Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Execute ./configure --prefix /afs/ --enable-shared
  2. Execute make
  3. Execute make install
  4. Leave and erase the current directory (Python-2.7.2)
  5. Wiki Markup
    install additional python modules the same way as python 2.7.1 instruction. As for matplotlib, most of matplolib unit tests requires functions from PIL imaging module which in turn requirez zlib.crc32 which has been an issue for us. After consulting with the users, we agreed that if in the future the users start to use functions in PIL, we will come back to re-visit the PIL issue again. For now, we will just skip the PIL module installation as we always have. Also there is a Scipy unit test need to be fixed after the Scipy installation. Edit scipy/stats/tests/, change line #10 from "assert_raises" to "assert_raises, assert_" and change line #72 from "assert_array_less(crit\[:-1\], A)" to "assert_(A > crit\[-1\])".

distribute 0.6.16 for use with pip

  1. curl -O
  2. python


curl | python


  1. Download numpy-1.6.1.tar.gz from
  2. Extract numpy-1.6.1.tar.gz
  3. Change directory to numpy-1.6.1
  4. unset LDFLAGS, CFLAGS if set above
  5. python build --fcompiler=gnu95   (for gfortran)
  6. python install
  7. Run the test routine by starting up python and doing:
    import numpy
  8. Leave and erase the current directory (numpy-1.6.1) 


These modules should additionally be installed into python after updating PATH to point to the new python binary.

distribute 0.6.16 for use with pip

  1. curl -O
  2. python
