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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Optical measurement

We use 2011-08-10 optical measuremens from Chris:

Procedure and table of results

We calculate
S1 - 1st short side of 2x1
S2 - 2nd short side of 2x1
L1 - 1st long side of 2x1
L2 - 2nd long side of 2x1

dS and dL are the deviations of the 1st and 2nd corner along the short and long sides, respectively. The sign of all dS are chosen in order to provide correct sign for the tilt angle (the same direction for all 2x1 sensors).

Everything, excluding <dS/L> and angle(deg), are in micrometers.

Code Block
pair:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    <dS/L>  angle(deg)

Quad  0
pair: 0   20908   20908     -47     -47     43530   43536      20      26   -0.00108   -0.06186
pair: 1   20902   20884      10      -8     43538   43542       0       4   -0.00009   -0.00526
pair: 2   20903   20903     130     130     43541   43541      65      65    0.00299    0.17107
pair: 3   20904   20773      59     190     43538   43540      90      92    0.00286    0.16384
pair: 4   20906   20894     -15     -27     43541   43540       9       8   -0.00048   -0.02763
pair: 5   20905   20903     293     291     43535   43539    -140    -136    0.00671    0.38428
pair: 6   20898   20903      38      33     43540   43533      20      13    0.00082    0.04672
pair: 7   20901   20903      89      87     43539   43538      43      42    0.00202    0.11581

Quad  1
pair: 0   20905   20906     -48     -47     43539   43541      17      19   -0.00109   -0.06251
pair: 1   20906   20899       3      -4     43536   43536       4       4   -0.00001   -0.00066
pair: 2   20906   20896     -57     -47     43539   43536     -23     -26   -0.00119   -0.06843
pair: 3   20902   20909      14       7     43537   43540       2       5    0.00024    0.01382
pair: 4   20906   20891    -108    -123     43544   43537      64      57   -0.00265   -0.15199
pair: 5   20908   20903     -70     -75     43539   43545      32      38   -0.00167   -0.09540
pair: 6   20899   20902      42      39     43541   43539      24      22    0.00093    0.05330
pair: 7   20911   20896     -62     -47     43540   43538     -24     -26   -0.00125   -0.07172

Quad  2
pair: 0   20902   20909    -207    -200     43538   43535     104     101   -0.00467   -0.26781
pair: 1   20909   20904       1      -4     43537   43539       0       2   -0.00005   -0.00263
pair: 2   20899   20904    -212    -217     43538   43540    -104    -102   -0.00493   -0.28227
pair: 3   20902   20899     -94     -91     43539   43541     -48     -46   -0.00212   -0.12172
pair: 4   20908   20902    -181    -187     43541   43543      87      89   -0.00423   -0.24212
pair: 5   20906   20906       1       1     43540   43540       0       0    0.00000    0.00000
pair: 6   20913   20906     -90     -83     43541   43542     -42     -41   -0.00199   -0.11382
pair: 7   20896   20904     -96    -104     43538   43539     -46     -45   -0.00230   -0.13160

Quad  3
pair: 0   20906   20904    -166    -168     43535   43857      77     399   -0.00382   -0.21897
pair: 1   20902   20898       3      -1     43538   43537       2       1    0.00002    0.00132
pair: 2   20907   20899       0       8     43539   43537       4       2    0.00009    0.00526
pair: 3   20903   20907     -62     -66     43540   43533     -26     -33   -0.00147   -0.08423
pair: 4   20905   20669    -122    -358     43539   43476      59      -4   -0.00552   -0.31617
pair: 5   20900   20905       6      11     43540   43542      -2       0    0.00007    0.00395
pair: 6   20893   20902     -43     -52     43538   43543     -26     -21   -0.00109   -0.06251
pair: 7   20906   20904      15      17     43537   43535       7       5    0.00037    0.02106

  • Problematic measurements are:
    In quad0, row 18, Y: 76200 is changed for 67200. Chris confirm that it might be a typo.
  • All measurements are consistent with each other within +/-10um.
  • Angles of 2x1 are in the range from -0.31 to +0.38 degree.

Configuration parameters

Configuration parameters are shown in number of pixels.

For 2x1 pairs in each quad

Coordinates of the 2x1 centers

  • Use the same orientation as in optical measurement, center is calculated as an average of 4 corner coordinates
  • All coordinates in pixels
    Code Block
    self.pairXInQaud, self.pairYInQaud, self.pairZInQaud = 
     198.48,  198.05,  307.91,   95.69,  625.60,  624.69,  709.79,  497.97,  
     198.36,  198.05,  310.89,   98.49,  627.36,  627.76,  712.15,  498.90,  
     198.78,  198.04,  310.98,   97.86,  627.09,  627.61,  713.33,  500.94,  
     198.90,  198.05,  309.48,   96.66,  626.23,  626.67,  712.47,  499.68,  
     306.92,   95.08,  625.56,  625.52,  516.16,  729.09,  200.58,  201.70,  
     307.40,   95.09,  624.41,  624.85,  519.48,  731.87,  204.71,  205.30,  
     307.61,   95.10,  625.99,  626.70,  514.76,  727.56,  200.39,  201.28,  
     308.23,   95.08,  624.73,  625.09,  513.34,  726.52,  196.72,  196.82,  
       0.33,    0.28,    0.21,    0.08,    0.43,    0.43,    0.54,    0.48,  
      -0.68,   -0.42,   -1.15,   -0.87,   -1.63,   -1.86,   -1.53,   -1.07,  
      -0.37,   -0.01,   -0.50,   -0.33,   -0.89,   -0.95,   -1.01,   -0.77,  
      -0.46,   -0.37,   -0.68,   -0.41,   -1.16,   -1.25,   -1.11,   -1.79,

Hand-maid coordinate correction for 2x1 in quads (in pixel)

Code Block
                            #   0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
        self.dXInQaud    = [[   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0], 
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0], 
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0], 
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0]] 
        self.dYInQaud    = [[   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0], 
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,  -7,  -7, -10, -10], 
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0], 
                            [   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   2]]

2x1-pair orientation angle (degree) in quads

Code Block
        self.pairInQaudOrient = [ [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180],
                                  [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180],
                                  [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180],
                                  [ 270, 270, 180, 180,  90,  90, 180, 180] ]

Sensor tilt angle (dergee) from optical measurement

Code Block
self.dPhi = [ [-0.06186, -0.00526,  0.17107,  0.16384, -0.02763,  0.38428,  0.04672,  0.11581],  
              [-0.06251, -0.00066, -0.06843,  0.01382, -0.15199, -0.09540,  0.05330, -0.07172],  
              [-0.26781, -0.00263, -0.28227, -0.12172, -0.24212,  0.00000, -0.11382, -0.13160],  
              [-0.21897,  0.00132,  0.00526, -0.08423, -0.31617,  0.00395, -0.06251,  0.02106] ]


Quad coordinates in the detector

Code Block
offX   = 40
offY   = 40
gapX   = 0
gapY   = 0
shiftX = 38
shiftY = 38

self.quadXOffset = [ off+0-gapX+shiftX,  off+  0+0-gapX-shiftX,  off+834-2+gapX-shiftX,  off+834+0+gapX+shiftX]
self.quadYOffset = [ off+3-gapY-shiftY,  off+834-1+gapY-shiftY,  off+834-5+gapY+shiftY,  off+  0+2-gapY+shiftY]