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  • ReactionModel:
    • Wiki Markup
      +rxn_expressions\*+ \- These expressions determine the elementary reaction, and are the most important part of the model. They must be defined unless the elementary_rxns, adsorbate_names, transition_state_names, and gas_names are all explicitly defined since the rxn_expressions are parsed into these 3 attributes. It is much easier to just define rxn_expressions, although it is important to note the syntax. There must be spaces between all elements of each expression (i.e. C*+O\* is not okay, but C\* + O\* is), and species ending with \_g are gasses by default. Adsorbed species may end with * or \_x where * designates adsorption at the "s" site (by default), while \_x designates adsorption at the "x" site (note that "x" may be any letter except "g", and that X* and X_s are equivalent). Transition-states should include a \-, and reactions with a transition-state are specified by 'IS <-> TS \-> FS' while reactions without a transition-state are defined as 'IS \-> FS' (where IS,TS,FS are expressions for the Initial/Transition/Final State). When the model initializes it checks the expressions for mass/site balances, and if it finds that they are not balanced it will raise an exception. \[list of strings\]. Instead of specifying rxn_expressions the following attributes may instead be defined:
      • Wiki Markup
        elementary_rxns - list version of rxn_expressions. These will be automatically populated if rxn_expressions are defined. \[list of lists of lists\]
      • Wiki Markup
        adsorbate_names - list of adsorbate names included in the analysis. Automatically populated if rxn_expressions are defined.\[list of strings\]
      • Wiki Markup
        transition_state_names\* - list of transition-state names included in the analysis. Automatically populated if rxn_expressions are defined. \[list of strings\]
      • Wiki Markup
        +gas_names+ \- list of gas names included in the analysis. \[list of strings\]
    • Wiki Markup
      +surface_names+ \- list of surface names to be included in the analysis. \[list of strings\]
    • Wiki Markup
      +gas_pressures+ \- list of gas pressures to be used for the analysis. May not be defined if ThermodynamicScaler is being used with pressure as a descriptor and gas_ratios is defined. \[list of numbers in bar\]
    • Wiki Markup
      gas_ratios - list of gas ratios to be used for the analysis. Only necessary if ThermodynamicScaler is being used to determine the overall pressure. \[list of dimensionless numbers\]
    • Wiki Markup
      +temperature+ \- temperature used for the analysis. May not be defined if ThermodynamicScaler is being used with temperature as a descriptor. \[number in Kelvin\]
    • Wiki Markup
      +site_definitions+ \- definitions for all sites used in rxn_expressions. Note that * defaults to 's' so 's' should always be defined. The values of the dictionary can be strings corresponding to the "site" field in the input file, or a list of strings if a site definition corresponds to multiple values of the "site" field. \[dictionary of string:(string OR list of strings)\]
    • Wiki Markup
      +site_totals+ \- dictionary of total which each site must sum to. \[dictionary of string:(floatable string OR dimensionless number)\]
    • Wiki Markup
      +descriptor_names+ \- names of variables to be used as descriptors. \[list of strings\]
    • Wiki Markup
      parser - name of class to use for solver. Defaults to KineticsParser. \[string\]
    • Wiki Markup
      mapper - name of class to use as a mapper. Defaults to MinResidMapper. \[string\]
    • Wiki Markup
      scaler - name of class to use for scaler. Defaults to GeneralizedLinearScaler. \[string\]
    • Wiki Markup
      solver - name of class to use for solver. Defaults to SteadyStateSolver. \[string\]
    • Wiki Markup
      thermodynamics - name of class to use for thermodynamic corrections. Defaults to ThermoCorrections. \[string\]
    • Wiki Markup
      coverage_map_file - file to save coverage map data. \[filepath string\]
    • Wiki Markup
      rate_map_file - file to save rate map data. \[filepath string\]
