Versions Compared


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Re-named from deprecated module CSPadPixCoords::CSPadImageGetTest.
Moved to ImgAlgos::SaveImageInFileImgSaveInFile.

Package ImgPixSpectra

For complete reference see the Doxygen documentation.


  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Opal1000)") – source of data,
  • key_in (default: "") – key for input data,
  • key_out (default: "pnccdimg") – output key for image saved in event,
  • input data,
  • key_out (default: "pnccdimg") – output key for image saved in event,
  • subtract_offset (default: true) – on/off the amplitude offset using configuration data
  • print_bits (default: 0) – verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • +1 - input pars,
    • +2 - time stamp for each event,
    • +4 - summary at the endJob,
    • +8 - details about data format conversion and applied offset.

See also Example for Module ImgAlgos::PnccdImageProducer.

Module ImgAlgos::ImgCalib

Module configuration parameters:

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Camera)") – source of data,
  • key_in (default: "") – key for input image,
  • key_out (default: "calibrated") – output key for calibrated image saved in event,
  • subtract_offset (default: true) – on/off the amplitude offset using configuration data
  • fname_peds (default: "") – input file name for pedestals
  • fname_bkgd (default: "") – input file name for background,
  • fname_gain (default: "") – input file name for gain,
  • fname_mask (default: "") – input file name for mask,
  • masked_value (default: 0) – amplitude value (in ADU) substituted for masked pixels,
  • bkgd_row_min (default: 0) – the window in image, which is used for background normalization,
  • bkgd_row_max (default: 10) – the window in image, which is used for background normalization,
  • bkgd_col_min (default: 0) – the window in image, which is used for background normalization,
  • bkgd_col_max (default: 10) – the window in image, which is used for background normalization,subtract_offset (default: true) – on/off the amplitude offset using configuration data
  • print_bits (default: 0) – verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • +1 - input pars,
    • +2 - time stamp for each event,
    • +4 - summary at the endJob,
    • +8 - details about data format conversion and applied offset.


    • detailed info about input files for pedestals, mask, background, and gain.

Module ImgAlgos::ImgRadialCorrection


See also Example for Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFilter.

Module ImgAlgos::



SaveImageInFile ImgSaveInFile is a psana module class, which works after the CSPadImageProducer or CSPadInterpolImageProducer. It receives the CSPadPixCoords::Image2D<double> or ndarray<double,2> image object from the event. (This image object may be used in further data processing.) For test purpose, the image of particular event, defined by the eventSave parameter in configuration file, is saved in the text file with standard predefined name like cspad_image_ev<number>.txt.


See also Example for Module ImgAlgos::ImgSaveInFile.

Module ImgAlgos::SaveImageInFile (depricated)

This module is renamed in ImgAlgos::ImgSaveInFile.

Module ImgAlgos::CSPadArrSaveInFile
