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- Responded but  Unable to attend: 

Actual attendees:

Anjum, Kashif, Raja, Adnan, Ibrahim, Saqib, Les, Bebo


  • Anjum reports (6/23/2014) that "the proposal for conference has been submitted for approval and Pinger has been added in the agenda. Travel expenses for Les and Bebo have also been included in the conference proposal. We are awaiting the proposal approval.Prof. Abdullah Gani says we shall get the approval soon (7/16/2014). Once the approval is given the venue for the conference can be at UM or UUM.

    As discussed earlier, the only twist here is that Pinger will be seen as a case study for big data. This is good in a sense that people interested in doing research in the domain of big data can deploy pinger monitoring nodes at their respective universities/organizations and in return, play around with the data. We agreed that it looked like the 25th would be a good day for the PingER workshop. Les should be able to make it from Burkina Faso, and Bebo should be able to get back to the US for Thanksgiving.  There would be back to back presentation on how PingER gathers, archives data, what data there is, the data types, how to access etc.  by Les followed by Bebo on Google Tools for Big data.

  • Anjum suggested putting together a paper on metrics provided by PingER for Sigmetrix. The due date is in November.


"I have come up with initial proposed solution model. This model consists of several parts. The upper parts of the Figure below shows the data source, in which PingER data will be convert into RDF format. Then the data pre-processor will take care of converting RDF/XML into N-triples serialization formats using N-triples convertor module. This N-triple file of an RDF graph will be as an input and stores the triples in storage as a key value pair using MapReduce jobs"

Les fowarded by email the information from Ibrahim to Renan following the meeting


Johari is unable to attend this skype meeting. Dr. Adnan Shahid Khan who recently joined UNIMAS, will represent UNIMAS.  Adnan is coming up to speed. Adnan is on the pinger-my email list as of April 25, 2014. Adnan met yesterday with Johari. 

Johari says there is no progress on the following, the student may take up some of these issues after Ramadan:

The Raspberry Pi is at the data centre and has a public IP address. It was working last week, until the UPS failed over the weekend. It did not reboot itself. Johari will look at the problem. 


Saqib's proposal is almost ready however we do not see somewhere (funding agency) to submit it to. The next round of the FRGS may be the next opportunity. Anjum and Saqib will discuss where best to fit Saqib's proposal and Anjum will help edit the proposal.


Regarding the monitoring host in UUM, Adib has assigned one student to prepare the configuration/installation plan including how to secure their host from attack. He has a public IP address.  He needs to the DNS registration by Sunday 25th May or Monday.  He is in the last stage of working with the Computer Center. Adib requested Johari to share  the UNIMAS setting so it is easier for the student to follow. No update 6/5/2014, 6/25/2014. 


There are also several sites that seem to have power problems and are often not available at the normal early morning (Pacific time) gathering time, in particular and which can be down for days at a time. I do have a script that will ping the site at regular intervals and when/if it finally responds then try and gather the data. However we do not have a satisfactory solution to gathering data from these sites. Butims Buitms is an electrical problem thta they hope to solve in a month. UPEAH Upesh only ping pings within the country, this not understood at the moment.

The following sites have been dropped. 


  •, Still, trying to find motherboard of Dell Optiplex 760. SsyteSystem, is old, hard to find mothermotherboard, hope to solve soon.


Raja has added an optional feature to exclude water areas from the acceptable area. This reduces the error (proportional to area), but sometimes leads to a less accurate centroid. Currently it is only available for N. America. Here is a confluence page showing few examples: TULIP AIG with water exclusion
