Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • source (default: "DetInfo()") – source of data
  • key (default: "") – key for input image data
  • peaksKey (default: "peaks") – key for output list of peaks
  • threshold_low (default: 10) – low threshold on pixel amplitude
  • threshold_high (default: 100) – high threshold on pixel amplitude
  • sigma (default: 1.5) – width of the Gaussian for smearing; =0-no smearing
  • smear_radius (default: 13) – radius in pixel for smearing
  • peak_radius (default: 3) – radius in pixel for peak finding
  • xmin (default: 0) – minimal column number
  • xmax (default: 100000) – maximal column number
  • ymin (default: 0) – minimal row number
  • ymax (default: 100000) – maximal row number
  • testEvent (default: 0) – event number to save images and print info for test purpose
  • finderIsOn (default: true) – On/Off algorithm
  • print_bits (default: 0) – finder verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • +1 - input pars,
    • +2 - summary,
    • +4 - number of peaks in the event,
    • +8 - per event each peak parameters,
    • +16- info about input image format.


This module use results and should work after the ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder.
It gets the vector of peaks for the source and key, loops over all founded peaks and counts the number of peaks above the thresholds threshold_peak and threshold_total. If the filterIsOn selection_mode is "on" ("true" or "yes" state) SELECTION_ON" and the number of found peaks exceeds the n_peaks_min the event is passed for further analysis/processing,
the table of found peaks may be saved in file with prefix defined by the fname parameter.

Module configuration parameters:

  • source (default: "DetInfo()") – source of data
  • key (default: "peaks") – key for input list of peaks, should be the same as peaksKey in ImgPeakFinder
  • selection_mode (default: "SELECTION_ON") – three possible options:
    • SELECTION_ON is a normal mode for selector,
    • SELECTION_OFF selector is turned off, all events are passed,
    • SELECTION_INV inversed mode for selector - selected events are discarded.
  • threshold_peak (default: 0) – threshold on peak amplitude
  • threshold_total(default: 0) – threshold on total peak intensity (in the matrix around peak)
  • n_peaks_min (default: 1) – minimal number of peaks above all thresholds
  • selection_mode fname (default: "SELECTION_ON") – SELECTION_ON / SELECTION_OFF / SELECTION_INVfile name prefix; by default the prefix is empty and file is not saved
  • print_bits (default: 0) – filter verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • +1 - input pars,
    • +2 - summary,
    • +4 - peaks' info,
    • +8 - event record,
    • +16 - event ID.

Module ImgAlgos::SaveImageInFile
