Versions Compared


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Code Block
veto BackSeal: ((Cal67Sum - 66.)/33.5)^2 + ((Cal67Diff + .4)/7.2)^2 < 1.2 && CalLLRms < 30
Code Block
veto LowE: CalEdgeEnergy>0 && CalEdgeEnergyRatio >  (LogCalEnergyRaw -.5)/2.


Code Block
veto VtxSideSeal: (CalDeltaEdgeEnergy < .6  && CalDeltaEdgeEnergy < 6/CalEdgeEnergy & CalEdgeEnergy < 190)
Code Block
filter Vtx: (CTBTkrCoreCalDoca<32.3 || (CTBTkrCoreCalDoca<152 && XtalRmsTkrCoreDoca<-10)) && XtalRmsTkrCoreDoca < (2- .15*CTBTkrCoreCalDoca)  && Tkr1CoreHC > 0
Code Block
filter notVTXSplit: VtxAngle == 0
Code Block
veto TkrSideSeal: (CalDeltaEdgeEnergy < .75 || (CalDeltaEdgeEnergy < .95 - (30./(CalEdgeEnergy+20))^2 & CalEdgeEnergy < 300)) && CalDeltaEdgeEnergy < (1.1 - CalEdgeEnergy/200)
Code Block
filter nTkrFront: TkrNumTracks > 1 && Tkr1FirstLayer < 5 && (CTBTkrCoreCalDoca<40.56 || (CalXtalRatio<0.105 & EvtECalTransRms<3.45))
Code Block
filter nTkrBack: "TkrNumTracks > 1 && Tkr1FirstLayer > 5 && ((CTBTkrSHRCalAngle>0.142 && CTBTkrCoreCalDoca<16.7) || (CTBTkrSHRCalAngle<0.142 && XtalRmsTkrCoreDoca<-15.4))









VTX Split

notVTX Split

Vtx && VtxSideSeal

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notVTX && TkrSideSeal && 1Tkr Split

notVTXTkrSideSealnTkrFront notVTX && TkrSideSeal && nTkr && Front Split

notVTXTkrSideSealnTkrBack notVTX && TkrSideSeal && nTkr && Back Split

notVTXTkrSideSeal1TkrFront notVTX && TkrSideSeal && 1Tkr && Front Split

notVTXTkrSideSeal1TkrBack notVTX && TkrSideSeal && 1Tkr && Back Split

VtxAngle issue

The number of vertexed events (VtxAngel >0) is roughly a factor of 10 less in Pass8. The issue is that the extraction of tracks from trees does not result in 2 tracks which vertex very often, Tracy has been working on this. Below is the comparison of VtxAngle for Pass7 (v17r31), v19r4p1gr14, and v20r3p4 which shows the difference in this variable between the three passes.
