Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Default GUI
  • Extended GUI
  • Internal logger Image Removed Image Removed Image Removed
  • Help box
  • Warning message box
    Image AddedImage Added
    Image AddedImage AddedImage Added


LogBookGrabber contains buttons, check boxes, edit and info fields, graphical viewer/editor window, which functionality is explained below.


  • Grab – click on this button activates cursor to select the window or grab any rectangular area on monitor.
  • Load – activates the file selection menu to load the image from file. Image will appear in the Attachement window.
  • Reset – clears the graphical Attachement window.
  • Submit – submits entire message in ELog
  • Save cfg. – saves current configuration in the file confpars-grabber.txt
  • Close – closes the window, save current configuration parameters, and exit application.
  • Select tag – activates the drop-down menu to select the tag from the list of known in the DB.


  • Author – user ID, who is an author of this message.
  • Experiment – experiment name, for example amodaq09
  • Instrument – instrument name, one of the list AMO, XPP, SXR, XCS, CXI, MEC
  • Last submitted message ID: the last successfully submitted message ID number.
  • Instrumental ELog – instrumental ELog name for submission of the message copy, if the Copy to ins. ELog check box is on.

Image viewer/editor

  • Attachement – graphical window for image which will be attached to the message and will show-up in ELog. This window has a simple graphical editor, which allows to crop the significant part of the image.
    To crop - press left/right mouse button on image, grag, and release in other point of the image. During mouse dragging, the rectangular with dashed-line boarder will show the selected region for zoom-in. Click on middle mouse button undo zoom-in. Up to 10 zoommed-in images can be undo.

How to run application

Code location

Code resides in the directory:


and consists of modules:

Code Block

Command line

To start the LogBookGrabber application use command line:

Code Block

setenv PYTHONPATH ${PYTHONPATH}:/reg/g/pcds/pds/grabber/lib/python2.7/site-packages

/reg/g/pcds/pds/grabber/bin/ -i <INSTRUMENT> -e <experiment-name> -u <user-name> -p <password> -w <web-service>


Code Block
/reg/g/pcds/pds/grabber/bin/ -i AMO -e amodaq09 -u amoopr -p <password> -w

Code location

Optional parameters

Optional parameters can be seen using "-h" optionCode resides in the directory:

/reg/g/pcds/pds/grabber/bin/ -h

Code Block

and consists of modules:

Code Block
  -h, --help              show this help message and exit
  -i INSSTA, --ins=INSSTA the name of an instrument and station <INS>[:<station-number>]
  -e EXP, --exp=EXP       the name of some specific experiment
  -w URL, --url=URL       the base URL of the LogBook web service
  -u USR, --usr=USR       the user name to connect to the web service
  -p PAS, --pas=PAS       the password to connect to the web service
  -c CFNAME, --cfg=CFNAME the file name with configuration parameters
  -m CMD, --cmd=CMD       the command for child message