Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Power to the hybrid is supplied through twisted pairs AVDD, DVDD, V125.

Power to the dev board is supplied through two pins of one of the 4-pin Molex connectors on the board.


Voltage (red is positive)

Nominal current


2.5 V



2.5 V



1.25 V


Dev board

6 V

1 A


DAQ software is in /u1/software/daq; run all commands from this directory.

Run "source setup_env.csh" before running any commands.

Start the GUI: "./bin/trackerGui"

Run a calibration script (trackerGui must be running): "python scripts/"


Python scripts use the commands defined in python/pythonDaq.cpp - if you make changes there, you can run "make" in the "python" directory to rebuild the Python module.


Dev board settings

ApvTrigType: sets the pulse pattern the dev board sends to the APV25 trigger input

  • DoubleTrig: send two multi-peak triggers
  • DoubleCalib: send a calib signal, then two multi-peak triggers
APV25 settings

CalibInhibit: disables calibration edge generator

CalGroup: 0-7 sets different values of the calibration edge delay (multiples of clock/8)