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Wiki Markup
This outline is based on the <a href="">Project Plan</a>.
<h3> Project Progress </h3>

						To define the vocabulary used by PingER as well as its terms, concepts, taxonomy, and relations between each of the terms.
						We are basing our ontology on the one proposed by the project MOMENT <a href="">[1]</a> described by the article <i>Measurement Ontology for IP traffic (MOI); IP traffic measurement ontologies architecture</i>, by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) <a href="">[2]</a>.
						More terms and relations were added and edited on the based ontology. More specifically, metrics were properly added (Directivity, Conditional Loss Probability, Duplicate Packets, Inter-Packet Delay Variation, Out of Order Packets, TCP Throughput, Ping Unpredictability, Ping Unreachability, and Zero Packet Loss Frequency). Statistical measurements were also added (Inter-quartile Range, Median, 75%, 90%, and 95%). Information about the nodes were also added based on the Confluence page specifications <a href="">[3]</a> (Site Name, Nick Name, Full Name, Contact for the host, Comments, Trace Server, App User, Ping Size, Ping Server, URL, Project Type, and GMT).
						Other existing ontologies are also being linked to our ontology: 
						<ul type="circle">
							<li>The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Geopolitical (FAO) <a href="">[4]</a> to support the definitions of country, continent, and region. </li>
							<li>Friend of a Friend (FOAF) <a href="">[5]</a> to support the description of the Contact for the host.</li>
							<li>DBPedia <a href="">[6]</a>, the ontology and the resources, will be used to provide more variety of information about geographic locations or any other thing Wikipedia has that can be related to PingER. So it should be possible to make very specific and sophisticated queries.</li>
			<li>To do
						Test and verify if the ontology works as desired. It is likely that small modifications and adaptations will be needed. Verify if the instances created with the ontology are consistent.
						We started building the ontology on May 29, 2013.
		<b>RDF Repository</b>
						To establish a good environment for the RDF <a href="">[7]</a> repository.
						After analyzing the existing technologies for RDF Repository <a href="">[8]</a>, Jena SDB <a href="">[9]</a> backed with MySQL was chosen to be the storage for all the RDF data.
						Some instances for the classes of the ontology were created for testing and loaded into the repository.
						A SPARQL Endpoint <a href="">[10]</a><a href="">[11]</a> was set up locally (on the developer's machine) and can be used to query the repository. Java Web with Tomcat Servlets is being used for the web server.
			<li>To do
						Cross data with multiple data sets. Use SPARQL Queries that link multiple data sets (FOAF, DBPedia, FAO, etc) with our data set. Run these queries on the local (developer’s machine) SPARQL Endpoint.
						Load data programatically into the repository.
						Started on June 5, 2013.
		<b>Generate RDF Data</b>
						Generate RDF data from PingER data using the ontology built.
			<li>To do
						Analyze and study the data from PingER. Find out a good way to write the data in RDF format.	
						Analyze the raw data. Verify the standards and patterns and check if we can use good technologies to extract the data from the raw data, transform it to RDF format, and load them into the RDF repository. Do some search about Kettle/Pentaho ETL tools <a href=",_transform,_load">[12]</a><a href="">[13]</a>.


[1] Project MOMENT Ontologies. Retrieved from <a href=""></a> on June 5, 2013.
[2] ETSI. Measurement Ontology for IP traffic (MOI); IP traffic measurement ontologies architecture. Retrieved from <a href=""></a> on June 5, 2013.
[3] PingER Node Details. Retrieved from <a href=""></a> on June 5, 2013.
[4] Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Ontology. Retrieved from <a href=""></a> on June 5, 2013.
[5] Friend of a Friend Ontology. Retrieved from <a href=""></a> on June 5, 2013.
[6] DBPedia. Retrieved from <a href=""></a> on June 5, 2013.
[7] Resource Description Framework (RDF). Retrieved from <a href=""></a> on June 5, 2013.
[8] Comparison of Triple Stores. Retrieved from <a href=""></a> on June 5, 2013.
[9] Jena SQL DB. Retrieved from <a href=""></a> on June 7, 2013.
[10] SPARQL. Retrieved from <a href=""></a> on June 5, 2013.
[11] SPARQL Endpoint. Retrieved from <a href=""></a> on June 5, 2013.
[12] Extract, Transform, Load (ETL). Retrieved from <a href=",_transform,_load">,_transform,_load</a> on June 5, 2013.
[13] Pentaho Kettle Project. Retrieved from <a href=""></a> on June 5, 2013.