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Module CSPadPixCoords::SaveImageInFile

(Re-named from deprecated module CSPadPixCoords::CSPadImageGetTest).
Moved to ImgAlgos::SaveImageInFile is a psana module class, which works after the CSPadImageProducer or CSPadInterpolImageProducer. It receives the CSPadPixCoords::Image2D<double> or ndarray<double,2> image object from the event. (This image object may be used in further data processing.) For test purpose, the image of particular event, defined by the eventSave parameter in configuration file, is saved in the text file with standard predefined name like cspad_image_ev<number>.txt.

Module configuration parameters:

  • source (default: "CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0") – source of data,
  • key (default: "Image2D") – input image key,
  • eventSave (default: 0) – event number to save the CSPad image file,
  • saveAll (default: false) – save or not all selected events,
  • fname (default: "cspad_image_ev") – common part of the output file name, event number with extension ".txt" will be added at the end.
  • print_bits(default: 0) – verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • +1 - input pars,
    • +2 - info about saved files.

Package ImgPixSpectra

For complete reference see the Doxygen documentation.


Package ImgPixSpectra is available since release ana-0.4.1. It uses classes from the package CSPadPixCoords V00-02-01 or higher. To add this package in release use command:
addpkg CSPadPixCoords HEAD

Package ImgPixSpectra is intended to accumulate the spectra for all pixels of the image array.
Different modules of this package work with different data types for detectors like CSPad, mini-CSPad, Opal, Princeton camera, etc. All modules have the same interface and the same functionality.
In the loop over events from beginJob to endJob the image pixel amplitudes are accumulated in the 2-d array,
of the shape (<number-of-pixels>, <number-of-spectral-bins>). The first parameter is defined by the image size. The second is passed as an external parameter of the psana configuration file (psana.cfg) along with minimal and maximal amplitudes. At the endJob the spectral array is saved in file with specified name. Auxiliary file with the name extension *.sha is created in order to save the shape parameters. For example, the "mini-cspad-pix-spectra.txt.sha" outpuit file contains

Code Block

NPIXELS  143560
NBINS    100
AMIN     500
AMAX     1000
ARRFNAME mini-cspad-pix-spectra.txt

This information can be used in analysis or presentation of this array.

Module ImgPixSpectra::CSPadPixSpectra

Module configuration parameters:

  • source (default: "CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0" ) – source of data for CSPad
  • events (default: 1<<31U ) – number of events before stop a job
  • inputKey (default: "" ) – input key for data processing stage
  • amin (default: 0. ) – minimal spectral amplitude
  • amax (default: 1000. ) – maximal spectral amplitude
  • nbins (default: 100 ) – number of bins in spectra
  • arr_fname (default: "..._spectral_array.txt" ) – output file name

Module ImgPixSpectra::MiniCSPadPixSpectra


Package ImgPixSpectra

For complete reference see the Doxygen documentation.


Package ImgPixSpectra is available since release ana-0.4.1. It uses classes from the package CSPadPixCoords V00-02-01 or higher. To add this package in release use command:
addpkg CSPadPixCoords HEAD

Package ImgPixSpectra is intended to accumulate the spectra for all pixels of the image array.
Different modules of this package work with different data types for detectors like CSPad, mini-CSPad, Opal, Princeton camera, etc. All modules have the same interface and the same functionality.
In the loop over events from beginJob to endJob the image pixel amplitudes are accumulated in the 2-d array,
of the shape (<number-of-pixels>, <number-of-spectral-bins>). The first parameter is defined by the image size. The second is passed as an external parameter of the psana configuration file (psana.cfg) along with minimal and maximal amplitudes. At the endJob the spectral array is saved in file with specified name. Auxiliary file with the name extension *.sha is created in order to save the shape parameters. For example, the "mini-cspad-pix-spectra.txt.sha" outpuit file contains

Code Block

NPIXELS  143560
NBINS    100
AMIN     500
AMAX     1000
ARRFNAME mini-cspad-pix-spectra.txt

This information can be used in analysis or presentation of this array.

Module ImgPixSpectra::CSPadPixSpectra

Module configuration parameters:

  • source (default: "CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0" ) – source of data for CSPad
  • events (default: 1<<31U ) – number of events before stop a job
  • inputKey (default: "" ) – input key for data processing stage
  • amin (default: 0. ) – minimal spectral amplitude
  • amax (default: 1000. ) – maximal spectral amplitude
  • nbins (default: 100 ) – number of bins in spectra
  • arr_fname (default: "..._spectral_array.txt" ) – output file name

Module ImgPixSpectra::MiniCSPadPixSpectra

The only difference in interface of this module from previous is in the default name for the source parameter and the output file name.

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Cspad2x2)" ) – source of data for MiniCSPad

Module ImgPixSpectra::CameraPixSpectra

The only difference in interface of this module from previous is in the default name for the source parameter and the output file name.

  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Cspad2x2SxrBeamline.0:Opal1000.1)" ) – source of data for MiniCSPad

Module ImgPixSpectra::CameraPixSpectra

The only difference in interface of this module from previous is in the default name for the source parameter and the output file name.

  • Opal camera
  • source (default: "DetInfo(:Princetonsource (default: "DetInfo(SxrBeamline.0:Opal1000.1)" ) – source of data for Opal camera
    orsource (default: "DetInfo(: Princeton )" ) – source of data for Princeton camera

See also Example for Package ImgPixSpectra.


Code Block
struct Peak{
   double x;
   double y; 
   double ampmax;  // amplitude in the peak masimum   
   double amptot;  // total amplitude in the range of {{peak_radius}}
   unsigned npix;  // number of pixels in the range of {{peak_radius}}
} ;

Module configuration parameters:

  • source (default: "DetInfo()") – source of data
  • key (default: "") – key for input image data
  • peaksKey (default: "peaks") – key for output list of peaks
  • threshold_low (default: 10) – low threshold on pixel amplitude
  • threshold_high (default: 100) – high threshold on pixel amplitude
  • sigma (default: 1.5) – width of the Gaussian for smearing
  • smear_radius (default: 1) – radius in pixel for smearing
  • peak_radius (default: 3) – radius in pixel for peak finding
  • xmin (default: 0) – minimal column number
  • xmax (default: 100000) – maximal column number
  • ymin (default: 0) – minimal row number
  • ymax (default: 100000) – maximal row number
  • testEvent (default: 0) – event number to save images and print info for test purpose
  • finderIsOn (default: true) – On/Off algorithm
  • print_bits (default: 0) – finder verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • +1 - input pars,
    • +2 - summary,
    • +4 - number of peaks in the event,
    • +8 - per event each peak parameters,
    • +16- info about input image format.


  • This algorithm consumes ~15 ms/event on psana0101 for full Opal1000 (1024x1024) camera image.
  • Smearing algorithm use a "safety margin" which is currently set to 10 pixels (offset from each boarder of the full image size).

See also Example for Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder.

Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFilter


Module configuration parameters:

  • source (default: "DetInfo()") – source of data
  • key (default: "") – key for input image data
  • peaksKey (default: "peaks") – key for output list of peaks
  • threshold_low (default: 10) – low threshold on pixel amplitude
  • threshold_high (default: 100) – high threshold on pixel amplitude
  • sigma (default: 1.5) – width of the Gaussian for smearing
  • smear_radius (default: 1) – radius in pixel for smearing
  • peak_radius (default: 3) – radius in pixel for peak finding
  • xmin (default: 0) – minimal column number
  • xmax (default: 100000) – maximal column number
  • ymin (default: 0) – minimal row number
  • ymax (default: 100000) – maximal row number
  • testEvent (default: 0) – event number to save images and print info for test purpose
  • finderIsOn (default: true) – On/Off algorithm
  • print_bits (default: 0) – finder verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • +1 - input pars,
    • +2 - summary,
    • +4 - number of peaks in the event,
    • +8 - per event each peak parameters,
    • +16- info about input image format.


  • This algorithm consumes ~15 ms/event on psana0101 for full Opal1000 (1024x1024) camera image.
  • Smearing algorithm use a "safety margin" which is currently set to 10 pixels (offset from each boarder of the full image size).

See also Example for Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder.

Module ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFilter

This module use results and should work after the ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder.
It gets the vector of peaks for the source and key, loops over all founded peaks and counts the number of peaks above the thresholds threshold_peak and threshold_total. If the filterIsOn is "on" ("true" or "yes" state) and the number of found peaks exceeds the n_peaks_min the event is passed for further analysis/processing.

Module configuration parameters:

  • source (default: "DetInfo()") – source of data
  • key (default: "peaks") – key for input list of peaks, should be the same as peaksKey in ImgPeakFinder
  • threshold_peak (default: 0) – threshold on peak amplitude
  • threshold_total(default: 0) – threshold on total peak intensity (in the matrix around peak)
  • n_peaks_min (default: 1) – minimal number of peaks above all thresholds
  • filterIsOn (default: true) – On/Off the filter
  • print_bits (default: 0) – filter verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • +1 - input pars,
    • +2 - summary,
    • +4 - peaks' info,
    • +8 - event ID.

Module ImgAlgos::SaveImageInFile

SaveImageInFile is a psana module class, which works after the CSPadImageProducer or CSPadInterpolImageProducer. It receives the CSPadPixCoords::Image2D<double> or ndarray<double,2> image object from the event. (This image object may be used in further data processing.) For test purpose, the image of particular event, defined by the eventSave parameter in configuration file, is saved in the text file with standard predefined name like cspad_image_ev<number>.txtThis module use results and should work after the ImgAlgos::ImgPeakFinder.
It gets the vector of peaks for the source and key, loops over all founded peaks and counts the number of peaks above the thresholds threshold_peak and threshold_total. If the filterIsOn is "on" ("true" or "yes" state) and the number of found peaks exceeds the n_peaks_min the event is passed for further analysis/processing.

Module configuration parameters:

  • source (default: "DetInfo()CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0") – source of data
  • key (default: "peaks") – key for input list of peaks, should be the same as peaksKey in ImgPeakFinder
  • ,
  • key threshold_peak (default: 0"Image2D") – threshold on peak amplitudethreshold_totalinput image key,
  • eventSave (default: 0) – threshold on total peak intensity (in the matrix around peak)event number to save the CSPad image file,
  • saveAll n_peaks_min (default: 1false) – minimal number of peaks above all thresholdssave or not all selected events,
  • fname filterIsOn (default: true) – On/Off the filter"cspad_image_ev") – common part of the output file name, event number with extension ".txt" will be added at the end.
  • print_bits(default: 0) – filter verbosity:
    • =0 - print nothing,
    • +1 - input pars,
    • +2 - summary,
    • +4 - peaks' info,
    • +8 - event IDinfo about saved files.

Module ImgAlgos::Tahometer
