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Some Talks and Demos of Interest at Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems XIV, Pasadena, CA, Oct 17-21, 2004


  • Blind Deconvolution, Tony Chan (UCLA)
    Both the image and psf are recovered from a blurred and noisy image.
  • Pan-STARRS, Eugene Magnier, IfA
    • Killer asteroid finder
    • 4 x 1.8 m telescopes, each with 3 deg fov and 1G pixel CCD.
    • "All-Sky" (30,000 sq deg) survey every 7 nights down to 24 mag (5 sigma)
    • Online c. 2008-2009; PS1 prototype Jan 2006
    • Sloan-like filter selection
  • GOODS: The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey
    • HST, Chandra, Spitzer + XMM-Newton
    • Useful for finding galaxies and QSOs for z > 4 and type Ia SNe for 0.2 < z < 2.
  • Science with Virtual Observatory tools Paolo Padovani, ESO
    "Doing real science without doing real observations."
    • The next logical step after online catalogs (NED , Simbad), online databases (HEASARC) and central access points (CADC)
    • 1 Tb of new data/night (!?)
    • VO standards and protocols IVOA
    • in situ data analysis (e.g., Aladin)
    • Exercise: Multiwavelength analysis of GOODS data (HDF, CDF + ground-based spectroscopy) to identify QSO 2s Padovani et al.
  • Aladin and the VO FAQ
    • AVO interface for displaying and analyzing multiwavelength data, specifically correlating catalog data with astronomical images.
    • Implemented in Java
  • SExtractor
    • Source identification tool
    • Has its own optimal filtering algorithm.
    • Used at Saclay for LAT source catalog generation.
"Focus" Demos
  • NVO
    • How to make astronomical data and catalogs available using standard VO protocols.
    • Registry Services support publishing of data, querying of specific databases, and harvesting wherein different registries allow information to be passed between them so that a query at one registry may find data at a different one.
  • Python Tools for Analysis and Visualization of Astronomical Data
    • Tools from Space Telescope Science Institute:
      • numarray A replacement for the Numeric package; offers similar array manipulation functionality as matlab or IDL.
      • PyFITS A nice interface for accessing data in FITS files.
      • numdisplay Steer image display using ds9 or ximtool from Python.
      • PyRAF Python replacement for the IRAF command language.
    • matplotlib A default plotting package for Python?\\\\
      An example plot:
      Code Block
      from matplotlib.matlab import *
      def join(x, sign=1):
          x1 = list(x)
          x2 = list(sign*x)
          return array(x1)
      func = "x**3 - x + 1"
      f = eval("lambda x: " + func)
      x = arange(-2, 8, 0.01)
      y2 = f(x)
      indx = where(y2 > 0)
      x = x[indx]
      y = sqrt(y2[indx])
      x = join(x)
      y = join(y, -1)
      figure(1, figsize=(6, 6))
      plot(x, y, 'k')
      xymax = 20
      plot([0, 0], [-xymax, xymax], ':b', [-xymax, xymax], [0, 0], ':g')
      xx = arange(-1, 8)
      yy = sqrt(f(xx))
      indx = where((yy % 1) == 0)
      plot(xx[indx], yy[indx], "D")
      eq = '$y^2 = ' + func.replace('**', '^').replace('*', '') + '$'
      legend((eq, '$x=0$', '$y=0$'))
      xlim(-1.5, 2)
      ylim(-2, 2)

      Here is the result:\\\\
      Image Added\\\\
      An example of image display using this package:\\\\
      Code Block
      import pyfits
      from matplotlib.matlab import *
      dc1_map ="dc1_counts_map.fits")
      im = dc1_map[0].data.copy()
      figure(1, figsize=(8, 4))
      imshow(log10(im[0] + 1e-5))

      and the resulting image:\\\\
      Image Added

