Versions Compared


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Enter Information Common to the LS and MA:

Wiki Markup
Enter base path for the application:\[/afs/\]: /opt/perfSONAR/current/

Enter java path for the application:\[/usr/local/java/current\]:

Enter the hostname:\[\]:

Enter the max file size of the log files (indicate KB or MB):\[500KB\]:

Enter the number of backup logs to keep:\[10\]:

eXist home directory:\[/opt/exist/current\]: 

Do you want to install the RRD MA?y/n: y
Enter Information Specific to the RRD MA:

Wiki Markup
Tomcat home directory:\[/usr/local/tomcat\]: /opt/tomcat/current
Axis home directory:\[/opt/tomcat/current/webapps/axis\]: 
Enter Tomcat port:\[8080\]: 80

Be sure to edit your CLASSPATH:

Please be sure axis is installed, and tomcat is running.

Wiki Markup
Enter rrdtool path:\[/usr/local/rrdtool\]: 

Be sure to edit your LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

Wiki Markup
Enter general service name:\[Measurement Archive Service\]:

Measurement Archive access point (URL):[]:

Measurement Archive service name:\[Java MA\]:

Measurement Archive service type:\[MA\]:

Measurement Archive service description:\[Java RRD MA, perfSONAR project\]: 

Wiki Markup
Do you want to register the RRD MA with a LookupService?\[y/n\]: y

Lookup Information to register with (URL):\[\]:

MA Storage Conf File:\[/opt/perfSONAR/current//conf/rrd-database_TEST.xml\]: 

Wiki Markup
Do you want the MA to use an eXist database?\[y/n\]: y

XML database collection:\[xmldb:exist://localhost:8680/exist/xmlrpc/db/rrdmaconfig\]: xmldb:exist://localhost:80/exist/xmlrpc/db/rrdmaconfig

XML database username:\[rrdmaservice\]:

XML database password:\[rrdmaservice\]: 

Wiki Markup
Do you want the allow the MA to store data?[y/n]: y

RRD Storage Directory:\[/opt/perfSONAR/current//data/rrd/test\]: 

Wiki Markup
Do you want the installer to configure eXist for you?\[y/n\]: n

Don't forget to configure the eXist database for the RRD MA.


Do you want to install the LS?y/n: y
Enter Information Specific to the LS:

Wiki Markup
Tomcat home directory:\[/usr/local/tomcat\]: /opt/tomcat/current

Axis home directory:\[/opt/tomcat/current/webapps/axis\]:

Enter Tomcat port:\[8080\]: 80

Be sure to change your CLASSPATH:

Please be sure tomcat, axis, and eXist are running.

Wiki Markup
Lookup Information of service
 -- access point (URL):[]:

Lookup Information of service
 -- service name:\[Java LS\]:

Lookup Information of service
 -- service type:\[LS\]:

Lookup Information of service
 -- service description:\[Java LS, perfSONAR\]:

Lookup Service to register Lookup Information:\[\]:

Enter service name:\[Lookup Service\]: 

Wiki Markup
LS Storage
 -- XML database collection:\[xmldb:exist://localhost:8680/exist/xmlrpc/db/ls\]: xmldb:exist://localhost:80/exist/xmlrpc/db/ls

LS Storage
 -- XML database username:\[lookupservice\]:

LS Storage
 -- XML database password:\[sonar\]: 

Wiki Markup
Do you want the installer to configure eXist for you?\[y/n\]: n

LS Cleanup
 -- cleanup interval (ms):[180000]:

Register with LS interval (ms):[600000]:

Processing file /opt/perfSONAR/current//wsdd/ls-service-undeploy.wsdd

<Admin>Done processing</Admin>

Processing file /opt/perfSONAR/current//wsdd/ls-service-deploy.wsdd

<Admin>Done processing</Admin>

Do you want to clean up the installation?y/n: y
