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Windows-i386-32bit-vc90 debug

  1. Obtain python source from
  2. Ungzip/Untar source
  3. execute Tools/buildbot/externals.bat  (this will download and compile python externals such as sqlite)
    This requires svn be in your path (I chose visualsvn available from
  4. Also need NASM (netwide assembler available from - Python's readme suggests renaming nasm to nasmw.exe and putting it in our path) needed for hashlib and openssl
  5. Open VC2008 solution file (pcbuild.sln) in PCbuild directory
  6. Choose Debug Configuration
  7. Build the entire solution
  8. Try running Tools\buildbot\test.bat from the command line to run tests on the python build


started really building the shared python library but also need the static lib for GR and ST too.  Need to hide the shared library during installation to avoid using it during the install process for things like numpy.
