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The HPS conditions database contains time-dependent detector information for use by reconstruction and analysis software.  The primary database is hosted at JLAB and there is a replicated copy of it that also runs at SLAC.  The JLAB database is accessible only internally within whereas the SLAC one is public.  Should you want to run the HPS software without an internet connection, then this database needs to be installed locally.  These instructions will cover how to install MySQL on your machine, configure a database and the accounts for HPS, replicate the JLAB database to your machine, and finally how to configure the software to use this database rather than the default one.

Setting Up MySQL

The exact details of installing the MySQL itself client and server will not be covered in great depth, but complete instructions can be found in the MySQL documentation itself, e.g. MySQL Linux Installation.

After installation, the server should be started as a daemon process, and you will need to create an account that is capable of loading the database.

For instance, on Redhat using yum, you would start by installing the necessary packages.

No Format
yum install mysql-server mysql

The server should then be started.

No Format
service mysqld start

You should login as the root user.

No Format
mysql -u root

And then the root password should be set for localhost.

No Format
SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('new-password');

You may want to set this for other domain names and addresses as well.

No Format
SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost.localdomain' = PASSWORD('new-password');
SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'' = PASSWORD('new-password');

Setting Up the HPS Database and User Accounts

From the root account, you You should create the database for the conditions system from the console after the initial installation.
