Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


svn update <package>
psvn tag -p <package> V01-02-03

Problems can arise if your working directory is checked out from a tagged release in the repository (you cannot make changes into something that is tagged - it has been finalized). If this is the case, do the following

svn info #this prints the URL you have checked the package out from, is /tags/ in the path?
svn switch <path to to trunk location for the package>
svn update # get the latest from trunk
svn ci ... # commit any local changes you wish to trunk, update doc/ChangeLog in your commit
psvn tag V01-02-03

If the psvn tag command doesn't work, it may be because your are having svn copy code from the working directory rather than from a revision of trunk into a tag. The command

psvn tag V00-28-08

is equivalent to

svn copy . $SIT_SVN/O2OTranslator/tags/V00-28-08

which probably does not do exactly what you intend. TO fix this you need to copy trunk to tags. This can be done in couple of ways:

  1. Find revision of the files that you committed (appears in output of svn commit, say it is 6404), then use it with psvn tag:

psvn tag -e 6404 V00-28-08

  1. Use svn copy:

svn copy $SIT_SVN/O2OTranslator/trunk $SIT_SVN/O2OTranslator/tags/V00-28-08

Package sub-directory names convention


cd <your-release-directory>
mkdir <package>/include
mkdir <package>/src
mkdir <package>/app
mkdir <package>/test

for C++ header (*.h), source (*.cpp), application (*.cpp), and test-application (*.cpp) files, respectively.
By default all files in src with include will be compiled and put in the package library. The files in app will be also compiled and moved in the <release>/arch/<architecture>/bin - default release bin directory. In order to compile and run modules from test directory use commands:
