Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


bsub -q psanaq -a mympi -n 9 -R "span[ptile=1]" -o translate_%J.out h5-mpi-translate -m cspad_mod.CsPadCalib,Translator.H5Output -o Translator.H5Output.printenv=True -o Translator.H5Output.output_file=mydir/split.h5 exp=xpptut13:run=71

More study is needed to see if this is the optimal way to launch a job. The first few arguments for bsub set up the batch job. The batch job uses 9 processes that are distributed (the ptile=1) onto distinct nodes in the mpi cluster. We use distinct nodes since each translator job will use up to 9 threads with the parallel compression library. As you read through the above command line, you will see that h5-mpi-translate, rather than psana, is the driver program for mpi based split scan translation. An additional option, printenv=True, has been added. This option is only picked up by h5-mpi-translate and can be useful for debugging, but is not necessary (it prints all the environment variables the Translator sees). One node (with the master process) will read through the data, identify the start of calib cycles, and communicate via MPI with the other 8 nodes. The other 8 nodes will do all the translation - telling the master when they are done and ready for a new job. The master will add links to the master h5 output file only after the separate calib files are done.


Code Block
titlepsana-translate default_psana.cfg file - all options

# MODULES: any modules that produce data to be translated need be loaded 
# **BEFORE** Translator.H5Output (such as calibrated data or NDArrayndarray's)
# event data added by modules listed after Translator.H5Output is not translated.
modules = Translator.H5Output



# The only option you need to set for the Translator.H5Output module is
# output_file. All other options have default values (explained below).

# TODO: enter the full h5 output file name, including the output directory
output_file = output_directory/h5output.h5

# By default, the Translator will not overwrite the h5 file if it already exists
overwrite = false

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# The Translator can store epics pv's in one of twothree ways, or not at all.
# set store_epics below, to one of the following:
# updates_only   stores an epicEPICS pv when it has been changed.updated Thein pvthe ispsana storedepics store.
#                inFor xtc theinput currentthis calibhappens cycle.whenever EPICS Fordata mutliis calibpresent cyclein experiments,a datagram.
#                Note users- maymany haveEPICS topvs lookare backnot throughpresent severalin calib cycle's to 
#every shot. A dataset
#                for an EPIC pv is findoften shorter than the latesttotal valuenumber of a pvevents.
# calib_repeat   each calib cycle will include the latest value of all the epics 
#Experiments with many short calib cycles may have some calib cycles where
#     pv's.      This can make it easier tono findEPICS pv's for a calib cycle. show up. Users would then have to look back through several 
#                Forcalib experimentscycle's withto manyfind shortthe caliblatest cycles,value itof producesa pv.
# calib_repeat   This is the same as updates_only except that each calib cycle starts manywith
# more datasets than neccessary.
# no            the epicsmost pv'srecent willvalue notof beeach storedpv. YouThis maymakes alsoit wanteasier to set Epics=excludefind pv's in a 
#                (see below) if you do not want the epics configuration data stored

# The default is 'calib_repeat'

store_epics = calib_repeat

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# By default, all xtc data is Translated and many ndarrays that user modules (if any) 
# add are translated. Filtering can occur in either the code of user modules, or
# through options in the psana.cfg file. Here in the config file, different groups of 
# data can be filtered. There are four options for filtering data: 
#    type filtering   -  for example, exclude all cspad, regardless of the detector source
#    source filtering -  for example, exclude any data from a given detector source
#    key filtering    -  for example, include only ndarrays with a given key string
#    calibration      -  do not translate original xtc if a calibrated version is found
# Type filtering is based on sets of Psana data types. If you know what detectors or 
# devices to filter, leave type filtering alone and go to src_filter. 
# Type filtering has the highest precedence, then key filtering, then source 
# filtering, and lastly calibration filtering. When the Translator sees new data, 
# it first checks the type filter. If it is a filtered type (or unknown type) no further 
# translation occurs with the data - regardless of src or key. For data that gets 
# past the type filter, the Translator looks at the src and key. If the key 
# string is empty, it checks the source filter. Data with non empty key strings are 
# handled via the key filter. If the src is filtered, but the key is not, then the
# data will be translated. Data with the special calibration key string are handled 
# via the calibration filtering. 
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# One can include or exclude a class of Psana types with the following 
# options. Only the strings include or exclude are valid for these 
# type filtering options. 
# Note - Epics in the list below refers only to the epicsConfig data
# which is the epics alias list, not the epics pv's. To filter the epics pv's
# see the 'store_epics' option above.

AcqTdc = include               # Psana::Acqiris::TdcConfigV1, Psana::Acqiris::TdcDataV1
AcqWaveform = include          # Psana::Acqiris::ConfigV1, Psana::Acqiris::DataDescV1
Alias = include                # Psana::Alias::ConfigV1
Andor = include                # Psana::Andor::ConfigV1, Psana::Andor::FrameV1
Arraychar = include            # Psana::Arraychar::DataV1
Control = include              # Psana::ControlData::ConfigV1, Psana::ControlData::ConfigV2, Psana::ControlData::ConfigV3
Cspadcalib cycle. For experiments with many short calib cycles, it can produce
#                more datasets than neccessary.
# always         For each event, store the most recent value of the EPICs pv. Produces 
#                longer datasets than neccessary, but makes it easier to find the latest
#                pv for an event.
# no             epics pv's will not be stored. You may also want to set Epics=exclude
#                (see below) if you do not want the epics configuration data stored

# The default is 'calib_repeat'

store_epics = calib_repeat

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# By default, all xtc data is Translated and many ndarrays that user modules (if any) 
# add are translated. Filtering can occur in either the code of user modules, or
# through options in the psana.cfg file. Here in the config file, different groups of 
# data can be filtered. There are four options for filtering data: 
#    type filtering   -  for example, exclude all cspad, regardless of the detector source
#    source filtering -  for example, exclude any data from a given detector source
#    key filtering    -  for example, include only ndarrays with a given key string
#    calibration      -  do not translate original xtc if a calibrated version is found
# Type filtering is based on sets of Psana data types. If you know what detectors or 
# devices to filter, leave type filtering alone and go to src_filter. 
# Type filtering has the highest precedence, then key filtering, then source 
# filtering, and lastly calibration filtering. When the Translator sees new data, 
# it first checks the type filter. If it is a filtered type (or unknown type) no further 
# translation occurs with the data - regardless of src or key. For data that gets 
# past the type filter, the Translator looks at the src and key. If the key 
# string is empty, it checks the source filter. Data with non empty key strings are 
# handled via the key filter. If the src is filtered, but the key is not, then the
# data will be translated. Data with the special calibration key string are handled 
# via the calibration filtering. 
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# One can include or exclude a class of Psana types with the following 
# options. Only the strings include or exclude are valid for these 
# type filtering options. 
# Note - Epics in the list below refers only to the epicsConfig data
# which is the epics alias list, not the epics pv's. To filter the epics pv's
# see the 'store_epics' option above.

AcqTdc = include                # Psana::CsPadAcqiris::ConfigV1TdcConfigV1, Psana::CsPadAcqiris::ConfigV2, TdcDataV1
AcqWaveform = include          # Psana::CsPadAcqiris::ConfigV3ConfigV1, Psana::CsPad::ConfigV4, Psana::CsPad::ConfigV5, Psana::CsPad::DataV1,Acqiris::DataDescV1
Alias = include                # Psana::CsPadAlias::DataV2ConfigV1
Cspad2x2Andor = include                # Psana::CsPad2x2Andor::ConfigV1, Psana::CsPad2x2::ConfigV2,Andor::FrameV1
Arraychar = include            # Psana::CsPad2x2Arraychar::ElementV1DataV1
DiodeFexControl = include              # Psana::LusiControlData::DiodeFexConfigV1ConfigV1, Psana::LusiControlData::DiodeFexConfigV2ConfigV2, Psana::LusiControlData::DiodeFexV1ConfigV3
EBeamCspad = include                # Psana::BldCsPad::BldDataEBeamV0ConfigV1, Psana::BldCsPad::BldDataEBeamV1ConfigV2, Psana::BldCsPad::BldDataEBeamV2ConfigV3, Psana::BldCsPad::BldDataEBeamV3ConfigV4, Psana::BldCsPad::BldDataEBeamV4ConfigV5, Psana::BldCsPad::BldDataEBeamV5
Encoder = DataV1, Psana::CsPad::DataV2
Cspad2x2 = include              # Psana::EncoderCsPad2x2::ConfigV1, Psana::EncoderCsPad2x2::ConfigV2, Psana::EncoderCsPad2x2::DataV1, Psana::Encoder::DataV2
DiodeFex = include                # Psana::Epics::ConfigV1
Epix = include                 # Psana::Epix::ConfigV1Lusi::DiodeFexConfigV1, Psana::Epix::ElementV1
EpixSampler = include          # Psana::EpixSampler::ConfigV1Lusi::DiodeFexConfigV2, Psana::EpixSamplerLusi::ElementV1DiodeFexV1
EvrEBeam = include                  # Psana::EvrDataBld::ConfigV1BldDataEBeamV0, Psana::EvrDataBld::ConfigV2BldDataEBeamV1, Psana::EvrDataBld::ConfigV3BldDataEBeamV2, Psana::EvrDataBld::ConfigV4BldDataEBeamV3, Psana::EvrDataBld::ConfigV5BldDataEBeamV4, Psana::EvrDataBld::ConfigV6BldDataEBeamV5, Psana::EvrDataBld::ConfigV7, Psana::EvrData::DataV3
Encoder = include                # Psana::EvrDataEncoder::IOConfigV1
Evs = include                  # Psana::EvrData::SrcConfigV1
FEEGasDetEnergy = include      # Psana::Bld::BldDataFEEGasDetEnergy
FccdConfigV1, Psana::Encoder::ConfigV2, Psana::Encoder::DataV1, Psana::Encoder::DataV2
Epics = include                 # Psana::FCCDEpics::FccdConfigV1, Psana::FCCD::FccdConfigV2
Epix = include                  # Psana::FliEpix::ConfigV1, Psana::Fli::FrameV1
Frame = include                # Epix::ElementV1, Psana::CameraEpix::FrameV1ElementV2
FrameFccdEpix100a = include             # Psana::CameraEpix::FrameFccdConfigV1Config100aV1
FrameFexEpix10k = include              # Psana::CameraEpix::FrameFexConfigV1Config10KV1
GMDEpixSampler = include                  # Psana::BldEpixSampler::BldDataGMDV0ConfigV1, Psana::BldEpixSampler::BldDataGMDV1ElementV1
Gsc16aiEvr = include                  # Psana::Gsc16aiEvrData::ConfigV1, Psana::Gsc16ai::DataV1
ImpEvrData::ConfigV2, Psana::EvrData::ConfigV3, Psana::EvrData::ConfigV4, Psana::EvrData::ConfigV5, Psana::EvrData::ConfigV6, Psana::EvrData::ConfigV7, Psana::EvrData::DataV3
EvrIO = include                  # Psana::ImpEvrData::ConfigV1, Psana::Imp::ElementV1
Evs = include                  # Psana::IpimbEvrData::ConfigV1, Psana::Ipimb::ConfigV2,SrcConfigV1
FEEGasDetEnergy = include      # Psana::IpimbBld::DataV1BldDataFEEGasDetEnergy, Psana::IpimbBld::DataV2BldDataFEEGasDetEnergyV1
IpmFexFccd = include                 # Psana::LusiFCCD::IpmFexConfigV1FccdConfigV1, Psana::LusiFCCD::IpmFexConfigV2, Psana::Lusi::IpmFexV1
Fli = include                  # Psana::L3TFli::ConfigV1, Psana::L3TFli::DataV1FrameV1
OceanOpticsFrame = include                # Psana::OceanOptics::ConfigV1, Psana::OceanOptics::ConfigV2, Psana::OceanOptics::DataV1, Psana::OceanOptics::DataV2
Opal1k Camera::FrameV1
FrameFccd = include               # Psana::Opal1kCamera::ConfigV1FrameFccdConfigV1
OrcaFrameFex = include                 # Psana::OrcaCamera::ConfigV1FrameFexConfigV1
PartitionGMD = include                  # Psana:::Partition::ConfigV1
PhaseCavityBld::BldDataGMDV0, Psana::Bld::BldDataGMDV1, Psana::Bld::BldDataGMDV2
GenericPgp = include           # Psana::BldGenericPgp::BldDataPhaseCavityConfigV1
PimImageGsc16ai = include              # Psana::Gsc16ai::ConfigV1, Psana::LusiGsc16ai::PimImageConfigV1DataV1
PimaxImp = include                  # Psana::PimaxImp::ConfigV1, Psana::PimaxImp::FrameV1ElementV1
PrincetonIpimb = include                # Psana::PrincetonIpimb::ConfigV1, Psana::PrincetonIpimb::ConfigV2, Psana::PrincetonIpimb::ConfigV3DataV1, Psana::PrincetonIpimb::ConfigV4, Psana::Princeton::ConfigV5, Psana::Princeton::FrameV1, Psana::Princeton::FrameV2
PrincetonInfo = includeDataV2
IpmFex = include               # Psana::Lusi::IpmFexConfigV1, Psana::Lusi::PrincetonIpmFexConfigV2, Psana::Lusi::InfoV1IpmFexV1
QuartzL3T = include                  # Psana::QuartzL3T::ConfigV1
Rayonix, Psana::L3T::DataV1, Psana::L3T::DataV2
OceanOptics = include              # Psana::RayonixOceanOptics::ConfigV1, Psana::RayonixOceanOptics::ConfigV2
SharedAcqADC, Psana::OceanOptics::DataV1, Psana::OceanOptics::DataV2
Opal1k = include               # Psana::BldOpal1k::BldDataAcqADCV1ConfigV1
SharedIpimbOrca = include                 # Psana::BldOrca::BldDataIpimbV0, Psana::Bld::BldDataIpimbV1
Partition = include            # Psana::BldPartition::BldDataPimV1ConfigV1
SpectrometerPhaseCavity = include          # Psana::Bld::BldDataSpectrometerV0BldDataPhaseCavity
TM6740PimImage = include               # Psana::PulnixLusi::TM6740ConfigV1, Psana::Pulnix::TM6740ConfigV2
Pimax = include                # Psana::Pimax::ConfigV1, Psana::Pimax::FrameV1
Princeton = include              # Psana::TimepixPrinceton::ConfigV1, Psana::TimepixPrinceton::ConfigV2, Psana::TimepixPrinceton::ConfigV3, Psana:::Timepix::DataV1Princeton::ConfigV4, Psana::Princeton::ConfigV5, Psana::Princeton::FrameV1, Psana::TimepixPrinceton::DataV2FrameV2
TwoDGaussianPrincetonInfo = include         # Psana::CameraPrinceton::TwoDGaussianV1InfoV1
UsdUsbQuartz = include               # Psana::UsdUsbQuartz::ConfigV1, Psana::UsdUsb::DataV1
Rayonix = include                # Psana::PNCCDRayonix::ConfigV1, Psana::PNCCDRayonix::ConfigV2, Psana::PNCCD::FramesV1

# user types to translate from the event store
SharedAcqADC = include         # Psana::Bld::BldDataAcqADCV1
SharedIpimb = include          # ndarray<int8_t,1>, ndarray<int8_t,2>, ndarray<int8_t,3>, ndarray<int8_t,4>, ndarray<int16_t,1>, ndarray<int16_t,2>, ndarray<int16_t,3>, ndarray<int16_t,4>, ndarray<int32_t,1>, ndarray<int32_t,2>, ndarray<int32_t,3>, ndarray<int32_t,4>, ndarray<int64_t,1>, ndarray<int64_t,2>, ndarray<int64_t,3>, ndarray<int64_t,4>, ndarray<uint8_t,1>, ndarray<uint8_t,2>, ndarray<uint8_t,3>, ndarray<uint8_t,4>, ndarray<uint16_t,1>, ndarray<uint16_t,2>, ndarray<uint16_t,3>, ndarray<uint16_t,4>, ndarray<uint32_t,1>, ndarray<uint32_t,2>, ndarray<uint32_t,3>, ndarray<uint32_t,4>, ndarray<uint64_t,1>, ndarray<uint64_t,2>, ndarray<uint64_t,3>, ndarray<uint64_t,4>, ndarray<float,1>, ndarray<float,2>, ndarray<float,3>, ndarray<float,4>, ndarray<double,1>, ndarray<double,2>, ndarray<double,3>, ndarray<double,4>, ndarray<const int8_t,1>, ndarray<const int8_t,2>, ndarray<const int8_t,3>, ndarray<const int8_t,4>, ndarray<const int16_t,1>, ndarray<const int16_t,2>, ndarray<const int16_t,3>, ndarray<const int16_t,4>, ndarray<const int32_t,1>, ndarray<const int32_t,2>, ndarray<const int32_t,3>, ndarray<const int32_t,4>, ndarray<const int64_t,1>, ndarray<const int64_t,2>, ndarray<const int64_t,3>, ndarray<const int64_t,4>, ndarray<const uint8_t,1>, ndarray<const uint8_t,2>, ndarray<const uint8_t,3>, ndarray<const uint8_t,4>, ndarray<const uint16_t,1>, ndarray<const uint16_t,2>, ndarray<const uint16_t,3>, ndarray<const uint16_t,4>, ndarray<const uint32_t,1>, ndarray<const uint32_t,2>, ndarray<const uint32_t,3>, ndarray<const uint32_t,4>, ndarray<const uint64_t,1>, ndarray<const uint64_t,2>, ndarray<const uint64_t,3>, ndarray<const uint64_t,4>, ndarray<const float,1>, ndarray<const float,2>, ndarray<const float,3>, ndarray<const float,4>, ndarray<const double,1>, ndarray<const double,2>, ndarray<const double,3>, ndarray<const double,4>
std_string = include           # std::string
Psana::Bld::BldDataIpimbV0, Psana::Bld::BldDataIpimbV1
SharedPim = include            # Psana::Bld::BldDataPimV1
Spectrometer = include         # Psana::Bld::BldDataSpectrometerV0
TM6740 = include               # Psana::Pulnix::TM6740ConfigV1, Psana::Pulnix::TM6740ConfigV2
TimeTool = include             # Psana::TimeTool::ConfigV1, Psana::TimeTool::DataV1
Timepix = include              # Psana::Timepix::ConfigV1, Psana::Timepix::ConfigV2, Psana::Timepix::ConfigV3, Psana::Timepix::DataV1, Psana::Timepix::DataV2
TwoDGaussian = include         # Psana::Camera::TwoDGaussianV1
UsdUsb = include               # Psana::UsdUsb::ConfigV1, Psana::UsdUsb::DataV1
pnCCD = include                # Psana::PNCCD::ConfigV1, Psana::PNCCD::ConfigV2, Psana::PNCCD::FramesV1

# user types to translate from the event store
ndarray_types = include        # ndarray<int8_t,1>, ndarray<int8_t,2>, ndarray<int8_t,3>, ndarray<int8_t,4>, ndarray<int16_t,1>, ndarray<int16_t,2>, ndarray<int16_t,3>, ndarray<int16_t,4>, ndarray<int32_t,1>, ndarray<int32_t,2>, ndarray<int32_t,3>, ndarray<int32_t,4>, ndarray<int64_t,1>, ndarray<int64_t,2>, ndarray<int64_t,3>, ndarray<int64_t,4>, ndarray<uint8_t,1>, ndarray<uint8_t,2>, ndarray<uint8_t,3>, ndarray<uint8_t,4>, ndarray<uint16_t,1>, ndarray<uint16_t,2>, ndarray<uint16_t,3>, ndarray<uint16_t,4>, ndarray<uint32_t,1>, ndarray<uint32_t,2>, ndarray<uint32_t,3>, ndarray<uint32_t,4>, ndarray<uint64_t,1>, ndarray<uint64_t,2>, ndarray<uint64_t,3>, ndarray<uint64_t,4>, ndarray<float,1>, ndarray<float,2>, ndarray<float,3>, ndarray<float,4>, ndarray<double,1>, ndarray<double,2>, ndarray<double,3>, ndarray<double,4>, ndarray<const int8_t,1>, ndarray<const int8_t,2>, ndarray<const int8_t,3>, ndarray<const int8_t,4>, ndarray<const int16_t,1>, ndarray<const int16_t,2>, ndarray<const int16_t,3>, ndarray<const int16_t,4>, ndarray<const int32_t,1>, ndarray<const int32_t,2>, ndarray<const int32_t,3>, ndarray<const int32_t,4>, ndarray<const int64_t,1>, ndarray<const int64_t,2>, ndarray<const int64_t,3>, ndarray<const int64_t,4>, ndarray<const uint8_t,1>, ndarray<const uint8_t,2>, ndarray<const uint8_t,3>, ndarray<const uint8_t,4>, ndarray<const uint16_t,1>, ndarray<const uint16_t,2>, ndarray<const uint16_t,3>, ndarray<const uint16_t,4>, ndarray<const uint32_t,1>, ndarray<const uint32_t,2>, ndarray<const uint32_t,3>, ndarray<const uint32_t,4>, ndarray<const uint64_t,1>, ndarray<const uint64_t,2>, ndarray<const uint64_t,3>, ndarray<const uint64_t,4>, ndarray<const float,1>, ndarray<const float,2>, ndarray<const float,3>, ndarray<const float,4>, ndarray<const double,1>, ndarray<const double,2>, ndarray<const double,3>, ndarray<const double,4>
std_string = include           # std::string

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# In addition to filtering Psana types by the options above, one can use
# the type_filter option below. For example:
# type_filter = include cspad       # will only translate cspad types. Will not translate
#                                 # ndarrays or strings
# type_filter = exclude Andor evr   # translate all except the Andor or Evr types
# If you do not want to translate what is in the xtc file, use the psana shortcut:
# type_filter = exclude psana       # This will only translate ndarray's and strings 
# Likewise doing:
# type_filter = include psana       # will translate all xtc data, but skip any ndarray's or strings
# The default is to include all

type_filter = include all

# note - if type_filter is anything other than 'include all' it takes precedence
# over the classes of type filter options above, like Cspad=include.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# The default for the src_filter option is "include all"
# If you want to include a subset of the sources, do
# src_filter include srcname1 srcname2  
#  or if you want to exclude a subset of sources, do
# src_filter exclude srcname1 srcname2
# The syntax for specifying a srcname follows that of the Psana Source (discussed in 
# the Psana Users Guide). The Psana Source recognizes DAQ alias names (if present
# in the xtc files), several styles for specifying a Pds Src, as well as detector matches 
# where the detector number, or device number is not known.
# Specifically, format of the match string can be:
#       DetInfo(det.detId:dev.devId) - fully or partially specified DetInfo
#       det.detId:dev.devId - same as above
#       DetInfo(det-detId|dev.devId) - same as above
#       det-detId|dev.devId - same as above
#       BldInfo(type) - fully or partially specified BldInfo
#       type - same as above
#       ProcInfo(ipAddr) - fully or partially specified ProcInfo
# For example
#        DetInfo(AmoETOF.0.Acqiris.0)  
#        DetInfo(AmoETOF.0.Acqiris)  
#        DetInfo(AmoETOF:Acqiris)
#        AmoETOF:Acqiris
#        AmoETOF|Acqiris
# will all match the same data, AmoETOF.0.Acqiris.0. The later ones will match
# additional data (such as detector 1, 2, etc.) if it is present.
# A simple way to set up src filtering is to take a look at the sources in the 
# xtc input using the psana EventKeys module.  For example
# psana -n 5 -m EventKeys exp=cxitut13:run=22 
# Will print the EventKeys in the first 5 events.  If the output includes
#   EventKey(type=Psana::EvrData::DataV3, src=DetInfo(NoDetector.0:Evr.2))
#   EventKey(type=Psana::CsPad::DataV2, src=DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0))
#   EventKey(type=Psana::CsPad2x2::ElementV1, src=DetInfo(CxiSc2.0:Cspad2x2.1))
#   EventKey(type=Psana::Bld::BldDataEBeamV3, src=BldInfo(EBeam))
#   EventKey(type=Psana::Bld::BldDataFEEGasDetEnergy, src=BldInfo(FEEGasDetEnergy))
#   EventKey(type=Psana::Camera::FrameV1, src=BldInfo(CxiDg2_Pim))
# Then one can filter on these six srcname's:
#  NoDetector.0:Evr.2  CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0  CxiSc2.0:Cspad2x2.1  EBeam  FEEGasDetEnergy  CxiDg2_Pim

src_filter = include all

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# In addition to filtering Psana types by the options above, one can use
# the type_filter option below. For example:
# type_filter include cspad       # will only translate cspad types. Will not translate
#                                 # ndarrays or strings
# type_filter exclude Andor evr   # translate all except the Andor or Evr types
# Psana calibration modules can produce calibrated versions of different 
# data types. Depending on the module used, you may get an NDArray, an 
# image, or the same data type as was in the xtc but with calibrated data.
# If you are doing the latter, the module output will be data of the same type 
# and src as the uncalibrated data, with an additional key, such as 'calibrated'.
# If these modules are configured to use a different key, set calibration_key
# below accordingly:

calibration_key = calibrated

# The Translator defaults to writing calibrated data in place of uncalibrated
# data. If you do not want the calibrated data and would prefer to translate what is in have the
# original uncalibrated data from the xtc, file,then useset theskip_calibrated psanato shortcut:true.
# typeskip_filtercalibrated exclude psana       # This will only translate ndarray's and strings 
# Likewise doing:
# type_filter include psana       # will translate all xtc data, but skip any ndarray's or strings
# The default is to include all

type_filter include all

# note - if type_filter is anything other than 'include all' it takes precedence
# over the classes of type filter options above, like Cspad=include.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# The default for the src_filter option is "include all"
# If you want to include a subset of the sources, do
# src_filter include srcname1 srcname2  
#  or if you want to exclude a subset of sources, do
# src_filter exclude srcname1 srcname2
# The syntax for specifying a srcname follows that of the Psana Source (discussed in 
# the Psana Users Guide). The Psana Source recognizes DAQ alias names (if present
# in the xtc files), several styles for specifying a Pds Src, as well as detector matches 
# where the detector number, or device number is not known.
# Specifically, format of the match string can be:
#       DetInfo(det.detId:dev.devId) - fully or partially specified DetInfo
#       det.detId:dev.devId - same as above
#       DetInfo(det-detId|dev.devId) - same as above
#       det-detId|dev.devId - same as above
#       BldInfo(type) - fully or partially specified BldInfo
#       type - same as above
#       ProcInfo(ipAddr) - fully or partially specified ProcInfo
# For example
#        DetInfo(AmoETOF.0.Acqiris.0)  
#        DetInfo(AmoETOF.0.Acqiris)  
#        DetInfo(AmoETOF:Acqiris)
#        AmoETOF:Acqiris
#        AmoETOF|Acqiris
# will all match the same data, AmoETOF.0.Acqiris.0. The later ones will match
# additional data (such as detector 1, 2, etc.) if it is present.
# A simple way to set up src filtering is to take a look at the sources in the 
# xtc input using the psana EventKeys module.  For example
# psana -n 5 -m EventKeys exp=cxitut13:run=22 
# Will print the EventKeys in the first 5 events.  If the output includes
#   EventKey(type=Psana::EvrData::DataV3, src=DetInfo(NoDetector.0:Evr.2))
#   EventKey(type=Psana::CsPad::DataV2, src=DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0))
#   EventKey(type=Psana::CsPad2x2::ElementV1, src=DetInfo(CxiSc2.0:Cspad2x2.1))
#   EventKey(type=Psana::Bld::BldDataEBeamV3, src=BldInfo(EBeam))
#   EventKey(type=Psana::Bld::BldDataFEEGasDetEnergy, src=BldInfo(FEEGasDetEnergy))
#   EventKey(type=Psana::Camera::FrameV1, src=BldInfo(CxiDg2_Pim))
# Then one can filter on these six srcname's:
#  NoDetector.0:Evr.2  CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0  CxiSc2.0:Cspad2x2.1  EBeam  FEEGasDetEnergy  CxiDg2_Pim

src_filter = include all

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Psana calibration modules can produce calibrated versions of different 
# data types. Depending on the module used, you may get an NDArray, an 
# image, or the same data type as was in the xtc but with calibrated data.
# If you are doing the latter, the module output will be data of the same type 
# and src as the uncalibrated data, with an additional key, such as 'calibrated'.
# If these modules are configured to use a different key, set calibration_key
# below accordingly:

calibration_key = calibrated

# The Translator defaults to writing calibrated data in place of uncalibrated
# data. If you do not want the calibrated data and would prefer to have the
# original uncalibrated data from the xtc, then set skip_calibrated to true.

skip_calibrated = false

# note, setting skip_calibrated to true will force sets exclude_calibstore 
# (below) to be true as well.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Calibration modules may publish the data they used to produce the calibrated
# event objects. Examples of data would be pedestal values, pixel status (what
# pixels are hot) and common mode algorithm parameters. This data will be published
# in what is called the Psana calibStore. When the Translator sees calibrated 
# event data, it will look for the corresponsinding calibStore data as well.
# If you do not want it to translate calibStore data, set the following to true.

exclude_calibstore = false

# otherwise, the Translator will create a group CalibStore that holds the
# calibstore data. Note, the Translator looks for all calibStore data associated 
# with the calibration modules. If a calibration module was configured to not do 
# certain calibrations (such as gain) but the module still put gain values
# in the config store (even though it did not use them) the Translator 
# would still translate those gain values.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Psana modules loaded before the translator may put a variety of objects in the event 
# store. Be default, the Translator will translate any new data that it knows about.
# In addition to the psana types, it knows about NDArrays, C++ strings, and has a C++ interface 
# for registering new simple types. NDarray's up to 4 dimensions of 10 basic types 
# (8, 16, 32 and 64 bit signed and unsigned int, float and double) as well as the const 
# versions of these types are translated.
# Generally Psana modules will attach keys to these objects (the keys are simply strings).
# To filter the set of keys that are translated, modify the parameter below:

key_filter = include all

# The default is to not look at the key but rather translate all data that the translator
# knows about. An example of including only data with the key finalanswer would be
# key_filter = include finalanswer
# To exclude a few keys, one can do
# key_filter = exclude arrayA arrayB
# Note, key filtering does not affect translation of data without keys. For instance
# setting key_filter = include keyA does not turn off translation of data without keys.
# Of all the data with keys, only those where the key is keyA will be translated.
# ---------------------------------------
# There are two reasons to split the Translator output, the resulting hdf5 file is to 
# large, and to parallelize the translation and make it faster. The default is to 
# not split:

split = NoSplit

# however the Translator also supports SplitScan mode:
# split=SplitScan
# In SplitScan mode, in addition to the output File, one file will be made for every
# calib cycle. The output file (the master file) will include external links to the other files. 
# Several translator jobs may run simultaneously to divide the work of creating the calib cycle files.
# At this time, each Translator job reads through all the input, so launching too many jobs will
# significantly increase the amount of input processing.
# Dividing the work of SplitScan mode is done with the parameters

# jobTotal = 1
# jobNumber = 0

# which default to 1 job that is numbered 0. However if jobTotal=3 and jobNumber=1, this 
# Translator will process calibCycle 1, 4, 7, etc. If jobTotal is 3, the user MUST
# make sure to launch 3 Translator jobs with jobNumber being 0,1 and 2 to get all the calib cycle
# files written. jobNumber=0 will write the master file with the external links to the calib
# cycle files. 
# For example, the following two command lines:
# psana -m Translator.H5Output -o Translator.H5Output.output_file=mydir/split.h5 -o Translator.H5Output.split=SplitScan -o Translator.H5Output.jobNumber=0 -o Translator.H5Output.jobTotal=2 exp=xpp123:run=10
# psana -m Translator.H5Output -o Translator.H5Output.output_file=mydir/split.h5 -o Translator.H5Output.split=SplitScan -o Translator.H5Output.jobNumber=1 -o Translator.H5Output.jobTotal=2 exp=xpp123:run=10
# will divide the work into two translator jobs. When they finish, the output will be
# mydir/split.h5
# mydir/split_cc0000.h5
# mydir/split_cc0001.h5
# ...
#= false

# note, setting skip_calibrated to true will force sets exclude_calibstore 
# (below) to be true as well.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Calibration modules may publish the data they used to produce the calibrated
# event objects. Examples of data would be pedestal values, pixel status (what
# pixels are hot) and common mode algorithm parameters. This data will be published
# in what is called the Psana calibStore. When the Translator sees calibrated 
# event data, it will look for the corresponsinding calibStore data as well.
# If you do not want it to translate calibStore data, set the following to true.

exclude_calibstore = false

# otherwise, the Translator will create a group CalibStore that holds the
# calibstore data. Note, the Translator looks for all calibStore data associated 
# with the calibration modules. If a calibration module was configured to not do 
# certain calibrations (such as gain) but the module still put gain values
# in the config store (even though it did not use them) the Translator 
# would still translate those gain values.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Psana modules loaded before the translator may put a variety of objects in the event 
# store. Be default, the Translator will translate any new data that it knows about.
# In addition to the psana types, it knows about NDArrays, C++ strings, and has a C++ interface 
# for registering new simple types. NDarray's up to 4 dimensions of 10 basic types 
# (8, 16, 32 and 64 bit signed and unsigned int, float and double) as well as the const 
# versions of these types are translated.
# Generally Psana modules will attach keys to these objects (the keys are simply strings).
# To filter the set of keys that are translated, modify the parameter below:

key_filter = include all

# The default is to not look at the key but rather translate all data that the translator
# knows about. An example of including only data with the key finalanswer would be
# key_filter = include finalanswer
# To exclude a few keys, one can do
# key_filter = exclude arrayA arrayB
# Note, key filtering does not affect translation of data without keys. For instance
# setting key_filter = include keyA does not turn off translation of data without keys.
# Of all the data with keys, only those where the key is keyA will be translated.

# ---------------------------------------
# There are two reasons to split the Translator output into separate files based on
# calib cycles. The first is to reduce the size of the hdf5 files, and the second is
# to speedup translation by translating separate calib cycles in parallel. The default 
# is to not split:

split = NoSplit

# however the Translator also supports SplitScan mode. The best way to invoke this is to
# run the separate driver program
#  h5-mpi-translate
# which requires MPI to be available in the environment, but see below for the non-MPI 
# based split scan mode. In SplitScan mode, in addition to the output File, separate files will 
# be made for the calib cycles. The output file (the master file) will include external links 
# to the other files. Several mpi jobs are run simultaneously to divide the work of creating the 
# calib cycle files. For example, running six jobs to produce out.h5 might look like:
#   mpirun -n 6 h5-mpi-translate -m Translator.H5Output -o Translator.H5Output.output_file=out.h5 exp=xppd9714:run=16
# The driver program, h5-mpi-translate, takes all arguments that psana takes.
# Presently with our implementation, one must give the full path to mpirun, and run
# a driver program that sets up the analysis environment. For example, 
#   /reg/g/psdm/sw/releases/ana-current/arch/x86_64-rhel6-gcc44-opt/bin/mpirun -n 6 mpilaunch h5-mpi-translate -m Translator.H5Output -o Translator.H5Output.output_file=out.h5 exp=xppd9714:run=16
# where mpilaunch is
#  #!/bin/bash
#  . /reg/g/psdm/bin/ ana-current
#  $@
# If six jobs were used, one becomes the master process and the other five are the workers.
# The master process does two things. First it writes the file out.h5 with the external links 
# to the calib files. Second it reads through all the data and finds the calib cycles. When it
# finds a calib cycle, it tells the next available worker where this is. When a worker is done,
# it tells the master process. The master process than adds all neccessary external links from
# out.h5 to the translated calib file produced by the worker.
# Generally, there will be one calib cycle file for each calib cycle. However to prevent to many 
# calib cycle files from being produced for experiments that have only a few events per calib cycle, 
# an option controls the minumum number of events per external calib cycle file. The default is

# min_events_per_calib_file = 100

# For example, if there are only 10 events per calib cycle, and assuming the master file is called 
# out.h5, the file output_cc0000.h5 will contain the groups 
# /CalibCycle:0000
# /CalibCycle:0001
# ...
# /CalibCycle:0009
# and the file output_cc0010.h5 will start with group /CalibCycle:0010
# As mentioned above, when workers finish a calib cycle file, they send a message to the master. 
# How frequently the master stops reading through the data to check for these messages is controlled 
# by the following parameter

# num_events_check_done_calib_file = 120

# that is, it defaults to check for a 'done' message from a worker every 120 events.
# When running the h5-mpi-translate and specifying user psana modules (perhaps to add ndarrays
# into the translation or dynamically filter events) it is important to note that these modules
# are restarted for each calib cycle file. That is these modules will have their beginJob/endJob
# and beginRun/endRun routines called for each calib file that a worker produces.
# If MPI is not available, the Translator supports an additional  split scan mode by setting the 
# split option as follows:
# split=SplitScan
# In this mode, there is no communication between jobs, and each Translator job reads through all 
# the input, so launching too many jobs will significantly increase the amount of input processing. 
# Dividing the work of this SplitScan mode is done with the parameters

# jobTotal = 1
# jobNumber = 0

# which default to 1 job that is numbered 0. However if jobTotal=3 and jobNumber=1, this 
# Translator will process calibCycle 1, 4, 7, etc. If jobTotal is 3, the user MUST
# make sure to launch 3 Translator jobs with jobNumber being 0,1 and 2 to get all the calib cycle
# files written. jobNumber=0 will write the master file with the external links to the calib
# cycle files. 
# For example, the following two command lines:
# psana -m Translator.H5Output -o Translator.H5Output.output_file=mydir/split.h5 -o Translator.H5Output.split=SplitScan -o Translator.H5Output.jobNumber=0 -o Translator.H5Output.jobTotal=2 exp=xpp123:run=10
# psana -m Translator.H5Output -o Translator.H5Output.output_file=mydir/split.h5 -o Translator.H5Output.split=SplitScan -o Translator.H5Output.jobNumber=1 -o Translator.H5Output.jobTotal=2 exp=xpp123:run=10
# will divide the work into two translator jobs. When they finish, the output will be
# mydir/split.h5
# mydir/split_cc0000.h5
# mydir/split_cc0001.h5
# ...
# note, this split scan mode, unlike the MPI version, does not put multiple calib cycles in
# one file. One can get a large number of files if calib cycles only contain a few events.

# The remaining values for split are
# split=MPIWorker
# split=MPIMaster
# These values are meant to be set by h5-mpi-translate. Generally users should not set
# these values. The h5-mpi-translate driver will set additional options that we 
# document here (again, users should not need to set these options). These options include the
# two discussed above:
#   num_events_check_done_calib_file 
#   min_events_per_calib_file
# as well as the option
# first_calib_cycle_number
# which is a 0-up counter for the first calib cycle that the MPIWorker will see.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# The following options control compression for most all datasets.
# Shuffling improves compression for certain datasets. Valid values for
# deflate (gzip compression level) are 0-9. Setting deflate = -1 turns off
# compression.

shuffle = true
deflate = 1

# if deflate is set to -1, set shuffle to false, as it performs no function without compression.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# ---------------------------------------
# The commented options below give the default chunking options.
# Objects per chunk are selected from the target chunk size (16 MB) and 
# adjusted based on min/max objects per chunk, and the max bytes per chunk.
# It is important that the chunkCache (created on a per dataset basis) be 
# large enough to hold at least one chunk, ideally all chunks we need to have
# open at one time when writing to the dataset (usually one, unless we repair
# split events):
# chunkSizeTargetInBytes = 1703936 (16MB)
# chunkSizeTargetObjects = 0 (0 means select objects per chunk from chunkSizeInBytes)
# maxChunkSizeInBytes = 10649600  (100MB)
# minObjectsPerChunk = 50              
# maxObjectsPerChunk = 2048
# chunkCacheSizeTargetInChunks = 3
# maxChunkCacheSizeInBytes = 10649600  (100MB)

# ---------------------------------------
# There are six classes of datasets for which individual options for shuffle,
# deflate, chunkSizeTargetInBytes and chunkSizeTargetObjects can be specified:
# regular (most everything, all psana types)
# epics (all the epics pv's)
# damage (accompanies all regular data from event store)
# ndarrays (new data from other modules)
# string's (new data from other modules)
# eventId (the time dataset that also accompanies all regular data, epics pvs, ndarrays and strings)
# The options for regular datasets have been discussed above. The other five datasets 
# get their default values for shuffle, deflate, chunkSizeInBytes and chunkSizeInObjects
# from the regular dataset options except in the cases below:
# damageShuffle = false
# stringShuffle = false
# epicsPvShuffle = false
# stringDeflate = -1
# eventIdChunkSizeTargetInBytes = 16384
# epicsPvChunkSizeTargetInBytes = 16384

# The rest of the shuffle, deflate and chunk size options for the other five datasets are:
# eventIdShuffle = true
# eventIdDeflate = 1
# damageDeflate = 1
# epicsPvDeflate = 1
# ndarrayShuffle = true
# ndarrayDeflate = 1
# eventIdChunkSizeTargetObjects = 0
# damageChunkSizeTargetInBytes = 1703936
# damageChunkSizeTargetObjects = 0
# stringChunkSizeTargetInBytes = 1703936
# stringChunkSizeTargetObjects = 0
# ndarrayChunkSizeTargetInBytes = 1703936
# ndarrayChunkSizeTargetObjects = 0
# epicsPvChunkSizeTargetObjects = 0

# ---------------------------------------
# When the Translator encounters a split event, it checks a cache to see
# if it has already seen it.  If it has, it fills in any blanks that it can.
# To prevent this cache from growing to large, set the maximum number of
# split events to look back through here (default is 3000):

max_saved_split_events = 3000


With the environment variables set to load the parallel compression library. All jobs run on the psanaq and write to ana01. Two of the jobs only had one calib cycle (xpp74813:run=69 and xpp40312:run=48) from which we might say the baseline translation speeds were 25-30 mb/sec in these tests. When investigating why this was less than the median 51MB/sec, I did see a high load on the system -, however it may also be the overhead of having two readers. When running mpi split scan on a run with only one calib cycle - two different nodes will hit the same xtc on disk for a while. At some point the master process will get further along in the files. However when I ran a normal psana-translate job on the system I saw a 84MB/sec translation.

Some of the columns are explained here:
