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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0
Table of Contents

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:

main.hh - declares enums and functions - implements getters and other utility functions and classes.
myana.hh - declaration of user functions (beginrun, event etc) - implementation of user functions (beginrun, event etc) - same as, but has more examples.



These are the namespaces used.

Code Block
namespace  	Pds
namespace  	Pds::CsPad


Define some aliases.

Code Block
#define 	getOpal1kConfig(x)   getFrameConfig(x)
#define 	getTm6740Config(x)   getFrameConfig(x)
#define 	getOpal1kValue(w, x, y, z)   getFrameValue(w, x, y, z)
#define 	getTm6740Value(w, x, y, z)   getFrameValue(w, x, y, z)

#define 	FNAME_LEN   256
#define 	Opal1kDetectorIndex(x, y)   FrameDetectorIndex(x, DetInfo::Opal1000, y)
#define 	Tm6740DetectorIndex(x, y)   FrameDetectorIndex(x, DetInfo::TM6740 , y)
#define 	FccdDetectorIndex(x, y)   FrameDetectorIndex(x, DetInfo::Fccd, y)


These are "named integers" that are used to control e.g. which detector to fetch information from.
Most of these are copied from pdsdata/xtc/DetInfo.hh.

Code Block
enum  	AcqDetector {
  AmoIms = 0, AmoGasdet = 1, AmoETof = 2, AmoITof = 3,
  AmoMbes = 4, AmoVmiAcq = 5, AmoBpsAcq = 6, Camp = 7,
  SxrBeamlineAcq1 = 0, SxrBeamlineAcq2 = 1, SxrEndstationAcq1 = 2, SxrEndstationAcq2 = 3,
  NumAcqDetector = 8
enum  	FrameDetector {
  AmoVmi = 0, AmoBps1 = 1, AmoBps2 = 2, SxrBeamlineOpal1 = 0,
  SxrBeamlineOpal2 = 1, SxrEndstationOpal1 = 2, SxrEndstationOpal2 = 3, SxrFccd = 4,
  XppSb1PimCvd = 0, XppMonPimCvd = 1, XppSb3PimCvd = 2, XppSb4PimCvd = 3,
  NumFrameDetector = 5
enum  	PrincetonDetector {
  SxrBeamlinePrinceton1 = 0, SxrBeamlinePrinceton2 = 1,
  SxrEndstationPrinceton1 = 2, SxrEndstationPrinceton2 = 3,
  AmoPrinceton1 = 0, AmoPrinceton2 = 1,
  AmoPrinceton3 = 2, AmoPrinceton4 = 3,
  NumPrincetonDetector = 4
enum  	IpimbDetector {
  SxrBeamlineIpimb1 = 0, SxrBeamlineIpimb2 = 1, SxrBeamlineIpimb3 = 2,
  SxrBeamlineIpimb4 = 3, SxrBeamlineIpimb5 = 4, SxrBeamlineIpimb6 = 5,
  SxrBeamlineIpimb7 = 6, SxrBeamlineIpimb8 = 7, SxrBeamlineIpimb9 = 8,
  SxrBeamlineIpimb10 = 9, SxrBeamlineIpimb11 = 10, SxrBeamlineIpimb12 = 11,
  SxrBeamlineIpimb13 = 12, SxrBeamlineIpimb14 = 13, SxrBeamlineIpimb15 = 14,
  SxrBeamlineIpimb16 = 15,
  SxrEndstationIpimb1 = 16, SxrEndstationIpimb2 = 17, SxrEndstationIpimb3 = 18,
  SxrEndstationIpimb4 = 19, SxrEndstationIpimb5 = 20, SxrEndstationIpimb6 = 21,
  SxrEndstationIpimb7 = 22, SxrEndstationIpimb8 = 23, SxrEndstationIpimb9 = 24,
  SxrEndstationIpimb10 = 25, SxrEndstationIpimb11 = 26, SxrEndstationIpimb12 = 27,
  SxrEndstationIpimb13 = 28, SxrEndstationIpimb14 = 29, SxrEndstationIpimb15 = 30,
  SxrEndstationIpimb16 = 31,
  XppSb1Ipm = 0, XppSb1Pim = 1, XppMonPim = 2, XppSb2Ipm = 3,
  XppSb3Ipm = 4, XppSb3Pim = 5, XppSb4Pim = 6, NumIpimbDetector = 32
enum  	PnCcdDetector { PnCcd0 = 0, PnCcd1 = 1, NumPnCcdDetector = 2 }
enum  	EncoderDetector { SxrBeamlineEncoder1 = 0, NumEncoderDetector = 1 }
enum  	Result { OK, End, Error }


These are defined in

Code Block
  typedef vector< AcqWaveForm >  AcqChannelList
  typedef int(*)  TEpicValueFuncPtr (const EpicsPvHeader &epicsPv1, const void **ppValue,
                                     int *piDbrype, struct tm *pTmTimeStamp, int *piNanoSec)


These are all defined in

  • struct AcqWaveForm
    Public Attributes
    Code Block
       double 	        vfTrig
       vector< double > 	vfTime
       vector< double > 	vfVoltage
  • class myLevelIter
    Public Member Functions
    Code Block
            // Constructor
     	myLevelIter (Xtc *xtc, unsigned depth, int iDebugLevel)
            void 	process( const DetInfo &di, const ... &cfg) // lots of these
            // one process function for each device configuration.
            int 	process (Xtc *xtc)
  • class XtcSlice
    Public Member Functions
    Code Block
    	XtcSlice (std::string fname)
     	~XtcSlice ()
    bool 	add_file (std::string fname)
    void 	init ()
    Result 	next (Pds::Dgram *dg)
    Result 	skip ()
    const Pds::Dgram & 	hdr () const
  • class XtcRun
    Public Member Functions
    Code Block
     	XtcRun ()
     	~XtcRun ()
    void 	reset (std::string fname)
    bool 	add_file (std::string fname)
    const char * 	base () const
    void 	init ()
    Result 	next (Pds::Dgram *dg)


These are all declared in main.hh and implemented in

Time functions and file name

Code Block
int 	getTime (int &seconds, int &nanoSeconds)
int 	getLocalTime (const char *&time)
int 	getFiducials (unsigned &fiducials)
const char * 	getInputName ()
const char * 	getFileName ()
void 	saveName (const char *file, char *dest)

Configuration retrieval functions:

Code Block
int 	getAcqConfig (AcqDetector det, int &numChannels, int &numSamples, double &sampleInterval)
int 	getFrameConfig (FrameDetector det)
int 	getPrincetonConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId,
                            int &width, int &height,
                            int &orgX, int &orgY,
                            int &binX, int &binY)
int 	getIpimbConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, uint64_t &serialID,
                        int &chargeAmpRange0, int &chargeAmpRange1,
                        int &chargeAmpRange2, int &chargeAmpRange3)
int 	getEncoderConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId)
int 	getFccdConfig (FrameDetector det, uint16_t &outputMode,
                       bool &ccdEnable, bool &focusMode, uint32_t &exposureTime,
                       float &dacVoltage1, float &dacVoltage2, float &dacVoltage3,
                       float &dacVoltage4, float &dacVoltage5, float &dacVoltage6,
                       float &dacVoltage7, float &dacVoltage8, float &dacVoltage9,
                       float &dacVoltage10, float &dacVoltage11, float &dacVoltage12,
                       float &dacVoltage13, float &dacVoltage14, float &dacVoltage15,
                       float &dacVoltage16, float &dacVoltage17,
                       uint16_t &waveform0, uint16_t &waveform1, uint16_t &waveform2,
                       uint16_t &waveform3, uint16_t &waveform4, uint16_t &waveform5,
                       uint16_t &waveform6, uint16_t &waveform7, uint16_t &waveform8,
                       uint16_t &waveform9, uint16_t &waveform10, uint16_t &waveform11,
                       uint16_t &waveform12, uint16_t &waveform13, uint16_t &waveform14)
int 	getDiodeFexConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float *base, float *scale)
int 	getIpmFexConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId,
                        float *base0, float *scale0, float *base1, float *scale1,
                        float *base2, float *scale2, float *base3, float *scale3,
                        float &xscale, float &yscale)
int 	getCspadConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, unsigned &quadMask, unsigned &asicMask)
int 	getCspadConfig (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, Pds::CsPad::ConfigV1 &cfg)

L1Accept (event/shot) Data retrieval functions

Code Block
int 	getAcqValue (AcqDetector det, int channel, double *&time, double *&voltage)
int 	getAcqValue (AcqDetector det, int channel, double *&time, double *&voltage, double &trigtime)
int 	getFrameValue (FrameDetector det, int &frameWidth, int &frameHeight, unsigned short *&image)
int 	getPrincetonValue (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, unsigned short *&image)
int 	getPrincetonTemperature (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float &temperature)
int 	getIpimbVolts (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId,
                      float &channel0, float &channel1, float &channel2, float &channel3)
int 	getFeeGasDet (double *shotEnergy)
int 	getEBeam (double &charge, double &energy, // charge and energy
                  double &posx, double &posy,     // position (x,y)
                  double &angx, double &angy)     // angle (x,y)
int 	getEBeam (double &charge, double &energy, // charge and energy
                  double &posx, double &posy,     // position (x,y)
                  double &angx, double &angy,     // angle (x,y)
                  double &pkcurr)                 // current
int 	getPhaseCavity (double &fitTime1, double &fitTime2, double &charge1, double &charge2)
int 	getPvInt (const char *pvName, int &value)
int 	getPvFloat (const char *pvName, float &value)
int 	getPvString (const char *pvName, char *&value)
int 	getPnCcdValue (int deviceId, unsigned char *&image, int &width, int &height)
int 	getEvrDataNumber ()
int 	getEvrData (int id, unsigned int &eventCode, unsigned int &fiducial, unsigned int &timeStamp)
int 	getEncoderCount (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, int &encoderCount)
int 	getDiodeFexValue (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float &value)
int 	getIpmFexValue (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, int iDevId, float *channels,
                        float &sum, float &xpos, float &ypos)
int 	getCspadQuad (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, unsigned quad, const uint16_t *&pixels)
int 	getCspadQuad (Pds::DetInfo::Detector det, unsigned quad, const Pds::CsPad::ElementV1 *&data)

Control data retrieval functions

Code Block
int 	getControlPvNumber ()
int 	getControlPvName (int pvId, const char *&pvName, int &arrayIndex)
int 	getControlValue (const char *pvName, int arrayIndex, double &value)
int 	getMonitorPvNumber ()
int 	getMonitorPvName (int pvId, const char *&pvName, int &arrayIndex)
int 	getMonitorValue (const char *pvName, int arrayIndex, double &hilimit, double &lolimit)

Advanced interface

Code Block
int 	getEpicsPvNumber ()
int 	getEpicsPvConfig (int iPvId, const char *&sPvName, int &iType, int &iNumElements)
int 	getEpicsPvValue (int pvId, const void *&value,
                         int &dbrype, struct tm &tmTimeStamp, int &nanoSec)
void 	fillConstFrac (double *t, double *v, unsigned numSamples,
                       float baseline, float thresh, TH1 *hist)
void 	fillConstFrac (double *t, double *v, unsigned numSamples,
                       float baseline, float thresh, double *edge, int &n, int maxhits)

Program control functions

Code Block
void 	usage (char *progname)
void 	makeoutfilename (char *filename, char *outfilename)
void 	anarun (XtcRun &run, unsigned &maxevt, unsigned &skip, int iDebugLevel)
int 	main (int argc, char *argv[]) and myana.hh


Code Block
void 	beginjob ()
void 	beginrun ()
void 	begincalib ()
void 	event ()
void 	endcalib ()
void 	endrun ()
void 	endjob () and myana.hh


Code Block
void 	beginjob ()
void 	beginrun ()
void 	begincalib ()
void 	event ()
void 	endcalib ()
void 	endrun ()
void 	endjob ()