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See Module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2NDArrProducer

Example for module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2NDArrReshape

Example of configuration file

Code Block
#files = exp=meca1113:run=376
#events = 10
##skip-events = 0

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
          CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2NDArrProducer:clb \
          CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2NDArrProducer:raw \
          CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2NDArrReshape \
          ImgAlgos.NDArrAverage:clb \
#          EventKeys

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = clb_data
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = yes
doCommonMode  = yes

source     = MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1
inkey      = clb_data
outkey     = cspad2x2.1_clb:as_data
outtype    = int16
print_bits = 5

source     = MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1
inkey      = 
outkey     = cspad2x2.1_raw:as_data
outtype    = int16
print_bits = 5

source     = MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1
keys_in    = cspad2x2.1_raw:as_data cspad2x2.1_clb:as_data
print_bits = 255

source       = MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1
key          = cspad2x2.1_clb
avefile      = arr-ave-clb
rmsfile      = arr-rms-clb
print_bits   = 255

source       = MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1
key          = cspad2x2.1_raw
avefile      = arr-ave-raw
rmsfile      = arr-rms-raw
print_bits   = 255

This script produces raw and calibrated ndarrays shaped as data (185,388,2), then pass these arrays  as

keys_in    = cspad2x2.1_raw:as_data cspad2x2.1_clb:as_data

to the CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2NDArrReshape module, which produces two reshaped (2,185,388) arrays and saves them in the event store with default keys 

cspad2x2.1_raw, cspad2x2.1_clb    (suffixes are dropped)

then both re-shaped arrays are averaged and saved in files on disk.

Example of associated python script:

Code Block
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import psana


dsname = 'exp=meca1113:run=376'
print "Data source: %s" % dsname
ds = psana.DataSource(dsname)

print "Initializing Matplotlib Plotter"
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w', frameon=True)

evnum = 0
evnum_max = 50

for evt in :

    evtid  = evt.get(psana.EventId)

    evnum += 1
    if evnum > evnum_max : break

    img_as_data = evt.get(psana.ndarray_int16_3, psana.Source('DetInfo(MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1)'), 'cspad2x2.1_clb:as_data')
    img_reshpd  = evt.get(psana.ndarray_int16_3, psana.Source('DetInfo(MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.1)'), 'cspad2x2.1_clb')

    print 'img_as_data.shape = ', img_as_data.shape
    print 'img_reshpd.shape  = ', img_reshpd.shape

    img_as_data.shape = (2*185,388)
    img_reshpd.shape = (2*185,388)

    ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.05,  0.06, 0.44, 0.87])
    ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.55,  0.06, 0.44, 0.87])

    fig.canvas.set_window_title('Image from arrays "as-data" and "reshaped"')

    imsh1 = ax1.imshow(img_as_data, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', origin='upper') # , extent=img_range)
    imsh2 = ax2.imshow(img_reshpd,  interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', origin='upper') # , extent=img_range)

    plt.title("Event: %d.%d" % evtid.time())

This script retrieves from the event store calibrated ndarrays shaped as data (185,388,2) and re-shaped (2,185,388), then re-shape both to 2-d arrays (2*185,388) and plot them. Re-shaped array looks as recognizable (without spaces between ASICs) cspad2x2 image. Array shapes "as data" looks as an overlap of two images.


See Module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2NDArrReshape

JIRA issue:

serverSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory


Example for module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2ImageProducer

See Module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2ImageProducer
