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Wednesday  Oct 15th,  2014 98:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday Oct 16th 2014 9:00am Pakistan time, Thursday Oct 16th 12:00 noon Malaysian time, Thursday Sep 16th, 2014 1:00am Rio Standard Time.


  • The workshop 1-866-740-1260, updates from Johari, Anjum, Adib.   there are links to the presentations by Johar and Anjum at PingER Papers and Presentations.
  • Anjum suggested putting together a paper on metrics provided by PingER for Sigmetrix. The due date is in November. Does someone want to take the lead - Anjum?
  • Anjum and Raja have been working on a paper on Geolocation as developed for TULIP, progress


  As of 10/13/2014 was not pingable from SLAC. Adib fixed earlier this week. There was an interesting plateau in the RTTs to UUM from SLAC see below (black means the host was no reachable). Apart from the delay the performance in terms of lack of congestion and loss apears to be the same. 
