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Hi All,
We will have a beam line meeting Monday at 10am in the Group C conference room. 
Last week’s meeting
- Beamline subsystem experts--those who can be on call over a one week period to resolve technical issues with the subsystem in question. Experts must be in residence at JLAB and will be available 24/7 to HPS shifters. (see email from John given below).
Stepan and Francois will be "beam line experts" for the 2014 run. Takashi agreed to learn and try to become a "Beamline Expert" before December 22, 2014. There will be a need for more beam line experts in 2015. Others expressed interest in becoming a beam line expert.
Duties of beam line expert includes:
1) Beamline expert should know the Hall-B systems.
2) Beamline expert needs to understand and be able to maintain/operate our part of the system and Hall-B devices including: 
 - Halo counters
 - Harps
 - HPS protection collimator
 - Beam viewers
 - Faraday cup
 - Beam stopper
 - HPS target including operating the stepping motors GUI to move the target (in coordination with the silicon and ecal detector groups and accelerator operation). 
 - HPS Silicon detector movement of layers 1 to 4 (in coordination with Silicon detector group and accelerator operations).
 - EPICS related stuff like scalers, GUIs and magnet controls.
 - other?

3) Most of beam related issues will be resolved with accelerator operations machine experts, not the Hall-B or experiment experts.  
- Neutrons shielding for front end boards - update: Takashi 2014-07-28Neutron.pptx

- Schedule - update: Marco
no report made
