Christiane are looking at this. Renan's pointed out "Finding RDF data size in bytes is not simple because it depends on which Triple Store will be used and how each triple is physically stored. One may store triples as plain texts, other may do as compressed data in specific formats, which would be much smaller."Once we have the number of PingER triples and how much the used Triple Store needs (in bytes) to store a known number of general triples, we may estimate PingER RDF data size."


They are having some difficulties trying to get a proper platform to run our tests. They have already received funding for a new infrastructure but to get everything installed and running took us longer than they  thought, as it is summer vacation in Rio and part of the staff at the university is not at work.  

The plan is still the one seen before (see project proposal), experimenting those alternatives. Right now, they managed to triplify the data according to a new ontology that takes advantage of a combination of a current standard for multidimensional data (called data cube vocabulary) and a revised version of Renan's Moment ontology adaptation. With this we expect to have a better data organization than the previous solution.

They are now preparing a test plan (like a small benchmark) to be used on all alternatives so that we can compare the results accordingly. 

Les has requested (in January) Renan to provide an estimate of how DF bloats the data. Renan/Christiane are looking at this. Renan's pointed out "Finding RDF data size in bytes is not simple because it depends on which Triple Store will be used and how each triple is physically stored. One may store triples as plain texts, other may do as compressed data in specific formats, which would be much smaller."Once we have the number of PingER triples and how much the used Triple Store needs (in bytes) to store a known number of general triples, we may estimate PingER RDF data size.". Requested an update by email to Cristiane & Renan 2/4/2015.

UUM is down Jan 31st, Feb 1st. Adib reports it is currently down disconnected due to a technical problem at UUM computer centre. Adib is trying to get more reliable power (UPS).


There has been no feedback to an email to Ibrahim (2/4/2015). Last we noted was:

Ibrahim has setup distributed hadoop clusters. He has 2TB of disk space. Les has provided information on getting a subset of PingER data by anonymous ftp via  It was put there last September. Information on how the data was put together is at is information on formatting etc at and some on the dataflows at at UFRJ has successfully used this data, he has also characterized the data in terms of bytes/metric per year etc.

 Ibrahim has started downloading all zip files in the local machines. Last week 6 weeks ago he downloaded 2 GB of Weather data to test his nodes cluster, he  wrote a simple Java program (Map, Reduce) to find the Average and it was working fine. 


The two major issues with the Raspberry Pi would be:


We are unable to get data from the following hosts for a long time, the report below was from January. For the latest see:

  • #The person does not wish to continue working with us.Should we Disable gathering data from this host?
  • #Unable to gather data since 20th November, 2014
  • #This node was working following the previous meeting but we have been unable to gather data since 18th Dec.
  • #The node need fresh installation but Samad has issue in visiting the site that's why it is not working from many days. Last gathered data 17 September
  • #There is a problem in the link to that node that's why it is not working from a long time. i am in contact with the concern person. hope it will be up in a week. Last gathered data 27th October 2014.
  • Last gathered data October 13,2014
  • Unable to gather data since 4th December 2014


Added report on Duplicate pings, still working on.

Next meeting

Next meeting:  Wednesday Mar 4th 2015 8:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday Mar 5th  2015  9:00am Pakistan time, Thursday Mar 5th 2015 noon Malaysian time, Thursday  Mar 5th, 2015 02:00am Rio Standard Time.  

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