Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • psana.cfg - set non-default parameters to run psana for ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder and ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFilter
    The psana running this script saves images and peaks for event 115 in text files.
  • - Plots image and spectrum for image saved in file.
  • - Plots image with found peaks and spectrum.


Examples for package cspad_mod

Example for module cspad_mod::CsPad2x2Pedestals

Configuration file for pedestals calibration of two CSPAD2x2 simultaneously:

Code Block

files = /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xpptut13/xtc/e308-r0070-s02-c00.xtc \
modules = cspad_mod.CsPad2x2Pedestals:0 \

#skip-events = 100
#events = 1111

source = DetInfo(XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.0)
output = pedestals-ave-xppi0513-r0070-Cspad2x2.0.dat
noise  = pedestals-rms-xppi0513-r0070-Cspad2x2.0.dat

source = DetInfo(XppGon.0:Cspad2x2.1)
output = pedestals-ave-xppi0513-r0070-Cspad2x2.1.dat
noise  = pedestals-rms-xppi0513-r0070-Cspad2x2.1.dat

Command to run this script:

Code Block

psana -c psana-xppi0513-r0070-cspad2x2-pedestals.cfg

The xtc file name(s) may be passed as an argument:

Code Block

psana -c psana-xppi0513-r0070-cspad2x2-pedestals.cfg /reg/d/psdm/xpp/xpptut13/xtc/e308-r0070-*.xtc

Output files contain results, which can be plotted for average values:
Image AddedImage Added
and rms values:
Image AddedImage Added

Example for package CSPadPixCoords

How to write the CSPad image in text file:


See Package CSPadPixCoords

Example for


module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2ImageProducer

See Module CSPadPixCoords::CSPad2x2ImageProducer


Code Block
files    = /reg/d/psdm/mec/mec73313/xtc/e268-r0180-s02-c00.xtc
#calib-dir = ./calib

modules  = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib CSPadPixCoords.CSPad2x2ImageProducer ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile
events   = 5

source        = DetInfo(MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.3)
inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated_arr
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

calibDir       = /reg/d/psdm/mec/mec73313/calib
typeGroupName  = CsPad2x2::CalibV1
#source        = DetInfo(MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.3)
source         = :Cspad2x2.3
inkey          = calibrated_arr
outimgkey      = Image
tiltIsApplied  = true
print_bits     = 15

source         = DetInfo(MecTargetChamber.0:Cspad2x2.3)
key            = Image
fname          = cspad2x2.3
saveAll        = true
print_bits     = 3
#eventSave     = 5

Example for


package ImgPixSpectra

See Package ImgPixSpectra



generates image for limited range of pixels for CSPad, MiniCSPad, or Camera, respectively:

Examples for


package ImgAlgos

See Package ImgAlgos

Example for


module ImgAlgos::Tahometer

See Module ImgAlgos::Tahometer


Code Block
files         = /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc\

modules       = ImgAlgos.Tahometer

dn         = 10
print_bits = 7

Example for


module ImgAlgos::PnccdImageProducer

See Module ImgAlgos::PnccdImageProducer


This script saves text files with images like pnccd-img-ev-<run-date-time.nsec>.txt, which can be presented as:

Example for


module ImgAlgos::CameraImageProducer

See Module ImgAlgos::CameraImageProducer


./ImgAlgos/data/ <filename>.txt <Amin> <Amax>

Example for


module ImgAlgos::PrincetonImageProducer

See Module ImgAlgos::PrincetonImageProducer


Code Block
files         = /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc\
modules       = ImgAlgos.PrincetonImageProducer \
events          = 3

source          = DetInfo(:Princeton)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 31

source        = DetInfo(:Princeton)
key           = img
fname         = img-xcs
saveAll       = true
print_bits    = 31

Example for


module ImgAlgos::ImgAverage

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgAverage


Code Block
files   = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name>.xtc
modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
events  = 1000

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key             = img
avefile         = img-ave.dat
rmsfile         = img-rms.dat
print_bits      = 31
evts_stage1     = 100
evts_stage2     = 100
gate_width1     = 200
gate_width2     = 20

Example for


module ImgAlgos::ImgMaskEvaluation

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgMaskEvaluation


Masks: noisy, saturated, and combined:

Example for


module ImgAlgos::ImgCalib

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgCalib


Example of the mask file and resulting image:

Example for


module ImgAlgos::ImgRadialCorrection

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgRadialCorrection


Calibrated and radial-corrected image, spectrum, and subtracted r-phi12 distribution for n_phi_bins=12:

Example for


module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder


  1. raw image,
  2. image in the window with amplitudes above the threshold_low
    • few peaks at the edges were discarded by the window limits,
    • image still contains many 1-photon pixels, which need to be eliminated,
  3. smeared image,
  4. raw image with found peaks (marked by the red circles)
  5. zoom of the previous plot.

Example for


module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFilter

Code Block
source         = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key            = peaks
threshold_peak = 5
threshold_total= 0
n_peaks_min    = 10
print_bits     = 11
fname          = img
selection_mode = SELECTION_ON

Example for


module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinderAB

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinderAB


Code Block
files   = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name>.xtc
modules = ImgAlgos.CameraImageProducer \
events  = 10

source          = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key_in          = 
key_out         = img
subtract_offset = true
print_bits      = 1

source                 = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key                    = img
key_peaks_out          = peaks
#key_signal_out        = signal-arr
#hot_pix_mask_inp_file = ana-misc-exp/mask.dat
#hot_pix_mask_out_file = noise-mask-out.dat
#frac_noisy_evts_file  = noise-frac-out.dat
evt_file_out           = tmp/img-

rmin                =    10
dr                  =     1
SoNThr_noise        =     3
SoNThr_signal       =     3
frac_noisy_imgs     =   0.9
peak_npix_min       =     3
peak_npix_max       =   100
peak_amp_tot_thr    =     0.
peak_SoN_thr        =     4.
event_npeak_min     =     5
event_npeak_max     =  1000
event_amp_tot_thr   =     0.
nevents_mask_update =     0
nevents_mask_accum  =    50
selection_mode      = SELECTION_ON
out_file_bits       =    15
print_bits          =   513


Example for


module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectra

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectra
Configuration file for psana:


This script can be used in order to produce text files with image and spectral array:

or graphics for several images:

Example for


module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectraProc

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgSpectraProc
Configuration file for psana:


Code Block
[info:ImgAlgos.ImgSpectraProc] Spectral array shape =3, 1024
[info:ImgAlgos.ImgSpectraProc] Image spectra for run=0060 Evt=000100
Column:       0     100     200     300     400     500     600     700     800     900    1000
Signal:    1211    4062   11150   17070   16406   12949    7991    5168    3968    3542    3811
Refer.:     933    3485   10425   17128   17791   13522    8315    5000    3390    2967    3193
Diff. :   0.259   0.153   0.067  -0.003  -0.081  -0.043  -0.040   0.033   0.157   0.177   0.176
[info:ImgAlgos.ImgSpectraProc] Run=0060 Evt=000100 Time=20120507-125420.982421325 done...

Example for


module ImgAlgos::ImgSaveInFile

Code Block
modules = ... ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:1 ...

source         = DetInfo(:Opal1000)   # or CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key            = img
fname          = my-img
#ftype          = txt
#ftype          = bin
#ftype          = png
ftype          = tiff
#eventSave     = 5
saveAll        = true

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgSaveInFile

Example for


module ImgPeakFinder and ImgPeakFilter for CSPad

Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder works on image. In order to apply this algorithm to CSPad the image should be produced. In next example the image is produced using consequtive modules cspad_mod.CsPadCalib, ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply, and CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer:

Code Block
files   = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc \

events      =  1000
experiment  = cxii0212
calib-dir   = ana-cxii0212/calib

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply \
          CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer \
          ImgAlgos.ImgPeakFinder \
          ImgAlgos.ImgPeakFilter \

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = yes

source            = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inkey             = calibrated
outkey            = masked_arr
mask_fname        = <your-local-directory>/<mask-file-name>.dat
masked_amp        =  0
print_bits        =  5
mask_control_bits = 15

calibDir       = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/calib
typeGroupName  = CsPad::CalibV1
source         = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key            = masked_arr
imgkey         = img
print_bits     =  0
#tiltIsApplied  = true

source         = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key            = img
peaksKey       = peaks
threshold_low  = 2
threshold_high = 5
sigma          = 1.5
smear_radius   = 5
peak_radius    = 7
xmin           = 20
xmax           = 1700
ymin           = 20
ymax           = 1700
#testEvent      = 5
print_bits     = 3
#finderIsOn     = true

source         = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key            = peaks
threshold_peak = 5
threshold_total= 0
n_peaks_min    = 10
print_bits     = 11
fname          = cspad-img
selection_mode = SELECTION_ON

source         = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key            = img
fname          = cspad-img
#eventSave     = 1
saveAll        = true

Example for


module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrAverage

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrAverage


Images of the CSPad arrays for averaged and rms values, respectively, in one of the CXI runs:

Example for


module ImgAlgos::CSPadBkgdSubtract

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadBkgdSubtract


Input parameter mask_control_bits allows to control masking regions of 2x1. For example, if all edges need to be masked, then use mask_control_bits = 15, which gives image array like:

where red regions/lines of pixels of amplitude=8 are masked.

Example for


module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrNoise

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrNoise


Selected events



Example for


module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakAnalysis

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakAnalysis
