Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.






  • Not


  • all


  • nodes


  • are


  • in


  • a


  • town.


  • There


  • are


  • 947


  • nodes


  • but


  • only


  • 938


  • are


  • in


  • a


  • town.


  • Investigate


  • why.


  • |Priority=4|


  • There


  • is


  • no


  • distinction


  • between


  • Packet


  • 100,


  • Packet


  • 1000.


  • See





  • There


  • are


  • some


  • nodes


  • in




  • that


  • do


  • not


  • have


  • longitude


  • or


  • latitude


  • parameters.


  • |Priority=2|














    • and




  • Remove


  • Nodes


  • Programatically


  • according


  • to


  • some


  • "Context".


  • Verify


  • security


  • of


  • Sesame


  • Server.


  • Do


  • I


  • need


  • to


  • set


  • up


  • User/Password?


  • |Priority=2|




  • this




  • Make


  • a


  • better


  • plan


  • to


  • populate


  • the


  • repository.


  • |Priority=4|


    • A


    • file


    • keeping


    • the


    • last


    • action


    • taken


    • to


    • insert


    • a


    • triple


    • could


    • be


    • used


    • to


    • resume


    • the


    • execution


    • of


    • the


    • program


    • if


    • an


    • error


    • (bug,


    • timeout,


    • or


    • connection


    • problem)


    • occurs.


    • Make


    • a


    • more


    • segmented


    • task


    • flow


    • to


    • increase


    • the


    • chance


    • of


    • populating


    • everything.


    • |Priority=3|


    • Read


    • about


    • context


    • indexes.


    • |Priority=3|


  • Study


  • and


  • test


  • visualization


  • tools.


  • |Priority=5|








  • Search


  • about


  • Lucene+Sparql


  • to


  • increase


  • and


  • enhance


  • the


  • results


  • for


  • querying


  • over


  • School


  • Names.


  • |Priority=3|


  • Search


  • data


  • sets


  • about


  • schools


  • other


  • than


  • DBPedia.


  • There


  • are


  • some


  • endowment


  • and


  • number


  • of


  • students


  • from


  • DBPedia


  • that


  • are


  • not


  • execatly


  • numbers.


  • For


  • example,


  • "app.


  • 95,000".


  • Right


  • now


  • I


  • am


  • discarding


  • this


  • kind


  • of


  • data.


  • Maybe


  • I


  • should


  • retrieve


  • the


  • number


  • information


  • from


  • these


  • data


  • (question).


  • Working on storing PingER measurement data into the RDF storage. (June 21)
  • Testing Open RDF Sesame as a triple storage.
  • Testing the generated RDF data in visualization tools such as Google Explorer.


  • Geographic data about a sample of PingER monitored and monitoring nodes (the %NODE_DETAILS) is already inserted in the RDF storage (hence using our ontology) and is query-able using our own Sparql Endpoint. (June 20)
    • Towns, Countries, Continents, and Schools are inserted. However, it is needed to investigate how the results can be enhanced, retrieving more and better data.
Could do
  • Create a package under the package 'general' to write the ontology. Create constant classes for each prefix. Then, when programming, instead of writing strings for each statement, you would refer to the constants created. For example, create a class called GNONT with a constant called NAME. Then, when programming you would use GNONT.NAME. |Priority=2|
  • The method


  • can


  • be


  • optimized.


  • There


  • is


  • a


  • test


  • that


  • verifies


  • if


  • the


  • geonames


  • username


  • has


  • been


  • overused


  • hence


  • blocked.


  • If


  • it


  • is,


  • try


  • another


  • username.


  • There


  • could


  • be


  • a


  • priority


  • scheduling


  • policy;


  • a


  • Map


  • with


  • priorities


  • could


  • be


  • used


  • to


  • implement.


  • The


  • username


  • that


  • was


  • able


  • to


  • be


  • used


  • would


  • receive


  • higher


  • priority


  • than


  • blocked


  • usernames.


  • |Priority=1|


  • Maybe


  • there


  • is


  • a


  • better


  • way


  • to


  • get


  • HTML


  • content


  • on


  • HttpGetter.readPage()...


  • BufferedReader


  • br


  • =


  • new


  • BufferedReader(new


  • InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream(),"UTF-8"));


  • For


  • the


  • File


  • f


  • =


  • log1.txt,


  • do


  • something


  • like:


  • FileSizeInMB


  • =


  • f.length


  • /


  • (1024)^2;


  • Then,


  • if


  • (FileSizeInMB


  • >


  • 1)


  • int


  • curr


  • =


  • number


  • of


  • the


  • string;




  • =


  • LOG_FILE_PATH.replace("log



  • .txt",


  • "log



  • .txt")


Priority = |1..5|