Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
source         = DetInfo(:Opal1000)
key            = peaks
threshold_peak = 5
threshold_total= 0
n_peaks_min    = 10
print_bits     = 11
fname          = img
selection_mode = SELECTION_ON

Example for Module





Code Block

modules = ... ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:1 ...

source         = DetInfo(:Opal1000)   # or CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
Code Block

files   = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc \

events  =  img
fname  =  1000
experiment  = cxii0212
calib-dir   = anamy-cxii0212/calib

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
#eventSave            ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply \
= 5
saveAll        = true

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgSaveInFile

Example for Module ImgPeakFinder and ImgPeakFilter for CSPad

Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder works on image. In order to apply this algorithm to CSPad the image should be produced. In next example the image is produced using consequtive modules cspad_mod.CsPadCalib, ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply, and CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer:

Code Block

files   = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc  CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer \
          ImgAlgos.ImgPeakFinder \
          ImgAlgos..ImgPeakFilter \.


events      =  1000
outputKey   experiment  = calibratedcxii0212
doPedestalscalib-dir   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = yes


modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
            = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inkeyImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply \
          CSPadPixCoords.CSPadImageProducer \
   =  calibrated
outkey     ImgAlgos.ImgPeakFinder \
      = masked_arr
mask_fname    ImgAlgos.ImgPeakFilter \
         = <your-local-directory>/<mask-file-name>.dat
masked_amp ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:1

inputKey      = 
outputKey =  0
print_bits  = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus =  5
doCommonMode  = 15yes

calibDirsource            = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/calib
typeGroupName  = CsPad::CalibV1
inkey             = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
outkey            = masked_arr
imgkeymask_fname        = <your-local-directory>/<mask-file-name>.dat
masked_amp        =  img0
print_bits        =  0
#tiltIsApplied 5
mask_control_bits = true15

source calibDir        = DetInfo(= /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/calib
typeGroupName  = CsPad::CalibV1
source         = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key            = img
imgkey         = peaksimg
threshold_lowprint_bits     = 2
threshold_high 0
#tiltIsApplied  = 5
sigma true

source         = 1.5
key   = 5
peak_radius    = 7
xmin   = img
peaksKey       = peaks
threshold_low  = 2
threshold_high = 5
sigma          = 1.5
smear_radius   = 5
peak_radius    = 7
xmin           = 20
xmax           = 1700
ymin           = 20
ymax           = 1700
#testEvent      = 5
print_bits     = 3
#finderIsOn     = true

source         = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key            = peaks
threshold_peak = 5
threshold_total= 0
n_peaks_min    = 10
print_bits     = 11
fname          = cspad-img
selection_mode = SELECTION_ON

source         = CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0
key            = img
fname          = cspad-img
#eventSave     = 1
saveAll        = true

Example for Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrAverage

See Module ImgAlgos::



Configuration file example for evaluation of pedestals:

Code Block

modules = ... ImgAlgos.ImgSaveInFile:1 ...ImgAlgos.CSPadArrAverage
files   = <path-to-the-dark-run-file>.xtc

source         = DetInfo(:Opal1000)   # or CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key     =
avefile = cspad-pedestals-ave.dat
rmsfile = cspad-pedestals-rms.dat
print_bits   = img15
fnameevts_stage1 = 100
evts_stage2        = my-img
#eventSave     = 5
saveAll        = true

See Module ImgAlgos::ImgSaveInFile

Example for Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrAverage


= 100
gate_width1 = 100
gate_width2 =  10

Configuration file example for evaluation of pedestalsbackground:

Code Block
modulesfiles   = ImgAlgos.CSPadArrAverage
files   = <path-to-the-darkbackground-run-file>.xtc

[modules     = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib ImgAlgos.CSPadArrAverage]
source skip-events = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
events      =
avefile = cspad-pedestals-ave.dat
rmsfile = cspad-pedestals-rms.dat
print_bits 1000000

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = 15calibrated
evts_stage1doPedestals = 100
evts_stage2 = 100yes
gate_width1doPixelStatus = 100
doCommonMode  =  10

Configuration file example for evaluation of background:

Code Block

files  no

source  = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key     = <path-to-the-background-run-file>.xtc
modules    calibrated
avefile = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib ImgAlgos.CSPadArrAverage
skip-events = 500
events      = 1000000

inputKey    -background-ave.dat
rmsfile = cspad-background-rms.dat
print_bits  = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = 15

Images of the CSPad arrays for averaged and rms values, respectively, in one of the CXI runs:
Image AddedImage Added

Example for Module ImgAlgos::CSPadBkgdSubtract

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadBkgdSubtract

Code Block

files = /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>.xtc \
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

source  = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key     = calibrated
avefile = cspad-background-ave.dat
rmsfile = cspad-background-rms.dat
print_bits  = 15

Images of the CSPad arrays for averaged and rms values, respectively, in one of the CXI runs:
Image RemovedImage Removed

Example for Module ImgAlgos::CSPadBkgdSubtract

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadBkgdSubtract

Code Block

files = /reg/d/psdm /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-1>2>.xtc \
        /reg/d/psdm/<instrument>/<experiment>/xtc/<file-name-2>.xtc \
skip-events = 500
events      = 10
modules     = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib ImgAlgos.CSPadBkgdSubtract

inputKey      = 
outputKey     = calibrated
doPedestals   = yes
doPixelStatus = no
doCommonMode  = no

source        = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
inputKey      = calibrated
outputKey     = bkgd_subtracted
bkgd_fname    = <the-file-name-with-background-array>
norm_sector   = 0
print_bits    = 3


Selected events



Example for


Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakAnalysis

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakAnalysis

Example of the psana configuration file:

Code Block

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \

This example demonstrates how to run psana with the time stamp filter and event writer in xtc file.
Both modules are available in psana library and they need only to be described in the configuration file. For example, the configuration file tstamp-filter-and-event-writer.cfg may looks like:

Code Block

[psana]         ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder \

# ...configuration parameters of other modules...

source             = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
files   = peaks
print_bits     = /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/e158-r0021-s00-c00.xtc \
  = 7
fname_root         = file.root

After execution in psana the file.root containing histogram(s) and ntuple(s) will be produced. Then, auxiliary script in root, running by the commend
root -q -f proc.C
produces the plots with histograms:

Image AddedImage Added

Example for TimeStampFilter and XtcOutputModule

This example demonstrates how to run psana with the time stamp filter and event writer in xtc file.
Both modules are available in psana library and they need only to be described in the configuration file. For example, the configuration file tstamp-filter-and-event-writer.cfg may looks like:

Code Block

[psana]          /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/e158-r0021-s01-c00.xtc \
files         = /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/e158-r0021-s02s00-c00.xtc \
                /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/e158-r0021-s03s01-c00.xtc \
                /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/e158-r0021-s04s02-c00.xtc \

skip-events   = 10
events \
        = 100
modules       = ImgAlgos.TimeStampFilter  /reg/d/psdm/<INSTRUMENT>/<experiment>/xtc/e158-r0021-s04-c00.xtc \

skip-events   = 10
events        = 100
modules       = ImgAlgos.TimeStampFilter  PSXtcOutput.XtcOutputModule 

dirName       = ./test_out

tsinterval    = 2012-02-02 18:17:00.409143728 / 2012-02-02 18:17:00.525853474
filterIsOn    = true
print_bits    = 11


See also: Module ImgAlgos::TimeStampFilter and PSXtcOutput::PSXtcOutput

Example for Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakAnalysis

See Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrPeakAnalysis

Example of the psana configuration file:

Code Block

modules = cspad_mod.CsPadCalib \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadMaskApply \
          ImgAlgos.CSPadArrPeakFinder \

# ...configuration parameters of other modules...

source             = DetInfo(CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0)
key                = peaks
print_bits         = 7
fname_root         = file.root

After execution in psana the file.root containing histogram(s) and ntuple(s) will be produced. Then, auxiliary script in root, running by the commend
root -q -f proc.C
produces the plots with histograms:

Image RemovedImage Removed