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Renan 's  paper on "Linked Open Data Publication Strategies: Application in Networking Performance Measurement Data" submitted  to the Academy of Science 2014 Bigdata / SocialCom / Cybersecurity conference at Stanford May 27-31 has been accepted (last year acceptance was 8.5%) for a poster session May 29th. See  Renan and his supervisor will be coming to Stanford for the meeting.


Johari has a research student who finalized a proposal in order to officially apply for his masters.  He will start in February. He is currently working on threshold/anomaly detection, and will extend to correlating performance over multiple routes. He will share the proposal with Les and others April.


Saqib is seeing some unexplainable results from the traceroute servers at UTM. Basically traceroute from UTM works fine with -I option. Otherwise it stop at hops 10 or 11 unless he uses the -f 6 option. He documented by email and Les added it to the wiki at Traceroute at UMTThe traceroute problem is under discussion with MYREN and CICT UTM.

Saqib had a detailed discussion regarding the Packet loss at UM with Myren.  They suggest that packet loss January 11-13 of >4% loss  may be due to congestion in the UM edge router (perhaps due to high traffic or traffic filtering/shaping). They suggest to  pursue this with UM IT Division to know what is hop 11. Saqib has emailed Badrul.

The Case study is almost done. Saqib has included the packet loss analysis at Um in the case study. Waiting for the reply of MYREN and CICT to include in it. Need one more week. 

Saqib received feedback on the submitted FRGS 2014 proposal ("A Fundamental Active Internet Performance Monitoring Framework for Malaysian Research & Education Network") for 36 months.  He will update it and re-submit. He proposes to submit another in ERGS or E-Science grants. He is in discussions with his PhD. superviser to get the requirements and has started on the proposal.



Regarding the monitoring host in UUM, Adib has assigned one student to prepare the configuration/installation plan including how to secure our host from attack. He has a public IP address.  He needs to the DNS registration by Sunday or Monday.  He is in the last stage of working with the Computer Center. Adib requested Johari to share  the UNIMAS setting so it is easier for the student to follow. 


Kashif has copied new beacon list (modified pinger.xml for pakistani nodes) at  the HEC-PoP node at Khi ( By looking at the data it seems to be allowing  pings outside Pakistan. This implies, its working fine and there is no blockage (May be for some outside Pakistan nodes but not for all).  So  the new synchronized beacon list has no problem so far.

All references for the Bahawalpur site goes to Director IT, but he is still silent and we are waiting for his reply.

Kashif reports the  installation of PingER at Sahiwal is complete. Raja will add to PingER and TULIP (site is not responding - might be a power outage 11:42AM 4/23/14 Pacific Time).

The following nodes (were down for months) has been recovered by the efforts made in the last two weeks and they are working fine now. These all are also updated with the new beacon list by replacing pinger.xml file.

  4. (HEC)
  7. (node is ok but down again n again due to power outage)

Kashif is working on the rest of nodes.  Among those may be the following that have not responded to gathering data in the last month are:

No updates regarding traceroute problem at UTM. However, Saqib thinks the problem is still in CICT firewall or router as tcptracroute command works fine from UTM.

The Malaysian Case study is completed. Saqib has included the packet loss analysis at UM in the case study. 

Unfortunately the FRGS proposal was rejected as Saqib's Project leader does not have any relevant publications in his record. Saqib proposes to submit another in ERGS or E-Science grants. He is in discussions with his PhD. superviser to get the requirements and has started on the proposal.



Regarding the monitoring host in UUM, Adib has assigned one student to prepare the configuration/installation plan including how to secure our host from attack. He has a public IP address.  He needs to the DNS registration by Sunday or Monday.  He is in the last stage of working with the Computer Center. Adib requested Johari to share  the UNIMAS setting so it is easier for the student to follow. 


All references for the Bahawalpur site goes to Director IT, but he is still silent and we are waiting for his reply.

Kashif reports the  installation of PingER at Sahiwal is complete. Raja will add to PingER and TULIP (site is not responding - might be a power outage 11:42AM 4/23/14 Pacific Time).

The following nodes (were down for months) and have now been recovered by the efforts made by Kashif in the last two weeks and they are working fine now. These all are also updated with the new beacon list by replacing pinger.xml file.

  4. (HEC)
  7. (node is ok but down again n again due to power outage)

Kashif is working on the rest of nodes.  Among those may be the following that have not responded to gathering data in the last month are:




is working but having multi-hour power outages each day. This usually means that when SLAC goes to gather the data in the early morning Pacific time the host does not respond so we are unable to gather the data.  Analyzing the outages, it it appears that a good time gather the data is at ~11:00am Pacific time, since the host usually responds at that time. is working but having multi-hour power outages each day. This usually means that when SLAC goes to gather the data in the early morning Pacific time the host does not respond so we are unable to gather the data.  Analyzing the outages, it it appears that a good time gather the data is at ~11:00am Pacific time, since the host usually responds at that time.

To assist in SEECS gathering data is now available via


Raja, Umar and Les are working on a paper on TULIP and its application to Visual Tracerouting to be submitted at end of April.

PingER at SLAC 

Saqib discovered a problem with  smokeping (accessed from the left hand column of Raja fixed it. See To assist in SEECS gathering data is now available via


Raja, Umar and Les have submitted the paper on TULIP and its application to Visual Tracerouting to the Vancouver conference in November.

PingER at SLAC

Les requested an update from Yahoo about TULIP's gelocationgeolocation. They answered "We are very much interested in getting IP triangulation at internet scale, we will have internal sync-up on how we can leverage this initiative if there is rate limit and get back. Regarding opening up yahoo sites for deploying ping server requires some more time to discuss this with relevant stake holders with in yahoo." No word with in yahoo." No word, sent a reminder 5/19/2014.

Les sent email to Google as follows: "I would like to bring to your attention that we have developed a geolocation tool using delay based (using RTTs from known ping server landmarks) distance estimates to triangulate the location of an IP host target. The tools is accessible at: We have identified that the accuracy of the geolocation is directly related to the landmark density (e.g. # of landmarks/ million sq km). The higher the density the smaller the error and the fall off is exponential. We currently have over 1000 registered landmarks, of which at any given time ~300 are working. The tool not onlyonly finds the location of the target, it also gives an estimated error. To the best of our knowledge it is the only freely available delay based measurement geolocation tool service publicly available today. A drawback (compared to database methods such as those based on GeoMind) is the time taken to make the measurements. We have worked in this from manydirections including parallelization of the ping requests, caching, tiering to get the rough location (i.e. region of the world) then zooming in using all landmarks in the region. We are putting together a publication on this."Les contacted the  Hong Kong, Rutherford Lab (.uk), Daresbury Lab (.uk), CEFET (.br, UNESP(.br) and ACMESecurity (.br) PingER monitors to try and get them fixed. The Hong Kong contact has retired. The others have not responded. Les will probably disable the nodes.. We have worked on this from many directions including parallelization of the ping requests, caching, tiering to get the rough location (i.e. region of the world) then zooming in using all landmarks in the region. We are putting together a publication on this."

Old Items

Linked Open Data


See list of Projects

Future meeting  - Les

Next meeting Wednesday May 7th June 4th  2014 9:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday May 8th June 5th 2014 9:00am Pakistan time, Thursday May 8thJune 5th, 2014 noon Malaysian time, Thursday May 8thJune 5th, 2014 01:00am Rio Standard Time.

Coordinates of team members:
