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The data used is a CXI run from the Tutorial test datapsana - Python Script Tutorial Test Data.

Code Block
import sys
import numpy as np
import h5py
import psana

def gatherData(maxEventsToProcess=None):
    '''Goes through a specific experiment and run, 
    gathers specific values from the data,
    returns a two numpy arrays:
       dataArray: the gathered data
       timeArray: the event times for each row of the gathered data
                  has two fields - 'seconds' 'nanoseconds', both integers
    dataSource = psana.DataSource("exp=cxitut13:run=0022")
    srcDiode = psana.Source('DetInfo(CxiDg4.0:Ipimb.0)')
    srcGasDet = psana.Source('BldInfo(FEEGasDetEnergy)')
    epicsStore = dataSource.env().epicsStore()

    # define data type for data array and time array
    dataDtype = np.dtype([('aG',np.float), ('aD',np.float), ('aH',np.float),  
                          ('aX',np.float), ('aY',np.float), ('aZ',np.float)])

    timeDtype = np.dtype([('seconds',np.uint32),('nanoseconds',np.uint32)])

    # to minimize realloc of arrays, set the number of elements in a  block size
    blockSize = 100000
    dataArray = np.zeros(blockSize, dtype=dataDtype)
    timeArray = np.zeros(blockSize, dtype=timeDtype)

    # motor calibration
    EncoderScale = 0.005 
    Xoffset = 17050.
    Yoffset = 1056510.
    Zoffset = 1830400.
    nextArrayRow = 0
    for eventNumber, evt in enumerate(
        if maxEventsToProcess is not None and nextArrayRow >= maxEventsToProcess:
        diode = evt.get(psana.Ipimb.DataV2,srcDiode)
        gasDet = evt.get(psana.Bld.BldDataFEEGasDetEnergy,srcGasDet)
        # check that all data is present in event before adding to dataArray
        if diode is None or gasDet is None:
        # grow arrays if they are to small
        if nextArrayRow >= timeArray.size:
            timeArray.resize(timeArray.size + blockSize)
            dataArray.resize(dataArray.size + blockSize)
        timeArray[nextArrayRow] = evt.get(psana.EventId).time()
        diodeSum = diode.channel0Volts() + diode.channel1Volts() + \
                   diode.channel2Volts() + diode.channel3Volts()
        dataArray[nextArrayRow]['aD'] = diodeSum
        dataArray[nextArrayRow]['aG'] = gasDet.f_11_ENRC()
        sampleX = epicsStore.getPV('CXI:SC1:MZM:08:ENCPOSITIONGET').value(0)
        sampleY = epicsStore.getPV('CXI:SC1:MZM:09:ENCPOSITIONGET').value(0)
        sampleZ = epicsStore.getPV('CXI:SC1:MZM:10:ENCPOSITIONGET').value(0)
        dataArray[nextArrayRow]['aX'] = sampleX * EncoderScale - Xoffset
        dataArray[nextArrayRow]['aY'] = sampleY * EncoderScale - Yoffset
        dataArray[nextArrayRow]['aZ'] = sampleZ * EncoderScale - Zoffset
        dataArray[nextArrayRow]['aH'] = \
        if nextArrayRow % 1000 == 0:
            print "event %8d diode.channel0Volts=%f gasDet.f_11_ENCR=%f" % \
                (eventNumber, diode.channel0Volts(),gasDet.f_11_ENRC())
        nextArrayRow += 1

    # shrink arrays to number of events we stored data from

    return dataArray, timeArray

def H5WriteDataAndTime(dataArray, timeArray, h5filename):
    f = h5py.File(h5filename,'w')
    dataDtype = dataArray.dtype
    dataDset = f.create_dataset('data', dataArray.shape, dataDtype)
    dataDset[:] = dataArray
    timeDtype = timeArray.dtype
    timeDset = f.create_dataset('time',timeArray.shape, timeDtype)
    timeDset[:] = timeArray

def H5ReadDataAndTime(h5filename):
    f = h5py.File(h5filename)
    dataDset = f['data']
    dataArray = dataDset[:]
    timeDset = f['time']
    timeArray = timeDset[:]
    return dataArray, timeArray

if __name__ == '__main__':
    maxArraySize = None
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        maxArraySize = int(sys.argv[1])
    dataArray,timeArray = gatherData(maxArraySize)
    H5WriteDataAndTime(dataArray, timeArray, "saved_output.h5")
    dataArray,timeArray = H5ReadDataAndTime("saved_output.h5")


Code Block
import h5py   

f = h5py.File('myfile.h5'h5filename,'w')
data_comp_typedataDtype = compoundDatadataArray.dtype
data_dsetdataDset = f.create_dataset('data', compoundDatadataArray.shape, data_comp_type)
data_dset dataDtype)
dataDset[:] = dataArray
timeDtype = timeArray.dtype
timeDset = f.create_dataset('time',timeArray.shape, timeDtype)
timeDset[:] = compoundDatatimeArray

It is important to call the close() method of the h5py.File object when done.